Chapter eight: study partners

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Since I had been with Kyungsoo all day at practice, the bully didn't show up, and the little guy seemed quite pleased with no interruptions. No matter how much he said he didn't care, I knew he did. Even if he didn't feel pain, it still must've bothered him, even if he didn't notice it himself.

"You have your book, right?" he asked when we walked up the stairs to his room as he finally had arrived to his house, and I smiled awkwardly whilst scratching the back of my neck. 

"Uhm, I actually forgot to bring it with me," I muttered embarrassed. 

He sighed with a disapproval look at me. "Really? How could you forget it?" he asked, obviously annoyed, but I just giggled embarrassed. 

I didn't want that to stop us from studying though. "I'll just read with you," I said as I sat even closer to him by the small table he had on the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder as I read through the book as well, and he seemed pretty tense at first, but he eventually relaxed afterwards. "You don't need to be shy. It's only us, and we're friends, right? Just be natural, and be yourself," I said reassuringly, and he slowly nodded in response. 

We ended sitting like that for around an hour until we finished reading together. We were both pretty tired, and I could barely manage to keep my eyes open. 

I fished out my notebook and a pencil to write in it, and when I placed it on the table, I saw Kyungsoo resting on it with his head on his arm. 

I giggled to myself and waved my hands in front of his face. "Kyungsoo," I sang with a low whispering voice, "are you asleep?" He didn't respond - or even open his eyes - so I was guessing he was either ignoring me or actually fell asleep that quick. 

I chuckled softly and laid my head down beside him and looked at him. He made different grimaces and I mimicked them one after another; I was amazed he even could do that. He must've been dreaming as he kept on with it, but suddenly he started speaking. 

"Jongin?" I wasn't sure if he was awake or not, but I still answered him.

"I'm here," I said softly. He didn't say much afterwards and just breathed heavily.

"I'm sorry." My face automatically frowned, and I stared questioningly at him. Why was he sorry? "I want to help you...with your pain." I smiled softly at him and gently stroke his hair as I let it fall through between my fingers. 

He was really kind hearted. How could I ever have doubted his personality before? I thought to myself. He's so caring, even if he didn't want to show it. It amazed me how much he cared for me after we recently just became close. 

He must've felt very lonely, as he only had Baekhyun, but now he had me as well. He must've felt happy that I was also his friend now, not to flatter myself though. I was pretty happy we'd be able to become friends too - he's so caring and squishy.

He suddenly opened his eyes and seemed to be surprised about me lying pretty close to his face on the table and quickly sat up again. "Why - why were you so close?" he stuttered, seeming embarrassed. 

"Don't overreact, I wasn't that close", I joked. 

He stared weirdly at me like I was crazy. "Then why were you staring?" 

I gulped and looked back at what I did. I was in deep thoughts and must've stared at him without realising it myself. "Didn't mean it. Geez," I muttered as I rolled my eyes, but he still seemed tense. "Relax Kyungsoo," I sighed, "let's get some work done before I have to go." 

He slowly nodded his head and we took a few notes from what we had read before he fell asleep until we were too tired to do anything more. 

"I'll see you tomorrow at practice?" I asked tiredly when he followed me to the main entrance, and he nodded back. I waved before exiting, and started to head home. He was also waving a bit, but he seemed to be embarrassed and quit after a few seconds and closed the door. I chuckled to myself and continue to walk home.

I had noticed that he easily got embarrassed or shyly every time something 'unusual' would happen. Like when I was too close to him (apparently for his taste), when he waved, talked too much or got nervous and stutter a lot. I didn't know if it was because he was nervous about me being a new friend, or what it was. He must've not been used to it at all. He was still cute though. 

It was the next morning on a Saturday, and I was already ready to go to practice. Kyungsoo and I exchanged our numbers yesterday before I went home and I texted him if he were ready and we'd meet up to share a practice room. 

He needed a bit more time, but I could just find an available room whilst he's getting ready. I said goodbye to my parents and went to the SM Entertainment building and found a room. Kyungsoo still wasn't here and I decided to just start practicing whilst I was waiting for him. 

I texted him the room number I was in. I thought of some dance moves to the song Chanyeol helped me pick and I tried to do some moves I hadn't been able to master before, like doing a backflip. I messed up a few times and landed on my back, but I got up again. 

I tried more flips as I really wanted to succeed, but I managed to slip right before I jumped and landed rather harshly. 

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