𑁍 //-// Chapter 5: about you~ [🍋] //-// 𑁍

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Chapter 5

Warning!! lemon lemon lemon lemon

Ive warned youuuuu~

And im using "you/your" in this chapter instead of "i/me/my" to make it more like imagines hehe~

Your lips moved from his, trailing soft and gentle kisses down his chin and jaw, leaving teasing bites against the smooth skin. The feeling of his hands digging into your hips made your breath hitch, and Hyakkimaru perked up.

He experimentally squeezed the flesh of your hips, and you hummed in delight. Hyakkimaru began to run his hands along your body, trying to see what you enjoyed and what you didn't, learning your body and what to do.

Your teeth gently nipping at the juncture of his neck and shoulder made Hyakkimaru let out a breathy gasp, his head tilting back, and your hand came up to cup the side of his neck. You whispered into Hyakkimaru's skin.

"I want to make you feel better, Hyakkimaru...will you let me?"

Hyakkimaru nodded shyly, and your lips formed a small smile against his skin. You kissed his lips softly, and you told him.

"Please, if you ever begin to feel uncomfortable, we can stop. I don't want to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing."
Hyakkimaru shyly kissed you, his cheeks reddening, and you chuckled against his lips. Your hips slowly began to grind against him, and Hyakkimaru let out a growl, his eyes shutting. His fingers dug into the skin of your thighs as your lips began to tease at the skin on the other side of his neck.

There were so many sensations that he had never felt before, but he liked them. Hyakkimaru could feel his body growing hotter, heat digging into his stomach, and he tugged at your sleeves.

When Hyakkimaru tried to move, you grabbed his wrists and told him, kissing his cheek softly.
"No. Tonight is all about you, alright?"

Hyakkimaru swallowed thickly before nodding. Your fingers played with the strands of his hair, sending a tickling sensation down his spine, and you asked.

"Can I take your hair down?"

Hyakkimaru nodded, and soon, his hair fell down around his shoulders, cascading down the length of his spine. You sighed, running your fingers through his hair.

"You're so beautiful, Hyakkimaru."

Hyakkimaru blushed deeply, his heart swelling from the compliment, and he allowed you to push him down onto the futon. His hair created a black halo around him, and your lips found his again. Your lips moved experimentally against Hyakkimaru's, and when you didn't get the reaction you wanted, your hand teasingly slipped down his front, fingernails trailing the skin of his chest and stomach.

Hyakkimaru's lips fell agape, and you moved in for the kill. Your tongues and teeth clashed sloppily, Hyakkimaru's delighted sighs hot against your own. His hands wound themselves into your hair, tugging just slightly, and you groaned just the slightest.

Your hands made quick work of his obi, pulling the sash away and slowly opening his yukata to reveal his full body to you. You pulled away to get a look, your hands trailing along his skin, mapping out each crevice, each dip, each valley and hill that they crawled over.

Hyakkimaru was breathing heavily, his eyes watching your soul intensely as he watched your hands move along his body. He swallowed thickly when your hands approached him where he needed you most, and you asked once more.

"If you want me to stop, just tell me, alright? I don't want to do anything you don't want me to."

Hyakkimaru bit his lip and nodded at you, giving you the 'okay' and you hummed into his ear as softly as he could.

"You're so sweet."

Hyakkimaru blushed, embarrassed by your words, but you simply chuckled as you pulled the fundoshi from his body. He was impressive, and absolutely turned on by you. You pulled your own clothing from you, completely bare of any clothes, and you asked him, taking his hands.

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