Chapter One - An Unexpected Location

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It wasn't often that an event would render Aizawa speechless. Yet here we are, an eyebrow of his quirked up just the slightest bit in order to hint to the idea of 'surprised'.


It started at night in the 1A dorms, everyone most people were sleeping peacefully. Aizawa was just walking around, making sure that no one was getting into trouble, when he felt himself grow tired.

While this is quite a normal occurrence for Aizawa, it was getting increasingly difficult to suppress the need to shut his eyes. And so, he did – only to wake up in an arm chair surrounded by his students and members of staff.

Mina let out a loud yawn, rubbing her eyes while tiredly saying "What's going on?"

And soon, many started to panic.


"Where the FUCK ARE WE?"

"Wow, bro, am I high?"

But before there was even a chance react further, the screen in front of them displayed a message.


It was a simple message in all honestly, one that should not have created as much paranoia as it should have, but even then, many were holding their breathes.

Please do not be scared.

A bark of anger could be heard.

I am not here to harm you in any way. You see, I am a being of curiosity, and this curiosity could be brought up in many different forms. However, recently, I've started to ponder on situations and scenarios.

Nedzu hummed, sipping on a tea cup that seemingly came out of no where as he read.

In any case, my mind tends to wander to how things could have gone differently.

There is no difference between a normal everyday situation and the situation in this show.

Confused murmurs spread around the room, people chattering about what in the world could this unknown force be talking about.

Ah, sorry. I should probably explain.

I come from a place where quirks do not exist, as a result, instead of superheroes, we have doctors, and the police (very debatable issue), etc. But we also have TV shows, with fictional heroes, in fictional scenarios, fictional stories.

May I introduce to you, My Hero Academia, a show that has caught my eye for a very long time. And that's were you come in.

"I see." The simple two words that come out of Nedzu's mouth caused a sudden change in focus for many. With quite a few turning to him for explanation.

"Uh, Principal Nedzu sir, I don't really know what's going on? One second I was in my pajamas and then – now I'm just, here?" Uraraka said, gesturing around the place.

"I think, whomever this person may be, may be planning on showing us scenarios that could happen in our world, yes?"

Correct. However, I must warn you in advance, these are based around a specific person, and as a result, some of their past may be revealed, and their morality may be questioned, despite the events being fictional.

"So, like, a main character!" Hagakure shouted excitedly, still cheerful and peppy.

"Ah. I understand." Todoroki said, still somewhat tired.

"Questioning their morals? What scenarios would we be looking into that would require this type of questioning? Isn't that kind of invasive too? Considering the fact we don't know who the main character is and what secrets may be revealed –"

Midoriya's muttering was cut off by the screen flashing another message.

The main character will be Izuku Midoriya. We will be focusing on a single type of scenario, but even then, a lot of information would be provided based on it. As a further warning, the scenario we would be looking at isn't pleasant, resulting in a lot of questions that will be directed towards Midoriya.

Midoriya seemed bothered, his muttering stopped, and his hand covering his face.

"WHAT! THAT NERD?!" Bakugou was angered, explosions erupting from his hands, before it coming to an abrupt stop.

"I'm assuming we have no choice in whether or not we want to see this?" Aizawa inquired.

Unfortunately, no. Despite my want to give you the option, I fear that some may disagree, and rightfully so.

"Just what it this topic that would cause so much controversy?" Iida asked, a serious look to his face.

I will not tell; you will just have to trust that it is not one that should be taken lightly. Take it as a warning and as a lesson to learn from. Use it, to create understanding rather than fear and anger. It will have a grand impact all of you in the future.

Aizawa inhaled, looking at his class.

Midoriya seemed to be panicking, Todoroki attempting to relax the boy by rubbing his shoulder gently.

The rest of the class wasn't doing horribly. Some were confused, some were intrigued, some were trying to keep the atmosphere light, while some were just completely uninterested.

"Alright, I see that this may be a good opportunity for you students, Eraserhead." Nedzu said, almost urging the students to focus.

"Let's just get on with it."

The screen went black,

and the video started. 

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