Valentines Day

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(Just to lighten the mood, Mari is still alive because I want Hero and Mari to be happy. Actually I just want everyone to be happy.)

Valentines day was always a holiday Sunny never really understood. He wasn't really one to be into romance despite Basil wanting to be very romantic. He had been with Basil for quite some time and they were both now 16. Well Basil was going to be 17 in a couple days after Valentine but that's besides the point. The couple was together outside in the park, holding hands and wondering around with Basil being the plant fanatic and looking at all the trees and flowers like a caring mother would. Sunny would look at him every time he let go of his hand and laugh as Basil talked to the plants like they were his own children but he always admired Basil for that. He cared about everyone despite them not knowing him. That's how Basil always was. After giving the flowers some encouragement to continue to grow beautifully and strong, he got back up, intertwined his fingers with Sunnys and continued to walk around.

"Hey Sunny? Aren't we forgetting something? I feel like we came to the park for more than one reason?" 

"..." Then Sunny remembered. Mari had told him that the whole gang was meeting up at the secret hideout. 

"oh...OH. I almost forgot! Basil, my love." Basil blushed a little at the pet name. "We need to go meet Mari and the others at the hideout."

"Oh yeah! How could have I forgotten?" 

Basil grabbed his hand again and rushed to the entrance of the hideout, Sunny following behind him shortly. After rushing through the leaves for a little bit, they came out into the clearing, face first with the caution signs that were worn from the sun. Basil smiled, memories of them being little kids coming back to him as he saw the lake along with the picnic blanket that always came with Mari. Sunny came out a little after Basil did, looking at him questionably as he was still crouched down. He taped him on the shoulder,  snapping Basil out of his memory lane and looking up at Sunny. He smiled at him before getting up and taking his hand again, slightly dragging him because of how fast he was going. Mari then came into view of Sunny and Basil; Basil getting excited again and Sunny feeling the warmth of her aura around him already. He really loved his sister and was glad she was back from college. (dont get into the logic of this please) Sunny smiled at Mari before rushing to her with Basil. Even though Mari lives with him and he had said his hellos either that week, he still misses her. They met her at the picnic blanket, Hero already sitting next to Mari, his hand on top of hers. 

" Hey you two! I was wondering when you guys would show up." Mari smiled. The kind of smile a loving mother would give. 

" ahh, sorry. We and but that I mean I got distracted by the flowers. They are starting to sprout again and I just want to give them encouragement to grow beautifully. I guess I just dragged Sunny along with me when I was doing that. Haha sorry." Basil looked at Sunny apologetically. 

"No, you don't need to apologize Basil. I love spending time with you so I don't mind when you do that."

"ah, um alright." He kissed Sunnys check, slightly blushing at the comment. 

Sunny just chuckled before wrapping an arm around Basils waist, pulling him closer, and leaning his head on his shoulder. 

" Awww look at how cute you two are! Im glad your relationship worked out for you two Sunny and Basil."

They both smiled at Mari as a thank you before sitting down on the picnic, Sunny to the right of Mari and Basil next to him. 

"So how has college been treating you two?" Basil looked at both Mari and Hero.

"Ah well, a lot more work then im used to but its nothing I cant handle hehe."

"Yeah college is good so far, been getting pretty good grades but I really miss my Mari." Hero pauses, side hugging Mari while Mari looked at him and giggled. " and all of you guys." 

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