Snow Day (G)

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You get excited when you wake up to snow outside your window. So, you drag Gabriel outside with you. You play in the snow for a while until you hit Gabe with a snowball. He pretends to be hurt and you get worried

You and Gabe have only been in a relationship for a few weeks, but have liked each other for a long time. Sam and Dean are your big brothers

I sit up, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I yawn. Then I stretch my limbs before running a hand through my hair. And that's when I look outside. My eyes widen and a grin appears on my face, seeing the fluffy white snow covering everything in sight. Snow flakes are still falling and the sun casts shadows through the trees, making the snow shimmer. I smile widely, then scramble out of bed to get dressed. I put warm, comfortable clothes on, two pairs of fluffy socks and my snow boots. And then I grab my jacket, hat and gloves from my wardrobe. I exit my room in a hurry and race to the kitchen, where Sam and Dean are eating breakfast. "What's got you all hyped up?" Dean asks, eyebrows furrowed. "It's snowing! Where's Gabe?" I reply. Sam shrugs "Don't know, just call him". The two smile at my excitement. "Gabe, come here" I speak up. Nothing. I purse my lips "Gabriel?". Nothing. I sigh heavily "Gabriel, get your feathery ass here now". Suddenly he appears, leaning on the counter "You called, my love?". "Yes, three times. I didn't expect to be put on hold. Now, come on!" I reply. He chuckles "Okay, where are we going?". "You don't get cold, do you?" I question. He shakes his head "No, ma'am". I smile "Great!".

I drag him outside, then let go of his hand to spread my arms out "Look, Gabe! Snow!". He chuckles, nodding "So I see. What do you suppose we do with it?". I grab a fistful of snow before letting it all flutter back to the ground "We play!". He hums "Really? And what makes you think I want to?". I shrug "Because you love me". He smiles, shaking his head "Yeah, yeah. Use that against me, why don't you". I giggle as I spin around, getting myself dizzy before looking at him again "Play with me, Gabe". He chuckles, watching as I walk back over to him "Lie down". He raises an eyebrow "Why?". I giggle "Just do it". He narrows his eyes at me "What are you up to?". He does as told, lying down in the snow. I grin, falling to my knees beside him "Look, Gabe. A snow angel!". "What, where?" He questions, sitting back up before realising what I said. He rolls his eyes "Can't believe I fell for that". I chuckle "You also fell for me". He smiles, kissing my cheek "Yes, I did".  I was about to get up but he grabs me by the waist, then pulls me into him. "Gabe" I sigh. He chuckles "What? You said you wanted to play". He leans in, kissing me on the lips and I kiss him back. After a few minutes, I pull away all flustered "No, that's not what I meant!". He chuckles "I know, I'm kidding".


I squeal as I try to run away from him. I hear him laugh "Y/n, why are you running?". I giggle "Why are you chasing me?!". He chuckles and quickly catches up to me. Then he grabs me by the waist. I scream playfully as he picks me up "Gabriel, put me down!". He starts to tickle me, making me laugh until tears are in my eyes. He chuckles as he playfully pushes me into the snow. "Gabe... s-stop! Please" I laugh. "Not until you say you love me" He hums. I giggle as he continues to tickle me. To get him to stop, I grab a fistful of snow and throw it at him. He gasps, pausing for a moment "You are so dead". This time, he picks up some snow and throws it at me. And before I know it, we're having a snowball fight.

I laugh as he misses me "Haha! Come on, Gabe. You can do better than that". He smirks "Don't you worry, sweet thing. I'm just warming up". I smile "Yeah, right". I pick up some snow, then make it into a ball before throwing it at him. It hits him on the chest and he dramatically falls on to his back. I laugh, rolling my eyes at him "Gabe, get up". I start to walk over to him and I notice he isn't moving. I frown "Gabe, come on. Stop messing with me". My heart starts to pound when he doesn't answer me. "Gabe?" I frown. I didn't think I threw it that hard. He's an archangel, he shouldn't have even flinched. I jog over to him "Gabriel!". I fall to my knees beside him "Gabe, wake your ass up! Please stop joking around".

When he doesn't wake up, I get more concerned. Looking at his face, tears start to well up in my eyes. Memories of him lying on the floor of that hotel all those years ago come flooding back to me. "Gabriel, wake the hell up right now" I huff as tears start to fall down my cheeks. I slap his face and that gets him to wake up "Hey! What was that for?". He sits up to look at me and notices my tears. "You're really an ass sometimes" I sniffle. He furrows his eyebrows "Hey, hey. Why are you crying, sweetness?". I pull him closer to me with a heavy sigh "Gabriel, I thought you got hurt". His facial expression softens "Oh, y/n. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you". More tears spill down my cheeks and he wraps his arms around me tighter. I hear him snap his fingers and suddenly we're in my room in the bunker.

He snaps again, making my winter clothes disappear, replacing them with comfortable pyjamas and fluffy socks. He uses his grace to lock the door and turn the heating up. And finally, a fluffy blanket appears on my bed along with a table filled with my comfort foods. Chocolate, sweets and a fruit salad. He pulls me closer to him and smiles "Am I forgiven yet?". I shrug "I don't know. But you're heading in the right direction". He sighs before reaching up to push some of my hair back behind my ear. "Good" He mumbles.

After a few minutes, we lie on my bed together and I snuggle up to him. I hum "Gabe, you forgot something". He looks around in fake confusion "Did I?". He snaps his fingers and a carton of apple juice appears in his hand. My face brightens as I grab it from him. He smiles at me. "Okay, you are forgiven" I tell him as I fix the straw into the carton. He sighs
"Y/n, I'm sorry". He kisses my cheek before nuzzling into my neck. "I know, Gabe. It's okay" I reply. He shakes his head "No, it's not. And I'm not finished. I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I love you so much" He tells me. I rest my head on his chest with a sigh "I love you too, Gabriel". I feel him kiss my temple as I close my eyes tiredly "I'm scared to lose you again, Gabriel. Even though we weren't together at the time, I still cared about you. And it hurt to see you like that. I don't want to lose you again". He starts to run his fingers through my hair soothingly "Shh, I won't ever let that happen, okay? I promise. You're never going to lose me and if it does happen again, just remember it's always a trick. And I'm always going to be just fine. I might disappear at times, but I'll always return to you, y/n. And you can pray to me whenever you want. I don't care if I'm fighting with my brothers or not. And I don't care if all you need is a hug. I'll always be right here". As he was running his fingers through my hair, I got sleepier and sleepier. But I still tried my best to listen to what he was saying. Eventually, I fall sound asleep against him.

Third POV

Gabriel smiles slightly, both feeling and sensing her breathing evening out. Then he sighs quietly. It's always relief for him whenever she falls asleep because that's the only times she's ever actually calm. Her breaths and heartbeat are always constantly out of sync. It used to concern him until he learned that, that's just how she is. It still concerns him a little sometimes, but he knows it's just because she's always either excited or nervous. But he accepted the challenge when he asked her out and he doesn't regret it. Y/n means the world to him and he'll be damn sure to prove that to her. She might be scared to lose him, but he is terrified of the thought of losing her

Hey, sorry it's been a while. But I hope you liked this one

- W.S

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