I'll be here for you

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There is a little sprinkle of spoilers in here so be careful with that.


Whitespace. A place where Omori wakes up in every time he remembers waking up. Everything seemed so familiar to him, the never-ending white walls that somehow made you loop back to where you started to his laptop that was one of his only sources of entertainment in this whitespace world. Omori was found in the middle of this room, laying on the floor and staring into nothing. He felt like nothing. These were one of the times where he wouldn't go out with his friends for he couldn't find a reason to. Well at least not today. As much as he would like to visit is sister Mari, his beloved boyfriend Basil and his friends Aubrey, Kel and Hero, he couldn't find a reason to. He couldn't find a reason to stand up and walk to the door and open it to a new adventure awaiting him. He just stayed still, not moving a muscle for he didnt need to nor want to. He just closed his eyes and relaxed letting his mind wonder for who knows how long.

"Im worried for him. He hasn't been gone for this long and im starting to get scared."

Aubrey stared worriedly to Kel and Hero who were waiting with her outside of Omori's door. "Aubrey im sure everything is fine. He might just be taking a little longer to wake up then usual and that's fine." Hero reassured her as he looked down at the set of cards in his hands, pushing away his worried thoughts and tried convincing himself that Omori was  actaully fine.

"Yeah im sure he's fine. He might have found a really interesting game on his laptop and decided to play it all night. That would cause anyone to sleep like they're in hibernation!" Kel exclaimed before getting up, messing up the cards in the process and walking towards Aubrey. "Sounds like your talking from experience", Hero laughed. "Hey mabye i am!", Kel said proudly behind Aubrey. " mmm. I don't think so. Omori isn't as stupid as you Kel." , Aubrey looked up to see Kel offend and giggled before quickly running behind Hero while smiling. Kel frowned at Aubrey, pulling out Hector his pet rock and saying something about how mean she is and to not listen to her. Hero smiled nervously as he still couldn't convince himself that Omori was fine. Truth be told, he was scared that something bad happened to him and he could be getting hurt in there and he couldn't help him. He promised Mari that he would look over him when she couldn't so Omori basically became a second little brother to Hero and boy was he worried like a big brother would be.

Hero stood up catching the attention of both Aubrey and Kel," hey guys. Why don't we go visit Mari and Basil?"

" Well that does sound like fun but what if Omori comes out when we are out having fun with Mari and Basil? I would hate for him to feel sad because we werent there for him."

Aubrey argued, not wanting to leave her friend behind.

"Ah true. But mabye we could bring Basil and Mari here? That way we can look after Omori while being with Basil and Mari." Hero suggested.

"Mmm, well i guess that could work." 

" Then it's settled. Let's go get Basil and Mari!" Kel exclaimed with a sudden burst of energy and ran up the stairs. 

"Sigh, does that idiot ever stop?"

 "No but that's what fun about him"

 " sure. Okay let's go!" 

"Right behind you." 

And with that Hero followed Aubrey up the staircase to meet with Kel. "Bye Omori, we'll be back soon!" Aubrey yelled, waving her hand in a goodbye motion towards the door. Heading out of the tree stump and walking towards the park, the Omori-less party finds Mari and Basil chatting in the picnic area. Basil sees them first and calls them over but frowns a little seeing that Omori isn't with them. 

Omori X Basil One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now