You are my Sunflower

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Sunny and Basil were doing the usual thing, just hanging  (heh) out with each other at Basils house. Sunny insisted that he wanted to see the flowers Basil has nursed these past years and Basil, having a weak spot for Sunny, agreed. 

Now here they were, sitting on Basils room while talking about anything that crosses their minds. Basil being on his back, almost upside down on his bed while Sunny sat against he bed on the floor.

"Hey Sunny."


" Do you know what my favorite flower is?"

"... the pink flower clip in your hair?"

Basil giggled while turning around to face Sunny.

"good try but no."

" mmmm then what about the one that looks like a bird?" 

"Again a good try but no."

"Then I have no idea"

"That's alright because I never told you hehe"


Sunny looked up at Basil and smiled in a teasing way. He shifted in a way where he was directly in front of Basil and kissed him upside down, Spiderman style. Basil, being the un-suspecting victim, didn't see it coming  and almost slide down the side of the bed, dragging Sunny down a bit with him. Basil give him a playfully mad look. A look Sunny knew as 'I love you with my whole heart, but warn me next time'. He chuckled when he saw Basil's glare.

Sunny smiled at him again, and stood up, towering over Basil, and offered his hand for Basil to get out of bed. Basil accepted with a warm smile on his face and stood up, not letting go of Sunny's hand. He took the hint and intertwined his hand with Basil, gently lifting it up and pressing a kiss on it. The soft boy blushed a little with Sunny's affection and mustered a even more loving smile.

"I love you"

" I love you too"

"hey, love? Can we go see your flowers?"

Basils slightly jumped at the thought with excitement in his eyes and nodded. He took the lead in the group and lead then outside where all of his flowers were placed. He turned around, smiling at Sunny and kissed him on the cheek.

"hehe, which flower do you want to start with first?"

Sunny looked at the options of flowers he could learn about. There were so many that were so pretty but none of then really stood out to them until he saw the sunflowers. In the way the light was positioned, it looked like it was glowing, heavenly. He walked towards the sunflowers, taking Basil with him as he gently touched its petals. 

"This one."

"oh this one! Hehe that's funny that you chose this one. Sunny, sunflowers heh. Well anyway,...Love." 

Basil blushed using the pet name. Sunny chuckled.

 "This is a sunflower. Its known for being a tall plant that grows in large packs and always face the way the sun rises. I guess you could say they are always looking on the bright side of things heh."

"That kind of reminds me of you Basil."


Basil blushed and backed away slightly but not too far since Sunny was still holding his hand.

"I-uhhh, why do you say that?"

"Well you said that they always face the sun, and that reminds me of you always looking at the bright side of things. And well, me heh. Plus I think the flower suits you well"

He smiled and kissed Basils hand again, leaving a bit more kisses than last time. Basil was about to have a whole ass nervous breakdown with the way Sunny complemented him. Who know that he was weak to flower complements, especially from Sunny. 

"Ah well, I-um thank you Sunny."

He blushed and kissed him quickly before hugging him, burying his face in the crook of Sunnys neck, blushing. 

Sunny smiled, feeling the heat that came from Basils face. He was pleased that he was the person who could make Basil feel and act this way. He took both of Basils hand, intertwined them with his and swayed slightly from left to right with Basil. Sunny hummed a bit, not really humming a certain song, just enjoying the moment. 

"Hey love, do you want to go back inside?"

"I-umm, s-sure"

Sunny lead them back into the house and back to his room, leaving Basil sitting on the corner of his bed. Sunny took the camera and hid it behind his back.

"Hey Basil? You know I love you right?"

"well yes. I would hope so heh"

"Well I do, you are my little(pog champ) sunflower. I love you more than anything love."

Damn Sunny really went there. Basil cant really take pet names well. He gets really flustered by them but that doesn't mean he doesn't like them. Well he likes them a lot when they are from Sunny. So Sunny using 'my little sunflower' and 'love' in the same sentence really made Basil flustered. This is what Sunny wanted. He took the camera from behind his back, positioned it as best as he could and took a photo. Basil heard the click  of the camera and knew immediately what happened. 

"...Sunny? D-did you take a picture of me?"

"No, I took a picture of myself."

"I-I have a hard time believing that heh."

Sunny took the picture and put it in his pocket and sat next to Basil, kissing his hands softly. 

"I couldn't resist love. You just looked so nice that I wanted to capture the moment."

"I mean I guess that fine, but... Can I see it?"

Sunny nodded, reaching into his pocket and gave the photo to Basil. Sunny was in fact not lying when he said that he wanted to capture the moment. Basil was blushing a lot with his hands covering his face with one of his knees against his chest.

"Ah. hahaha, this isn't a very flattering photo of me but since I love you so much, I'll let you keep it."

"Thanks my sunflower."

"Sunny!" Basil whined. 

"I couldn't resist!"

This left Basil blushing on the bed while Sunny slightly laughing next to him. He grabbed Basils hand and pulled him into a hug while leaning back so Basil was on top of him slightly. Basil was still blushing but relaxed into the new position the boys were in.

"I love you"

"I love you too, my sunflower."

Well I umm. I finished this faster than I excited lol. Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story about Basil and Sunny being wholesome boyfriends and enjoy the rest of your day. 

Also the next story that I might release is the angst one so be on the lookout for that lol.

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