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Delilah Quinn's POV

"Alright, lovebirds," Pansy's drunken face smirks. "Closet time."

"Oh, yeah, I'm so down to-" Theo slurs on, standing to enter the walk-in.

"She doesn't want to fuck you, Nott. None of us do." Draco growls from against the wall, setting the unopened bottle of whiskey onto the wooden floor. He stands to face Theo.

"Like you've never wanted to fuck her, Malfoy?" Theo replies.

When I was small, my mother would always remind me; A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

"Actually, no, I haven't. Because I'm not a disgusting mess-up of a shit like you are." Draco pushes words back. "I've never, once, wanted to date, fuck, or do anything to her, alright?" He almost yells at Theo.

A silence engulfs the room. "Will both of you shut the fuck up? Hell, I'll go in the closet with Delilah if neither of you are even close to willing to." Pansy grabs my hand and pulls me into the closet, slamming the door behind us both.

She pulls me into a hug once we are hidden away from the immature men. "I've never known, and I'm sorry for asking this, but why aren't you and Draco friends anymore?"

"Don't be sorry. He decided to be friends with people who bullied me, instead. He pushed me away and picked to ignore me instead. I miss him a lot, Pans." I rant, sliding down the front of a dresser. Pansy keeps her spot, on her feet against the door.

After the 7 minutes of calming silence between my bestfriend and I, we leave the walk-in closet. Re-entering the bedroom, I see Blaise passed out on his bed, snoring away. Theo is collapsed on the small sofa, and Draco is nowhere to be seen.

"I'm just gonna-" Pansy nods towards Blaise's sleeping figure, gesturing that she was going to go lay next to him. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll see you at breakfast." I reply, exiting the room.

Hyped up on drugs and alcohol, I decide to take a walk outside. The smells of summer season fleeing from us, fill the air. The outdoor air at night, is much colder than during the day, so I wrap my sweatshirt tighter around my hands.

I lay against the brick walls of the castle, overlooking the lake. I allow my eyes to shut gently, taking deep breathes in and out.

Suddenly, I get the feeling of somebody watching me. My eyes slam open and I look around.


I look up to the Astronomy Tower and get a gut feeling to go up there. Standing, I begin my quiet journey to the tower.

Memory from Third Year - At the Astronomy Tower

"Where do you think we will be in 3 years?" Draco asks me, shifting himself upright against the railing. His body, nothing but a silhouette against the red and orange sunset, far out in the horizon.

"In 6th year, you bloody idiot." I reply, laughing as I punch him, playfully, in the arm.

He chuckles as well. "No shit, Quinn. I mean what do you think we'll be doing?"

"Sitting here? Hanging out with other students? Getting into trouble?" I snicker at him, leaning my head against the wall and letting my eyes close by themselves. I feel is gaze on me.

"Maybe. Or maybe, we'll be out of this place. I, honestly, want to stay here forever. It's nights like these that force the bad thoughts out of my head, y'know?" Draco speaks, grey eyes locked with mine.

"You can always open up to me, Dray; you know that. We've been friends since we were born. On the same day, too. You know you can trust me." I assure him, smiling softly.

"Yeah, for sure." He grins back, moving to lean his head against my shoulder. "I just wish our parents could disappear. Your siblings too, for your sake."

I sigh, "Me too, Draco."

I place my hand on his as he starts to doze off, into a world of imaginary dreams and worlds inside his own mind.

"Me too."

End of third year memory

I slowly step up the stairs to the upper platform of the tower, cold and made of stone. The door opens quietly when I push it forwards. I enter even further onto the floor of the Astronomy Tower, and realize that I am, actually, alone.

I lean against the railing, only the bar of metal shielding me from falling down, far far down to the grass. The railing is cold against my back, chilled with the night wind and air. I sigh heavily, letting out all emotions.

Ever since I was little, this place has been my favorite. Evenings spent working on projects with Pansy and Theo, late night picnics with Draco, stargazing with him those same nights as we talked our hearts out. The entire aesthetic of the Astronomy Tower is mine, making it feel more at home than at my house. Here, I guess in a way, I feel safer than anywhere else. No matter who I'm with, or what we're doing, I feel safe.

My eyes shut, my body dozing off into a slumber. Moments later, I hear the door again, footsteps coming towards my sleeping figure. I try to force my bloodshot eyes open, but am too tired to bat an eyelash.

A pair of strong, large arms and hands pick me up, carrying me bridal style. I feel intoxicated with the person's scent as they carry me down the staircase, being careful not to awaken me.

I hear a whisper, a chant. Almost like nothing was said, but soon enough, a door clicks and I feel the person carry me into a room. I can sense a soft bed under my body, whoever brought my body to the mattress covering me with a soft blanket. They leave and I fall fully asleep, drifting into dreams of a happier place, where my parents are prouder of me. And where Draco and I are close again.


In the morning, I open my hazy eyes, rubbing the sleep away from the blue irises. I notice Pansy sitting cross-legged on her bed, reading a book. She sees me sit up. "Morning, 'Lilah!" She pips up, closing the book gently.

"Hey." My deep morning voice replies, yawning.

"You're awake just in time for breakfast." She adds, walking over to her side of the room's bookshelf to put away her book.

"Didn't you sleep at Blaise's last night?" I ask, groggily. I decide to wash my face and brush my teeth, pushing any thoughts or feelings of last night away.

"Yes, I did," Pansy answers. "I came back late, but you weren't here."

When I don't reply, a sly smile appears on her face. "Who'd you meet up with so late, Miss Quinn?" She attempts an impression of Professor Snape's monotone voice and accent.

"I went and sat by the lake," I roll my eyes at her getting excited. "-then I went to the Astronomy Tower, then I fell asleep. Someone carried me up here."

Her face fell. "Do.. do you know who brought you back up?"

"Well, no. I was awake, but asleep at the same time? If that makes sense. I remember smelling a sort of cologne, a fragrance. I couldn't tell you where it's from, though." I explain. She blinks rapidly.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I question, confused at her behavior.

"I have to go to breakfast." She squeaks.

"Can't we go togethe-"

"See you later, Delilah." Pansy slips out, then exits. She leaves me in our room, alone.

What the fuck.

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