Nightmare (MC)

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You wake up from a nightmare and worry that it might be true. So you go see for yourself and Misha comforts you.

There is no specific relationships for this one, so you can imagine whatever you want really

I wake up with a gasp, my body drenched in a cold sweat and tears start to fall freely down my cheeks. Another nightmare. I've been having them almost every night for the past few weeks. Only Misha knows, because he accidentally walked in when I was having one. He had to wake me up and spent about an hour and a half comforting me. I've felt embarrassed by it ever since. He told me I could come to him any time, but I haven't. He doesn't know I've been having these nightmares for at least a month or two now. I have been considering going to him, but I just don't want to bother him. I have noticed that he has been more observant towards me recently. He will give me a concerned glance, every now and again. I think it's kinda sweet that he is looking out for me, but like I said, I don't want to bother him with stupid nightmares. But this time it was a bit different. I dreamt that Misha was killed in a car accident. It felt so real, I just want to make sure he's okay. For closure, or whatever. I feel like I would just be bothering him though. Since it is the middle of the night. But if he is actually dead, then I can't really bother him. My eyes widen at the thought and I start to panic. The thought was enough for me to make a decision. I quickly get out of bed and grab a blanket before rushing out of my trailer.

The only light is the floodlights attached to the side of each trailer. I go the long way round, just to give myself a breather. I don't know what to expect. I pass by the makeup and hair department and the director's trailer. And then I circle back down towards the rest of the trailers. Jared's, Jensen's, Richard's, Rob's, Mark's (both). Misha's is next to Jensen's, and the nerves hit me as soon as my eyes rest on his door. I slowly walk closer, chewing on the inside of my lip from force of habit. What if he's not okay? What if he is, and I wake him up? Well, that's likely to happen. But I don't want to wake him up. If he isn't dead, that is. I hesitate, taking a deep breath before lifting my shaky hand to knock on his door. For a split second, I consider booking it back to my own trailer. But before I could think about that too much, the door opens. I immediately regret knocking when I see his drowsy (and slightly confused) features and messy hair, indicating that I did, in fact, wake him up. "Y/n, you okay?" He asks, his voice sounding tired. I gulp nervously "Y-You know what? It's okay… I'll j-just go. Never mind". I go to turn around, but his voice stops me. He sighs "Y/n, wait. Just… come in". I hesitate and he seems to notice. He smiles slightly "Come on, there's obviously a reason for your being here". I sigh quietly, then step inside. He closes the door.

We sit on the sofa together and he turns to look at me "So, are you okay?". I shrug "Not really, no". After a few minutes, he frowns "Did you… have a nightmare?". "Maybe" I mumble. He nods "You wanna talk about it?". "I… I don't know. Misha, I don't think this is a good idea. I should probably go". He sighs "Y/n, I'm not gonna let you do that. I said I'd be here whenever you need me. And you are clearly in need to talk to someone. So, here I am. Talk to me, it's okay". I look away from him to avoid his gaze. "Y/n, what happened, sweetheart?" He speaks softly. I look around the room made out of sheet metal quietly, trying to gather my thoughts. It's quiet for a moment before I feel his hand hold my shaky one. My eyes start watering at the still fresh memory. "It's okay" He whispers, rubbing a soothing thumb over the back of my hand. I try to choke back a sob, but to no avail "Misha, I… I thought- I thought you died". "… What?" He questions me. I lift my head to meet his worried gaze with my watery one. I take a breath "In my dream… y-you died in a car accident. It seemed so real. And then I woke up, and… and-". "Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. But look, look at me. See? I'm fine. I'm right here, I'm okay" He tells me. He moves closer to pull me into a hug. "There, see?" He mumbles to me. I sniffle before returning his hug. I rest my chin on his shoulder as he holds me close to him. Soon enough, my tears start soaking into the material of his shirt. "Misha?" I sniffle. He hums as he rubs my back soothingly "Yeah". "Do me a favour" I start. "Of course" He replies. "Please don't die" I sob quietly and he softly hushes me "Shh, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart".

I spent more time than I'd like to admit crying on Misha. But he doesn't complain, he just holds me. My tears stopped a few minutes ago, I just kinda like the feeling of being this close to him. I pull away from him before letting him brush my cheek with his thumb. He gently wipes the dry, sticky tear stains on my cheeks away. I frown at him. "Y/n, why'd you come to see me? Not that I mind. Of course it's fine, but why?" He asks. I feel a light blush dust over my cheeks "I… I just, I wanted to see if you were okay". He nods, smiling softly "Well, I'm fine". I look at him "Are you sure?". He chuckles "I promise". "D-Do you… I, um…" I stutter out. He looks at me "It's okay, take your time". "Can I… stay in here with you?" I ask sheepishly. He smiles "Of course you can, y/n".

He stands up, then pulls me up "Come on". "Where are we going?" I ask. "Um… to bed?" He raises an eyebrow. "Oh, I thought I was sleeping out here". "What? No, of course not. Come on, you are sleeping with me in my bed" He replies. I blush, making him chuckle. "Okay" I mumble shyly. He takes my hand, then leads me to his room. He lets go of my hand, taking the warmth with him as he climbs into the bed. I frown at the loss of contact. I watch him get under the covers and he looks up at me in slight confusion "Y/n?". I don't answer, so he calls my name again in a softer tone. I snap out of my trance and look back at him. He pulls the covers back, enough for me to get in. He pats the space beside him. I sigh "Misha, are you sure this is okay?". He chuckles, nodding "Y/n, get in here". I walk over to the bed, then climb in next to him. I sit up "Misha, I don't wanna have another nightmare". He looks at me "I'm right here, sweetheart. I'll be here, even if you do have another one. I don't care, y/n. You haven't been sleeping properly, for god knows how long now. You need to sleep, and I'm going to make sure you do". He takes my hand, once again warming up mine, and rubs his thumb over the back of it.

The next morning

I sit up in Misha's bed, stretching my arms. He isn't here anymore, but I hear the shower running. So I assume he's in there. I decide to stay under the warm covers a bit longer. I roll on to my front, burying my face into my arms. Soon, the shower turns off and a few minutes later, the bedroom door opens. I hear him chuckle softly. Does he think I'm still asleep? "Y/n?" He speaks up. Oh, no he doesn't. I grumble incoherently, making him chuckle again. I soon feel the bed dip beside me. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" He asks. I shrug "A bit better". I move my head so that I can look at him. He brushes some hair out of my face "Good". I tug on his shirt "Come back to bed. You're warm". He chuckles "Okay". He lies down beside me, but on top of the covers. "Are you not filming today?" I ask him. He nods "I am, but not until later. Jared and Jensen probably have some kind of prank waiting for me, so that can wait". I giggle "Fair enough". I move over to rest my head on his chest. He puts his arm around me and I feel him briefly kiss my head. I know it was just a dream, but I'm so glad he's okay. "You can move closer, if you want" He mumbles. I smile and move even closer to him "Thank you, Mish". "For what?" He questions. I shrug "For putting up with this. I know it's stupid". He sighs "Y/n, it isn't stupid. And I'm not putting up with anything. I care about you and I want to know you're okay. You think I didn't notice it these last two months or so? Not just me, everyone noticed. Everyone cares about you, y/n. And I want you to know if you need someone to talk to, or anything like that, I'm right here. You can come to me for anything, I don't care what it is. The important thing is that you're okay". I sigh "What would I do without you, Misha?". "Crash and burn" He replies with a grin on his face

Hey, hope you liked this one

- W.S.

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