0.1 | On My Own

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▝▝ //Chapter one//

01. On my own

Sienna's father hardly ever being at home, gave Sienna some advantages to throw parties.

Thats why she was having one right one. Specifically her own one. It was a celebration, it was their second last night until they got back to school and Sienna decided to treat everyone.

The music blared through the apartment as bodies rocked to the beat. Sienna moved to the sound, half jumping as laughs escaped her lips even though nothing was funny.

The dance floor which was Sienna's living room, was practically an abused chess bored. Its white and black squares were spilled with drinks and broken glass.

The alcohol must have kicked in because Sienna was sure she was starting to hear things even over the loud music. She was never a light weight, so it confused her when she heard her name call out again.

She hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. She hoped she wasn't seeing or hearing things again. If she was, she wanted to ignore them until they left her alone, but they were times Sienna had no control over them.

The voice yelled again over the music, this time it sounded angry.

"Oh s.hit." Sienna had just noticed the music had stopped, no longer feeling the vibration through her body.

Her dad was home.

As Sienna heard her name again, she pushed through the crowd, her heart racing. Her dad never came home early.

If he did, he spent like thirty minutes and left never acknowledging her. Sienna finally pushed through the crowd, as she walked over to the tall figure she called her Dad.

In an instant, their identical brown eyes met one another as anger radiated through Mr McCall's eyes.

Now everyone had stopped dancing, watching the father and daughters stare down.

Mr McCall finally realised the stares, and the people in his apartment. "Everyone out now!"

Sienna gulped knowing that her father was part of the FBI, and all her friends could easily be in trouble. Also his loud demanding voice that left echo's throughout the apartment, was enough to put them in jail cells for under age drinking.

Surprise washed over Sienna as no one even attempted to move, probably thinking this guy was just some neighbour, but Sienna was glad when someone with a sober mind actually spoke.

"Shit, Guys! He's part of the FBI!" The second Ashton announced that, everyone sped through the apartment pushing past Sienna.

In seconds the apartment was left empty, but the tension still held in the air between the McCalls.

"What the hell is this Sienna?" Mr McCall immediately yelled at his daughter, gesturing to the red cups that filled the apartment.

Sienna rolled her eyes as she walked away from him, already getting a headache. "And what the hell happened to your hair?"

Sienna spun around on her heel, her eyebrows rising. "This." She pointed at her hair that was now a lot shorter than the normal length, as it laid on her shoulders with a red dip dye. "Dad I've had this for a month now. Of course you wont notice. You're never home!"

Her dad sighed, rubbing at his temples. "Sienna-"

"Stop dad. Where just as close as strangers could get!" Sienna hoped it was the alcohol she consumed, that made her go teary eyed.

"Sienna Maria, listen to me right now!" Mr McCall was getting frustrated with his daughters behaviour, even though half of it was his fault. Her smoking, her constant drinking even the red in her hair was his fault.

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