𑁍 //-// Chapter 6: touch~ [🍋] //-// 𑁍

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Chapter 6
[lol the picture is a screenshot okay- but it kinda fit this chapter- ☠️]

still a lemon part bc its too long this is my first time writing this kind of stuff actually~

"Can you sit up for me, Hyakkimaru?"
He did as asked, and you sat in his lap slowly, just inches from his hard cock, and Hyakkimaru let out a shaky breath. You hummed to him shyly, slowly placing his hands on your breasts.

"I want you to touch me, Hyakkimaru."
Hyakkimaru let out a shaky breath, his hands gently squeezing and kneading your breasts, feeling the soft flesh of your chest. You sighed softly, your head tiling back just slightly, and Hyakkimaru's hands roamed your body. His hands trailed from your stomach and back to your waist and hips, kneading the flesh before sliding to a new area.

His hands reached around to grasp your ass, and you hummed in delight. Your body was hot, the feeling of his prosthetic hands unlike anything you had felt before. His nose nuzzled against the skin of your throat, his breathing uneven.

However, you were breathing a bit heavy, incredibly turned on by his touching, and you gasped when one of his hands slipped between your thighs, feeling your most intimate part. You hummed softly, causing Hyakkimaru to grit his teeth with need as his name slipped past your lips.

His fingers delved into the wetness of your sex, exploring the anatomy as he listened to your soft sighs and harsh breaths against his temple as his teeth gently latched onto your skin experimentally. When one of his fingers dipped in between the lips of your pussy, you jolted and let out a breath moan, the sound sweet to Hyakkimaru's ears.

Your hips rolled against his fingers, rutting against them softly as he touched you, and you hummed, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
"As much as I like that, I want this to be about you."

Hyakkimaru allowed you to move his hands to your thighs, and you asked him, kissing his shoulder.

"May I touch you?"

Hyakkimaru nodded almost enthusiastically, and you couldn't help but giggle. Hyakkimaru's ears turned red from embarrassment, but your lips encasing his despite your giggles made his nerves go away. Your hand shakily trailed to his hard cock, and your delicate fingers gently wrapping around him made Hyakkimaru groan.

Slowly, you moved your hand along his length, spreading the precum that had pearled from his tip around his length. Hyakkimaru was very responsive, his fingers digging into your thighs and his teeth clenching as he growled. His hips were squirming, needing more, and you pulled back. Hyakkimaru let out a needy whine, wondering why you stopped.

"I'm going to...um, place myself on you now, alright?"

Hyakkimaru nodded, almost amused by your sudden shyness, and he felt you move, hovering above his hard cock. Hyakkimaru's heart was pounding in nervousness, but the moment you slowly began to sink down onto his cock, all worry was gone.

You were warm. So, so warm.

Hyakkimaru liked it. The hot feeling enveloping him made him groan from deep within his throat, and when you had sunk down onto him as much as you could, you let out a breath and paused.

"I...I feel so full."

You whimpered to yourself, trying to catch your breath, and Hyakkimaru kissed your neck comfortingly. Slowly, you began to move. Up and down your hips went, taking in all that Hyakkimaru had to offer you before pulling back just the slightest. Your pace was slow and experimental, but it was enough to make Hyakkimaru's whole body tighten up.

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