Hospital Part 4

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Ahhh! Im so sorry that this chapter was late! A lot of stuff is going on with me and my family. Im really trying to get back on track though. I just want to thank everybody that is still reading this. It may not be the best story ever, but you guys are reading it! Thank you all so much. Anyways lets start writing. And im working on th

Shoyo Hinata

When we were doing our homework I could see Kageyama saying something, but I couldn't quite make out what he said. As we sat there finishing up our homework I could feel Natsu waking up. I shifted my body a little bit to make her more comfortable.  I looked down at her and smiled, when she saw me smiling at her, she smiled back. I tickled her, watching her giggle wishing i could hear her. That's all I really asked for. I just wanted to hear her voice, even if it was just for a day. I stopped tickling her because i felt Kageymas hand move away from mine.  I turned to Kageyama and spotted two older people standinng beside him, talking. They all seemed to be very mad. Kageyama didnt respond to anything they were saying. He just sat there with his head down. This was very unusual for him to do. Then he said something, but I couldnt understand it. I was scared, I had never seen him yell before. But whatever he said, those people werent very happy about it. They grabbed his stuff and I could make out what they were saying this time. They said

"We will meet you in the car Tobio" They said something else, but they turned before I could read their lips. What did they mean. Was he leaving, why did he yell, who were they. Whats happening! I started freaking out on the inside trying not to show it. I felt a hand on my leg as I was internelly freaking out. I looked down and Kageyama was still there, head pointing to the ground. I could see tears streaming down his eyes that he wiped every couple seconds. I didn't know why this was, he never really talked about his feelings. But then he just got up and left, without saying or signing anything. Did I do something wrong? I turned to my side and I could feel myself tearing up. I started hyperventalateing, thinking of all the things that I couldv'e done, to make him cry and leave like that. As I was freaking out I could feel Natsu trying to calm me down. I wanted to, for her. But I couldn't, my body wouldn't let me. I felt like I was loosing control of my body. I was trembling with fear, thinking I was gonna loose him. I felt sweat drip down my face as it got harder to breathe every second. I could feel my heart beating rapidly. I saw doctors come in left and right. Was I dying! I saw Natsus scared face as i felt a needle in my arm and my eyes closed.


As the doctors tried to calm Hinata down from what they thought was a panic attack. Nobody really bothered to worry about Natsu. They were trying everything, but his heart rate wouldn't go down and he could barely breathe. The doctors were all scared he was not going to make it. Finally a doctor noticed Natsu in the corner, crying, shaking thinking that her brother was going to die. The doctor ran over to her and tried to comfort her as much as she could. Natsu lifted hr head up when she heard a certain voic.

"SHOYO" Natsu got up an ran over to them. It was Kageyma, he left something here, so he had to come back. He looked down at Natsu and saw the fear in her eyes. She was freaking out. So was he, but he couldn't show it because he needed to get her to calm down.

Tobio Kageyama

I shook the fear off my face and bent down to Natsus height.

"Everything is going to be okay, Nii-chans gonna be fin-" I heard the heart moniter, he was going to die! I had to do something, but what! I ran over to him and put his hand in mine The doctors yelled at me to get away from him, but I didn't listen. I blocked their voices out so that i could hear nothing. I spoke to him knowing that he couldn't hear me.

"Shoyo! Wake up! Please, for Natsu" I paused for a couple seconds.

"For me! WAKE UP! PLEASE! YOU CANT DIE! I cant live without you! SHOYO! " I squeezed his hand tighter thinking of what would happen to him as I brought myself back to reality. I felt a little squeeze back. I opened my eyes. His heart beat was slowly going back to normal.

"YES!" I yelled grabbed Natsu.

"Hes going to be fine, everything is going to be fine.."  Natsu just smiled as she cried, knowing that her brother would be fine. His heart beat was finally back to normal, I looked around the room full of doctors in shock. I looked back at Shoyo when I  felt him squeeze my hand tighter. I tensed up when i heard someones voice.

"Ugh, hes still here! Shoyo wake up! Were going home!" She was drunk. I could hear it in her voice. I turned around.

"How about you go the fuck home!" I didnt mean to say that! It just popped out.

"Who do you think your talking to!"

"Can we call security?" I asked the doctors. One of them yelled out

"SECURITY IN ROOM 7!" I tightened my grip on both Natsu and Shoyos hand.

Author-chan: Hey hey hey! So this one is very short because I still have to finish the Christmas bonus. It will be out some time today. I PROMISE lol. Also im still really low on ideas lol.

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