𑁍 //-// Chapter 3: Relief //-// 𑁍

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Chapter 3

"ah!" I suddenly let out a scream as I feel a cold water hits my cut... " nee-san! you finally wake up!" I heard a familiar voice .. called out my name.. "dororo?" I said in a low tone as I could feel the pain.. on my arm.. "I thought you're going to leave me too..." she said as she sniffed..crying a little. I tried my best to smile.. I patted her head and she quickly pulled me into a hug.. as she mumbled a 'thank you'. I whinced a bit as she accidentally hit the cut a little.. I smiled and hugged her back.. as I whispered 'you dont have too..'.. she wipped her tears and said " nee-san dont you ever do. that again.. its scary.." she said as she rubbed her nose and eyes... I smiled as offer her into another hug...

"anyways... where am I?" I asked as I observed the room... this room seems familiar... "y-your mansion.." she said as she sniffed again.. I smiled and nodded as I said "dont cry..." she only repond with a slight nod... "neesan I think you should rest right now..." she said as she got up and sat beside me.. I closed my eyes once again... // rest well... //

THUD!! "What?! who's there" I accidentally woke up as soon as I heard a loud thud... "Who's there?" I asked once again... still no answer... I sat up... suddenly I heard footsteps are approaching me... I couldnt see the person behind the shadow bc the only source of light in this room is the moon... the shiny bright moon... I stared at the moon as I smiled.. okay now get back to the person... "is anybody there?" I peeked and asked once again...

The footstep getting closer... "Hyakkimaru..." I said in a low voice... he stepped closer and sat infront of me... slowly moving his hands cupping my cheek... I whinced a bit due to his action... "daijou-..." I couldnt finish my sentence yet but he quickly pulled me into a hug.... he burried his face onto my chest... I blushed a bit- since its uhm- my hdsbbxj

"I guess youre not okay..." I said as I hugged back..patting his head... he pulled away and stared deeply into my eyes.. I smiled at him... he suddenly moves beside me,leaning against the bed head... "sorry hyakkimaru.. I dont have any song to cheer you up..." I said as I playing with his fingers,locking it with mine...

// I dont think im close enough to do this to him... but I think im comfortable..//

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