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I firstly want point out that this is two episodes together with certain events put at different times so it could flow with the storyline so the next chapter will be on the ep night school and after that it's like two chapters left till s2 bc I have a lot planned for night school.

▝▝ //chapter; twelve//


THE TWO SIBLINGS were too engrossed with whatever was on their laptop screens that they were oblivious when their mother appeared at their door frame, her arms folded as she stared at her twins in confusion.

Sienna was confused as to why Scott had decided her room was a place to study and really it was mostly her doing the studying she had seen her brothers laptop screen change to a different site for games or something like that.

But she couldn't help but think there was something else like another reason he was really here.

And then there was Scott who's real reason for being in her room was to actually try to find out everything and anything about Sienna. She maybe his twin but not knowing a thing about her and not growing up with her meant he knew nothing and he wouldn't have been this determined if he didn't think something else was going on with her like something supernatural.

To be honest he wasn't sure if she was supernatural, Stiles just put that thought into his head and he couldn't help but think it was because of his dislike towards his sister and Stiles probably also thought Sienna didn't like him as well which is why he decided in returning his grimace when he saw her.

The awkward tension between the twins could be cut with a knife but both were too stubborn to cut it.

Sienna wanted to leave so she could meet with Isaac but she didn't want Scott or Melissa knowing and Scott wanted Sienna to leave so he could raid her room of anything mysterious—again Stiles' idea not Scott's.

But now that Sienna found it a bit strange that her brother was in her room she was curious as to why and wanting him out so she could leave. She was a conflicted teenage girl with a messy life.

"It's Friday night and you two decided to stay in and study?" The McCall twins grew startled by the sudden voice that interrupted their silence, both their identical brown eyes snapping towards their mother.

Scott's jaw hardened as he looked at Sienna who was already giving him a wary look. "Midterms mom." The teen wolf muttered but Sienna knew it was a lie but she didn't say anything.

Melissa nodded her head slowly. "Right midterms." She acknowledged as last night was the parents teacher meeting and Scott's grades were no way near good as Sienna who had only been at Beacon Hills High School for a month and her report card were only filled with A's.

Sienna almost felt sorry for him, he was obviously distracted from something but the distraction is what she also needed to find out.

His distraction couldn't only be Alison as Jackson and Isaac said he's different on the field as some kind of chemical change. Jackson had put the idea in Sienna's head that it was probably drugs but Sienna has witnessed people on drugs. Scott was different.

She still needed to figure out where he went that night and what her sketch implied where he was.

Melissa gave her kids a wary look. "Okay well, I guess ill leave you to study and maybe Sienna you can share some of your brains to Scott." Melissa addressed hoping this was their way of bonding but they just both gave her blank expressions.

Scott looked up from his seating position on the floor to his sister who was sprawled on her bed with her laptop but she was already looking at him when he did.

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