0.4 | Teen Idle

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▝▝ //chapter; four//

0.4 Teen Idle

The second Sienna was greeted with the morning light. She knew something was wrong.

The answers to her questions were instantly answered when her eyes fluttered open.

Her entire 'room' currently flooded with paper sketches, and words she had not remembered writing. Her bedroom wall filled with various sketches stuck to it. Her whole bed also covered in paper.

She noticed her handwriting and drawings in each one of them and the fact it wasn't the first time it had happened led her not to think twice about freaking out.

She heard footsteps, outside her room and quickly jumped off her bed.

Her legs still asleep and barely cooperating with her led Sienna to trip on the paper that scattered her floor making her fall with a thud. She groaned as she pulled herself up, immediately ripping all the sketches that were stuck on to her wall in the process unaware of the continuous knocks.

There were so many of them, Sienna didn't know where the hell she found the paper. Not that she would remember anyway.

She didn't have time to see what the drawings were exactly, as a knock was heard on her room door again. Sienna's eyes widen as she rapidly moved around her room, crushing paper in her hands to keep it hidden from the person at her door.

She didn't want anyone finding out how much of a freak she was.

Sienna fumbled a while with her sketches until she finally responded to the person on the other side. "C-ome in." She yelled hesitantly.

The door clicked opened revealing her 'mother'.

From all the excitement Sienna almost forgot she wasn't in New York anymore, in her own apartment which made her scowl.

"School starts in an hour." Melissa smiled nervously at her daughters' bored look.

Melissa stayed for a moment noticing Sienna's strange behaviour not that the reckless teenager had shown authority before but she could tell that Sienna had quite a frightened expression. Sienna was just like Scott when trying to hide something, both has obvious poker faces.

Sienna raised her brows at Melissa refusing to speak to her but what she was really was thinking is if she was in fact going to school, how in the world did her mother expect her to get ready in an hour?

Of course she wouldn't know that not living with a daughter and had acutely meant different things.

"Also breakfast will be ready downstairs and Scott will take you to school. I also got you some school supplies"

Sienna clenched her jaw as she waited for Melissa to leave. Once Melissa started to get uncomfortable under Sienna's glares she left the dip dyed red haired teenager be, not wanting last nights' event to repeat.

"Finally." Sienna sighed in relief as the door closed.

She still scowled at the fact she had no way of getting out of not going to school. Her twin was apparently going to take her.

Sienna still scowled at the thought. Now she was going to go meet people that she most likely wouldn't like.

With all her worries about going to school, Sienna had forgotten to look at the sketches. Sienna had forgotten to look at her warnings.


Sienna had finally got ready, her outfit naturally following an all-black themed and again leaving her shoulder length dip dyed red hair to roam freely in its curls.

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