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Proving Lieutenant Hemmings wrong felt weird, but so right at the same time.

Everyone congratulated me and made sure to share their excitement for my big success. Major Hood, Ashton, and Michael were no doubt the most excited for me, whereas, Lieutenant Hemmings left the sight and didn't return. 

Everyone else cheered for me for what felt like hours and for the first time in a long time I felt genuinely happy.

It feels good to hear all these people cheer for me and tell me how proud they are because now, there's absolutely nothing holding me back.

I didn't go back to the cabin considering all anyone wants to do right now is talk to me about what just happened. I don't mind considering it feels good to be hyped up by a bunch of men who doubted you and made fun of you for not being able to accomplish the task not too long ago. 

Not only did I prove Lieutenant Hemmings wrong tonight, but I proved every man here wrong.

"Lila, can we go take a walk?" Michael asks me, a look on his face that I can't put my finger on. 

Considering I'm having a conversation with a younger soldier, I decide against cutting him off in the middle of his conversation with me as I say, "Yeah, give me like five minutes."

"Now, Lila," Michael says in more of a needy way rather than demanding.

Knowing I need to put him first, as opposed to whoever this guy is that keeps staring down my shirt, I shoot him a sympathetic smile, preparing my departure. I can tell he seems let down, but I don't dwell on it as I get up from the table.

Michael begins the trek out of the cafeteria as soon as I join his side and I stay close by his side. It's late so I know Lieutenant Hemmings probably will rip me apart if I stay out too late, so I intend on keeping this conversation as short as possible. 

He keeps his hands dug deep in his pockets as he looks around the cafeteria cautiously, seeming more nervous than I've ever seen him. I'm confused by his action but gesture for us to leave regardless.

We walk out of the room, everyone still talking amongst themselves as Michael seems to be in a hurry. I begin to wonder what he wants to talk about but realize it's probably obvious. We haven't fully reached the same page when it comes to me deciding whether I want Lieutenant Hemmings to know or not.

I obviously know where he stands and maybe he's hoping to convince me to agree with him. I definitely intend on hearing him out, but I hope that he can just accept things as they are and stop trying to get me to see things from his point of view. After all, he's not the one in my shoes.

Luckily he doesn't seem to hesitate as we finally step outside and he grabs my wrist before taking me over to the same bench I had talked with Ashton on. I can see the panic in his features as he doesn't slow down his movements in the slightest.

I try to keep up with his pace as he practically runs over to the bench, seeming incredibly determined to jump into this conversation. 

"Michael, is everything okay?" I ask, half alarmed that he's acting the way he is.

"No, not in the slightest."

I look to him, panic crossing my own face as I watch him carefully. What's that supposed to mean? He's hardly one to freak out, yet here he is, seeming to be sweating buckets by the second. 

"Your brother is Declan right?" he asks the obvious considering he knows who he is and I obviously do.

What does Declan have to do with anything?

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