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Omori and Basil have been best friends for as long as they can remember each other. They got along almost immediately which would be suprising to most people since Omori doesnt talk or show emotion often and Basil is very shy and quiet. You'd think that there would be a awkward silence between them yet here they are, years later since they first met, together on a blanket in the forest just watching nature take it's course. Basil laying down with his camera next to him, watching the curiously shaped stars pass by the sky. Omori sitting with his knees against his chest in a loose fetal position just staring into space. There was a comfortable silence between them like they didn't need to talk to each other to have fun, they just needed to know that the other person was there. Basil turned his head to look at Omori, expecting Omori to look back at him but it seemed that Omori was too lost in thought. Basil then had a great idea. He reached for his camera and quickly took a photo of Omori while he was stilling staring into space. Omori snapped out of it when the flash hit him. Realizing what Basil did as soon as he heard him laughing, Omori had a small smile on his face. Basil had the picture in his hand, looking at it while smiling and Omori reached towards it, trying to take the picture from Basil but to no avail. Omori got up silently and reached for the photo again but with a bit more force. Basil dodged and got up and started to run behind a tree, giggling. Omori then smiled again, seeing as they were going to play a little game of tag and began to run behind the tree towards Basil. Basil went to the other side of the tree and it was a stalemate between the both of them since Omori was always chasing behind Basil. He then had the idea to turn the other way and run into Basil, pushing him down on the blanket with Omori on top of him. Basil still had the picture in his hand which was now pinned by Omori's hand on top of Basil's head. Omori looked at Basil who was softy breathing while looking at him with loving eyes. Omori smiled and took the picture quickly from Basil's hand and got off of him, nowing looking at the photo. Basil snapped out of the trance he was in and yelled," Hey! That's no fair Omori. You cheated!" He faked being angry but couldn't for long as he began to laugh. Omori smiled at him again ( three for three let's goooo) and looked at the picture, it was a little blurry which bothered Omori but Basil said it adds personality. Still smiling Omori stood up and walked to the camera and sat down next to it. Basil sat in front of him, jumping forward to try and take the picture. Omori dodged and Basil was now half on top of him. With the picture still in his hand, Omori used his other hand, grabbed Basil's jaw softly and kissed him. It was a quick kiss but it was a very nice one for both of them. "Here." Omori handed the picture to Basil and he quietly grabbed the camera. Basil giggled," if you wanted to kiss me, you could've asked." Omori smiled yet again but this time a genuine loving smile and took a picture of Basil. He took the photo, gently kissing it and putting it in his pocket and fell forward to land of Basil. He softly kissed Basil's cheek and the corner of his mouth a couple times before getting off him and laying next to him, holding his hand while looking at the stars. " I love you", he said to Basil while smiling. "I love you too", Basil replied while getting closer to Omori and looking at the stars with him.

(665 words im so mad that i can't add another word somewhere)

Anyway that's that and Merry late Christmas.

Omori X Basil One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now