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*A Few Months Later*

Delilah Quinn's POV

" 'Lilah, wake up. We have to meet Blaise and the boys!" Pansy exclaims, shaking my shoulders slightly. The small movements jolts me awake and I stand up, rubbing my tired eyes.

I also rub the leftover hickey on my neck from Theo. He and I had sex for the first time last week, gentle and sweet fucking. Theo pulled out before he hit his high, which I'm thankful for, since he came a lot. Sadly, I didn't have an orgasm, my climax only coming when it's, somehow, Draco.

Speaking of the devil, a knock appears at our dormitory door and he lets himself in, Pansy not even hearing his entrance over her steaming shower and her terrible screaming-the-lyrics-to-no-song-in-particular. Draco makes his way over to my bed where I'm sitting and seats himself beside me.

"Good morning, darling." Draco's voice is low and raspy, almost making me wet from the sound of him. As for us, our sex has been had twice now, once being months ago and the next only being last month. He's irresistible and I keep falling for it.

"Draco. What are you doing here?" I ask, covering my bare legs up with the comforter. He frowns at the action, but it doesn't stop him from placing his hand on my knee.

"You two," referring Pansy, "—are coming to our dorm anyway. I thought I'd stop by beforehand to do this," he kisses me softly, brushing his hand through my hair. After we pull apart, he says, "It hurts to see you and Theo doing these kinds of things—"

"You're supposed to be mine."

I get many, many butterflies as he looks at me, sadly. My hand finds his. "You're amazing, Dray. But, I like Theo too." His eyes immediately turn dark and he drops my hand, leaving without another word.

In the boys' room.

"I thought, since it's our day off," Theo wraps his hands around my waist as he talks. "We should go to the Black Lake."

The room is quite tense, as much as I see it. Theo and I are on his bed, my body seated on Theo's lap, him holding me as a way of protection. Draco is laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he listens, and Blaise and Pansy are sitting on the couch, facing the rest of us. My roommate sits straight up from her slouched position and claps her hands, a light-bulb moment going off in her head.

"Okay, um, yes. I second that incredible idea. Delilah, come with me. Boys, bring your swimsuits.. except Blaise." She winks at her boyfriend and everyone but Draco laughs; he's zoned out.

Pansy drags me, by my arm, out of the boys' room, and she's basically walking me like a dog to our room. I pull my lime green bikini out of my dresser. Pansy changes into a purple one piece and throws Blaise's sweatshirt overtop of the swimsuit. After I'm changed, I put a Theo's large t-shirt over me. My knees are slightly showing, as are Pansy's. We make our way down to the Black Lake where the boys have laid out a small blanket and 5 bundles of towels sit on the fabric.

As soon as the hoodie she was wearing hits the ground, my best friend is hitting the water, her hair and makeup getting messed up by the water. I snicker at her and Theo play-fighting in the aqua. Suddenly, shivers move throughout my body, old trauma hitting me from previous year.

"Babe, you okay?" Theo jumps out of the dark water and steps towards me, wrapping a towel around my arms. I nod and kiss his cheek, pushing all feelings of being terrified and bad memories away to focus on having a good time with the people I care about.

Theo kisses my lips, then jumps back into the water. His splash soaks me, even though I'm still on land. I gasp and laugh, everyone else laughing too. It's quickly obvious that Draco isn't laughing, just staring at me. I look down, the sweatshirt that was once covering my body up is drenched and I snicker towards Theo, pointing a finger at him as a, "oh, oh, oh, oh... I'm gonna get you back."

Deciding to tease the two men, besides Blaise, who's already making out with Pansy, I slowly pull the wet clothing off of me, starting from the bottom and pulling the shirt up my body. The boys are breathless, but I keep my bikini on tightly. Making sure not to flash anybody, especially Draco, I slowly get into the lake and Theo catches me. He holds me, bridal style, so I won't drown, even though he knows I can swim.

That night; you couldn't fucking swim. The voices in my head reply to my thoughts, but I ignore them. We all continue to splash each other and joke around, until Pansy and Blaise make out a little too much, and decide to go shag in our room.

"Get my bed dirty and I swear I'll hex you both." I warn them, joking and not. Theo yells, "That's my girl!", which annoys Draco even more.

The three of us sit in silence, two of us knowing more than the other. Theo, the one who isn't knowing, slaps his thighs and announces he must use the bathroom and go study. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me, Delilah? You can come to the library with me-." He starts.

"I'll be fine, Theo. Go have fun, if you even can while studying for charms. See you later." And with a quick kiss to Theo's cheek, he's gone.

Draco and I are left alone.

At the Black Lake.

With a huge secret.

And, basically naked.


A/N: omg guys hi so ik I haven't posted recently for this story but I'm trying to get back into ittttt so let's goooooo

also, get ready oh my god I'm not even ready, myself.

make sure to take care of yourselves, babes <3.

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