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Delilah Quinn's POV


A minute passes.

Again, "Delilah!" is yelled from downstairs.

"What, mum?!" I shout, slamming my book, Hogwarts: A History down on my dark bedspread.

"Are you packed for school?" Mum replies, her shadow casted on the wall parallel from the large staircase.

Shit. I think, opening my closet to find my trunk labeled Delilah M. Quinn.

"Almost done!" I speak loudly to my mother.

"Hurry, and put on something nice. The Malfoys invited us over for the last dinner before you all head off to school." The steps fade back into the small clatterings of the kitchen.

The Malfoy family. Purebloods. I used to love visiting the large, dark Malfoy Manor. My sort of aesthetic. Narcissa, we call her Cissy, has always been sweet and loving towards me. Lucius has been kind, but would much rather if I was more like my elder siblings.

Draco Malfoy was my childhood bestfriend. He always has let me hangout with him and his friends. Well, he used to.

I've felt excluded and apart from him since he decided to become friends with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who bullied me badly in past years. Recently, Draco has never allowed me into his room, or asked me to hangout with him and play Wizard's Chess anymore.

He still protects me, no matter what. We haven't spoken in months now, almost a year, besides normal greetings whenever our families visit eachother or simple 'thank you's during the Holidays.

As I place my last, nicely-folded robe into my trunk, my dark brown door swings open, revealing my siblings, Heather and James. They are twins.

Their arms are linked, standing side by side. Heather is dressed in a black, long dress, her surprising long brunette tresses are curled behind her back. Her twin, James, is in a tuxedo, with the black jacket draped on his free arm. His dark brown hair is gelled back, the fluffiness recently cut at the dresser's.

"Are you ready for Lucius and Narcissa's yet, sister? All of us are waiting for you, downstairs." My sister speaks, a smile appearing on her face that makes me want to slap her silly.

Always thinking she's better than me is what Heather does best. James, on the other hand, says I'm not as good as the twins, but I know, secretly, he feels bad for me in a way. He is my favorite of the twins. My parents believe that my siblings are much more successful than me. They earned Head Boy and Girl for Slytherin in their 6th year. Mum and Dad were so proud of them, and that made them force me to work harder than either of my siblings since I would have something to live up to.

"I'm almost done, guys. Just let me get changed and do my makeup." I close them out of my room and finish straightening the last piece of my chocolate-brown hair. I take off my current items of clothing and switch them into a satin, spaghetti strapped black dress, the end of the fabric sitting at the tops of my thighs. Placing my feet into a pair of black, shiny pumps that my mum bought me for my birthday last June, I open my door and walk down the steps.

"Finally," I hear my mother speak underneath her breath. "Are we ready to go?"

I grasp a velvet hand bag from the shoe closet.

"Yep, let's go."

At the Malfoy Manor

Walking down the dark sidewalk to the Manor has, and always will be, the creepiest part of visits. The path is surrounded by dark bushes, small trees on the other side. The Manor, itself, is a mansion. The roof shoots up into the sky and there are many windows.

Knock knock knock.

The large, wooden door swings on its hinges, opening to appear Narcissa Malfoy's loving, smiling face.

"Maria! Theodore! Kids! Welcome! We've missed you all sincerely!" She pulls my parents and siblings into a hug. "Hello, Delilah." She hugs me seperately, after my family has gone inside.

I enter the home with Cissy, her hand squeezing my shoulder as we walk into the dining room.

Seated at the long dining room table is Lucius and Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius waves at me and Bellatrix just keeps her ugly smile on.
I smile back, as I don't want her to dislike me. I know what she does to people she doesn't like.

"Where's Draco? Is he here?" My father asks, taking a seat next to Lucius.

"Yes, in fact, he is." He looks to me. "Will you please go get him, Delilah? He should be in his room."

"Of course she will." My mother speaks up before I can get a word out. She widens her eyes at me and before I know it, my feet are carrying me up the stairs, to the person I don't want to see.

"What do you want?" is the response I get once I knock on Draco's door. I just knock harder.

He comes to the door and slams it open.

"What-" he starts, annoyed. Then realizes who he's speaking to.

"Dede? What are you doing here?" He plants a smirk on his face and looks me up and down, then snaps back to his normal resting face. His eyes connect with mine.

"Firstly, don't fucking call me that. Second, your parents invited my family and I here for dinner, since we leave for Hogwarts tomorrow." I reply, crossing my arms and leaning against the railing across the hall from his doorway.

"Tell them I'll be down in a second."

" 'Kay." I say, starting to walk away.

"Wait, Delilah," he stops me, grabbing my shoulder.

His touch is cold, sends shivers through every ounce of my body. I turn around and look at him, his hand dropping off me.

"I'm sorry." He speaks, grey irises locked with my blues.

I stay silent for a moment, before ending the conversation with, "okay."

I turn on my heal and walk away, leaving the boy in the dim hallway.

Draco Malfoy's POV

Dear Pansy,

I got your letter about liking Blaise.

I really don't care about who you fancy, and who you don't. I don't like you and I never have. We have never dated, though you always made it seem like it.



As I set down my quill, I hear a small knock on my door.

I yell out, asking what the person wants. Knowing that it's most likely my mother, I expect her to come in. But, the door stays shut and the person replies with another, louder knock.

I stand up and walk to the door, now annoyed. To my surprise, I see Delilah standing there. Her outfit is impeccable, almost like a girl version of my own style. The fabric hugs her body perfectly, even though I've never liked her.. like that. She's beautiful.

She tells me that her family is over and that means her father is. Delilah's dad is almost as horrible as my own, the same desire in life. To serve Voldemort, and create a family of Death Eaters to serve him as well.

I change into my iconic black suit, running my hands through my hair. The blondness is messy, but still stylish in a way.

I take a deep breath and tell myself to ask Delilah to hangout in my room after dinner.

"C'mon. You need to fucking apologize to her, for real." I reassure myself.

I take another breath and open the door.

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