Trench Coat (C)

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You aren't related to Sam and Dean by blood, but you were adopted by John when you were a kid, so they are your adopted brothers. But they love you and are protective of you all the same. You like Cas and you like to steal his trench coat whenever you get the chance to

I look up at my door when I hear my name being called. "Y/n! Have you seen my coat?" Cas asks as he comes into my room. I shrug "Sorry, Cassy. Haven't seen it". He frowns "That's okay". I give him a small smile and he nods before leaving. I sigh "Cas!". He immediately retracts his steps, standing in the doorway "Yes, y/n?". "Close the door, please" I reply. "My apologies" He chuckles lightly before closing the door behind him. As soon as he leaves, I reach under my bed for his trench coat. I hug it close to my chest, burying my face in the material to inhale his sweet scent. He smells like honey and fresh rain. It's an odd scent, I'll admit. But it's comforting. I sigh before pushing my arms into the sleeves. I stole his trench coat a few days ago because he leaves a lot and he literally doesn't take this coat off. So, when he was in the shower, I stole it thinking it would make him stay longer. I miss him when he's gone. I never know when he'll come back. Don't get me wrong, I love living in the bunker with Sam and Dean. I do, they are the best older brother figures I could ever hope for. Ever since they introduced me to Cas, I haven't been able to get the Angel off my mind. I know I have feelings for him, but I also know that he would never feel the same way towards me. He is getting better at reading human emotions and stuff, however he's still rusty and I don't want to scare him away. I wrap his coat around me before going back to reading.

Hours later

I must've fallen asleep while reading, because I woke up on top of my covers and my book resting on my stomach. I carefully put that on the bedside table and get up. I walk out of my room and down the hallway to the library. I walk in to see the boys sitting around a table. Sam is on the laptop, Dean is sitting with his feet up on the table, seemingly lost in thought and Cas is sitting with them, reading some kind of lore book. But as soon as I stepped into the room, all three pairs of eyes turn to me. "Hey, sleeping beauty's up" Dean smiles, obviously teasing me. I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him. Cas tilts his head 
"Y/n… you said you didn't know where my coat was. Why are you wearing it?". My eyes widen and my cheeks turn beet red as I completely forgot I had put it on. Dean smirks while Sam just smiles. My heart rate speeds up "Um… well, I f-found it. I put it on because it was heavier than I thought, I was too lazy to carry it". He nods, seeming to buy my lie "Oh, okay". "Hey, Sammy. Don't we have that thing?" Dean suddenly speaks up. Sam chuckles and nods "Oh, yeah we do. I completely forgot about that. Well, see you guys later". They stand up before making their way upstairs, leaving just me and Cas. I am so getting them back for this. I sit down across from him, crossing my arms over my chest. I feel his blue eyes carefully studying me. "Y/n" He clears his throat. I look at him shyly while playing with his coat sleeve "Yeah, Cassy?". "You are aware that I am a celestial being. I can tell when you are lying to me" He speaks in a softer tone than usual. I avoid his gaze, but slowly nod. "Y/n, I'm going to ask you again. Please don't lie to me this time. Why do you have my coat?" He asks. I sigh "I… It's nothing, Cas. Just leave it". He smiles softly "If it was nothing, then I would be wearing it by now. Don't be afraid, you can tell me anything". He places his hand on top of mine, momentarily stopping me from playing with the sleeve. I look at his hand for a minute before slowly meeting his gaze. I sigh "I'm sorry, Cassy. I took it when you were in the shower the other day. I thought if I did that, it would make you stay for longer". He tilts his head "Why?".

I shrug "Because you leave a lot. I miss you. I never know when, or even if you'll come back. It isn't the same without you here, I don't want you to leave again". He looks at me "You miss me?". I nod "A lot". He smiles "I miss you too, y/n". "You do?" I question. He nods "Every day. But not enough to steal your coat". I blush, but laugh a bit. His eyes crinkle at the sides "You have an odd way of showing how you feel, y/n. And I suppose this means you have feelings for me, correct?". I roll my eyes, but nod "Yes, Cas. I do, but I already know you don't feel the same way, it's okay". He tilts his head "Y/n... I do have feelings for you". I furrow my eyebrows "What?". He smiles "I said, I do have feelings for you. I... I don't know exactly how long. But I do know that for as long as I have been alive, I have never felt this way about anyone or anything before. I love you, y/n". I blush lightly "I love you too, Cas". He smiles slightly "So, can I have my trench coat back now?". I giggle "Nope!".

Hey, hope you liked this one

- W.S.

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