1.0 | The Reckless And The Brave

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a/n this chapter is sisaac af and I'm not even sorry also one of my favourites

▝▝ //chapter; ten//

1.0 The Reckless And The Brave

"You figured this whole thing out?" Sienna questioned in astonishment as she met Isaac that morning in what seemed to be their usual place, the library.

He had texted her earlier to meet him at the school not adding the fact it actually taken an hour for him to send the text but just as he finally had the courage to send it not a minute later Sienna responded back, letting Isaac's anxiety decrease quickly which had never happened.

Isaac's cheeks tainted pink as he nodded. "Yeah, I guess. It wasn't that hard nor did it take that long." Isaac lied, it actually took him all night to figure out he had barely slept a wink last night but it didn't matter since the surprised look on Sienna's face was worth it.

Sienna couldn't help but be impressed by the ideas he had circle around her sketches, she was no longer uncomfortable with the idea of letting him in on this. She had decided that it was time to discover the mystery of her sketches.

"I just realised something small that also is quite important, each of the sketches had a clock behind them meaning each event on the sketch starts at different times at the school. And by the dark shade indicates how late it is as well." Isaac explained, referring to the sketch she had drawn recently.

Sienna still described it as one of her most vivid dreams yet, although Sienna didn't tell Isaac she had a dream about it but he still seem to find out a lot about the sketch. "And the shadows? They're seven of them."

Isaac nodded again, spreading the sketches around as he brought out the sketch with seven different shadows also known as the figures of people. "Well I'm guessing, they are seven students and I think two of them might be us."

Sienna looked up at Isaac alarmingly. "So you actually believe this is going to happen."

Isaac had been trying to find other theories for the meaning of her sketches but he just kept drawing back to where she sketched the tragic event that happened in the school before it even started. It only brought him to believe her latest sketch was probably of something that hadn't happened yet and didn't and somehow it involved him and her.

He discretely understood why he would be at the school after hours as he usually sneaks into the school when his father threw him out.

"I believe your sketches mean more than just a simple drawing."

Sienna smiled at his answer since talking to him at the graveyard and deciding to stay with Mellissa and Scott in Beacon Hills. The reckless teenager was slowly realising running from your problems wasn't exactly ideal and she soon had to face up to them.

"So what are we doing first?" Sienna questioned looking away from Isaac, using her hair in use to cover her blushed cheeks.

Isaac stood up abruptly and Sienna thought he was having another panic attack but the almost excitement in his eye shut down the idea.

Isaac loved mysterious and couldn't lie he found it fun to help Sienna figure this out the bonus was just that he was doing it with someone he possible liked or like very much.

"Now that's another thing what we have to do next it doesn't really have to do with these sketches but about the guy Peter Hale." Now Sienna seemed more alert to what he was saying not believing how much time Isaac probably wasted doing this whilst she drowned her sorrows in chocolate brownie ice cream.

"What did you find out?" The reckless teen asked also standing up to Isaac's level. She was no way as tall as him, in fact their height difference seemed ridiculous but not in a bad way.

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