Our Final Goodbye

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(So I uhhh trigger warning to suicide, depression, self harm and all that fun jazz stuff. Oh yeah, this is based off a song I have been listening to called Shoujo Rei. Enjoy crying :) )

Your instincts start to go crazy, like a cornered mouse


Where is Basil?

Sunny was currently freaking the fuck out. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He was scared. Actually that's an understatement. He was terrified and for good reason.

The previous night, Sunny went to go say good night to Basil, you know per usual but this good night felt different, it felt more like a goodbye than a good night. Of course, Sunny didn't really put much thought into it seeing as he hasn't talked to Basil in 4 years, plus all the stuff they just went through, he just thought it was Basil changing the way he talked. Boy is he wrong and boy does he wish that he wasn't.

Sunny looking at the empty bed of where Basil used to lay had his mind racing with things and places Basil could have gone. He came up with a conclusion. A conclusion he very much didn't like. Stomach filling with dread, he raced out of Basil's room, to the intersection and up all the way until he reached the Balcony. He stood in front of the door, feeling sick to his stomach but tried his best to ignore the feeling and opened the door.


There he was

Basil on the edge of the balcony, looking at the sky while smiling.

Sunny was very, very scared.

He couldn't move at all. No matter how hard he tried, he was stuck, seeing Basil in front of his eye about to leave him. Basil payed no mind to him, he wasn't ever sure Basil know he was there, humming a soft song that Sunny didn't recognize. Basil turned his head, looking at Sunny directly in the eye.

I guess he did know he was there

now, standing in an abyss of despair,

Basil looked at him for a bit, seeming to study his features and then smiled. A smile that would haunt Sunny for the rest of his life. The last smile Sunny would ever get from Basil.


Please don't say it

"Haha im sorry for being so selfish"

No please.

"I guess this is goodbye."

Stop it. Please

"Sunny, I love you. I love you so much and I always will."

Don't leave me. I love you too much.

you jumped into the railway crossing

Sunny, fighting with his body was finally able to move and he ran as fast as he could to Basil but unfortunately, it just wasn't enough. Basil was already gone by the time Sunny got to where he stood. Instead, tears found their way to Sunny's eye. His best friend just, He just killed himself in front of him. And he could have stopped it. He could have saved him,

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