0.9 | Empty Gold

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Reminder; since both the characters (Isaac and sienna) are not in s1 on tw or even actual characters this is more going to be like their own story.... so it won't follow the exact storyline until the episode night school.

▝▝ //chapter; nine//

0.9 Empty Gold

SIENNA HAD SLEPT WITH HEAVY THOUGHTS clogging her mind which was probably the reason she was currently running for her life. From what exactly? Well that's what she didn't know; in fact she didn't even know why she was running, she just knew she was told to.

Her legs picked up faster pace, even worrying the teenager more fully aware she didn't have one athletic bone in her body and the most she'd ever run was when she thought she saw an Evan Peters lookalike which was a recurring illusion for her.

Her breath quickened as she rounded a corner of the school which she also didn't know why she was in until the familiar blue lockers appeared. There were various voices all ranging from different tones but she couldn't see anybody but she could tell they were as frightened as she was. The hairs at the back of her neck rose informing her that whatever was chasing her was close.

She finally reached an unlock door which seemed to reach the school gym, her shaking hands fumbled at the door knob her breath hitching whilst her heart drummed in her ears. It was getting closer.

Once she entered the school gym, she ran across the floor towards the bleachers quickly getting under it. She struggled to keep her breath at normal pace as soaring sounds filled her head.

Just like that everything went silent and still. There wasn't a pin drop in the gym, not even Sienna's erratic heart beat was heard. As if all sound around had be purposely muted. Everything had stood still as if a drawing or painting waiting to be finished.

Sienna could now clearly see each detail of the gym even with her eyes just peeking through the spaces from under the bleachers it wasn't long until her silent world begun again.

Sienna quickly covered her mouth from the sight in front of her, her hair sticking to her face by the sweat whilst tears pooled her eyes. She had never seen something as big or unsightly in her life and what scared her more its prey. Scott.

It's growl shook the floors underneath Sienna making her ears weighed down from the pressure.

Before she could yell for her brother's name, she felt a liquid slide down her face and before she could blame it on sweat. Her hand quickly caught the substance only to look at the blood red colour that stained her pale hands.

Her hands trembled violently, her sobs becoming louder aware that the blood was not in fact hers.

She looked up to see a dead body hanging downwards, his blood dripping down slowly from his limb body. She screamed at the corpse of the school's janitor her mind becoming blurry again as the image of the janitor stuck with her.


Sienna had woken up with sketches all over her room that morning. She never had such a vivid dreams and she couldn't lie that it scared her. She couldn't lie the second she realised she was ok she ran into Scott's room to check on him, only finding him sound asleep which lead her to sigh in relief knowing it was just a nightmare.

Not so shocking, the sketches were about every event that happened in her dream, which didn't fail to let a shiver run down her spine. The nightmare felt so real. Sienna didn't know what the dream meant and she didn't want to.

Sometimes her dreams were something Sienna could never escape; she had to go through each event until she unconsciously drew them down.

It's like she had all the scenes to a movie but she just had to figure out what order they went in, which was as hard as having a million pieces of a puzzle and not knowing where to start Sienna.

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