Don't Do That To Us Part 2

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The next day

I did my panel with Jensen and Misha yesterday and it was so much fun. But today I have one with Kim, Bri and Ruth. And one later on with R2. And after that, it's the Saturday Night Special. My mum is travelling back home with my brothers and she'll be back tomorrow morning for me. I stand with Alfie, waiting for their cab to take them to the airport. J2 and Misha are also with us. I hug my brothers, then my mum when the cab shows up. "Be careful, sweetie" She tells me. I nod "I will, you too. I have these guys with me, I'll be fine". She smiles "Yeah, I know. Right, I'll see you tomorrow. And until then, I'm putting these guys in charge of you. So, listen to them and do what they tell you". I purse my lips "That doesn't seem like a good idea". She chuckles, then kisses my head "You know what I mean". I nod "Okay". She lets go of me, giving Alfie a pat. "Bye, boys" She waves. They smile at her. "Bye, Cassie". "See you tomorrow". "Bye, mom!". She chuckles before getting into the cab. I shut the door for her, then stand back with Alfie. "Right, let's get this party started!" Misha smiles, rubbing his hands together. I laugh "Okay".

"Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell and Cal Mackie!" Rich introduces us. I smile as I walk on stage with the ladies. I see Rob and his band sitting on the floor while playing the intro song. Which is just a random song. I run over to Rob and sit beside him, grinning. He smiles at me as he finishes singing. "You're getting better, Robbie" I say. He chuckles "Thank you". I turn to Billy, Mike and Norton "Is it not better down here?". "Nope". "Uncomfortable". "I hate this". I laugh "You guys are awesome". Rich chuckles, pointing to me "You light up the room, Cal. Alright, what a panel for you guys, huh? Well, we will get out of your hair". I give Rob a high five as he gets up to leave. "Bye, boys" Briana waves as they leave the stage. "Come sit with me, it's fun" I tell them. The three of them smile before happily joining me. "Alright, who has questions for us?" Kim speaks up.

"Hi, I love all of you but my question is for Callan".

I smile "Shoot". "So, you've been on the show since you were nine. Is there any differences between your home life and spn life?". Ruth hums "Good question". I purse my lips "Well, I… I like to think of it as two separate things. My home life is different because it's normal. None of my family is in the movie business, you know? So, that makes it slightly easier. My mum's a pastry chef and my dad's a teacher. So, they have more normal jobs. But there's some similarities because I have a big family at home too. I have four brothers, my mum, dad, two dogs and a cat. And I'm close with my grandparents as well. I see them all the time. But on the spn side of the fence, it's just a second family. You know? I joined the show and I got more big brothers and sisters".

"Hi, my question's for all of you. You're all such beautiful, amazing, strong women that everyone here can look up to. What's that like for you?".

Kim starts "Well, it's amazing first of all. I feel so blessed to be a part of this family. And I am constantly surprised whenever someone calls me a strong, powerful woman. If I'm being honest, I don't think I'm the best influence for people. But it's a compliment, so I'll take it". Bri smiles "Yeah, um… like Kim said, it's amazing. It gives me such a good feeling inside when young people like yourselves say you aspire to be like me or look up to me. It's humbling and I appreciate it very much". Ruth chuckles "Just the same, really. It's cool, I love this fandom and this family so much. So for you to say something like that, it means a lot to us". I nod and sigh "Um… I wasn't aware that I was a good influence on- anyone, really. So thanks I guess? But I really don't think anyone should look up to me". Everyone laughs and I chuckle.

"So, Callan. Yesterday you said you are Scottish".

I hum, tilting my head "Is that a statement? Yes, I did say that. Technically I'm half Scottish. My dad is Scottish and I lived in Scotland until I was four. Then my family moved to Missouri. That's where my mum is from and my younger brother was born there. And… that's all I have to say about that".

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