A little something called Headcannons

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Okay so i saw someone comment on this on Instagram and im wondering what the ship name for Sunny and Basil is gonna be. Like i personally like the ship name Sunflower because yes. Wholesome. Boyfriends. Aesthetic.

Anyway. Headcannon time!

• So when Basil and Sunny first met when they were kids, Basil kinda had a little crush on Sunny but he didn't really know what that kind of love was at the time so he didn't say anything. Now that he is 16, he thinks about it and blushes at the thought.

• Sunny and Basil would have dates often. Like they would literally do anything together and call it a date. Most dates consist of them just being together alone. Like walking around the park holding hands. Boom that's a date. Watching a show together while cuddling up. Boom another date.

• Sunny doesn't like taking pictures much less smiling in them but when Basil asks him to, he'll smile for the picture. Also Basil and Sunny have small photo book filled with pictures of them doing stupid and or romantic stuff. Some pictures are of them holding hands, Sunny kissing Basil on the cheek and Basil alseep while on Sunny's lap. They go through the pictures together when they feel sad.

• Sunny really likes it when Basil plays with his hair. Basil seems to like it too. It always ends up with Sunny having tiny pigtails on either side of his head even if he doesn't have enough hair to pull it off. They both seem happy about it though.

• Mari is the ultimate wing woman I swear. She will literally convince Hero to help her draw the attention of Aubrey and Kel away from Basil and Sunny so they can have some time together. Mari is very supportive of Sunny and Basil dating and even teases Sunny about it often.


The tree Mari was hung on was the same tree that Sunny and Basil shared their first kiss. It was also a spot that they had many enjoyable dates. That's why it was Sunny's favorite.

• When Mari died, Sunny and Basil got really bad mentally. They both wanted to die but they didn't because they didn't want to leave the other person alone again. The worst year for Sunny was the first year and he would often stare at knifes and fantasize about putting the knife very close to his stomach. Basil's worst year was the third year and he would often stare at where the tree used to be and still see the noose and him along with it. After that, he stopped walking around Sunny's house and focused his thoughts on his flowers.

• Sunny and Basil we're really awkward when they first started talking again. Their connection was severed when Mari died. As much as they would like for things to go back to normal, it would hurt them more to pretend to be fine with each other.

• Sunny really wanted to get rid of the photo album of him and Basil but Basil said no and hid it. Basil later wanted to throw it away but decided to keep it.

• After Sunny and Basil fought and ended up in the hospital, their relationship was still really really rocky but they both decided to give it a try again. Since then Sunny would sneak out of his hospital room and go to Basil's room to just talk and hang out. This was such a hassle that they had to lock Sunny's door but that didn't stop him. The employees eventually got tired and moved Basil's room next to his.

• When Basil was able to walk around again, the first spot they went together was the balcony. They held hands the whole way and never let go. They expressed their feeling for each other again and Basil cried because he  felt really bad for poking Sunny's eye out. Sunny assured him it was fine and that it needed to be done and they kissed after that. That was their first kiss in years and it felt really good for the both of them.

• After getting released from the hospital, they would visit Mari's grave often and apologize to her each time they went. They would also leave flowers whenever they could. They would also visit Basil's grandmothers grave. Although Sunny didn't go to Basil's grandma's grave as often as Basil did, he would leave flowers and thank her for raising Basil the best way she could.

I have many more headcannons and will probably make a second part on this soon.

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