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Luke's POV:

"Luke, you totally set me up!"

"I did no such thing," I say teasingly, watching the way Lila uses her back to press open the door of our cabin for the two of us, granting us entry after a long ass day. I'm thankful that it's over to say the least as each day, all I can think about is getting my girlfriend back here to myself.

"You absolutely did!" she says with a laugh. "You know I would've made the shot if you didn't scream penis in my ear just as my finger was on the trigger."

I laugh hard at this, finding it hysterical as I remember her jumping a whole foot in the air, missing the target completely as I'm lucky she didn't turn around and shoot me.

I would've deserved it.

"You don't know when someone out in combat might scream penis in your ear," I say to her even though the chances of this ever happening are absolutely slim-to-none.

Lila rolls her eyes, making her way to her room as I follow her helplessly, not wanting to go a moment without her as I know she feels the same.

"I would've had a perfect day and you knew Declan was watching!" she says, opening her door. I go to slip in but she goes to shut it quickly, attempting to keep me out as I grab it even quicker, knowing she's no match against me.

She pushes her whole body into the door, attempting to keep me out as my strength prevails and she hardly makes much of an impact.

"No, you're not allowed in!"

"Please? I haven't kissed you in like six hours, that's so fucked up."

"Too bad!" she says, even though I can hear the teasing in her tone. "You should've thought of that when you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Come on, babe. I can almost give you a heart attack in a different way? A more pleasurable way."

Lila stills her movements, seeming thrown off by my words and I take the opportunity to slip into her room completely, stripping myself of my shoes in the process. This earns a scream from her as I grab onto her waist and take control as I throw her onto the bed without hesitation.

"Stay away from me!" she says, using her two pointer fingers to form a cross as I only smirk at her playful behavior, finding it nothing short of amusing.

"No can do, girlfriend," I say, using the name I've probably referred to her as more than I have her actual name.

It feels good to say. It especially feels good to say when I'm looking at the beauty in front of me.

"I'm going to break up with you!" she challenges as if I'd believe it for half a second.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at her as I stand next to her bed. "And who's going to have your legs shaking in pleasure once you break up with me?"

This seems to take Lila by surprise as she widens her eyes at me, being thrown off by my words as she's speechless for the first time today. I take her moment of speechlessness to crawl onto her bed with her, having no shame in towering over her body that lays sprawled out on the bed, watching my every move.

It isn't long before she gets it together.

"I don't know... I heard Ashton has the hots for me."

"Ha ha," I say sarcastically, making myself comfortable as my hands press to either side of her head. "Very funny, James."

"The real question is..." Lila says, wrapping her arms around her neck as she tilts her head at me. "Who's going to have your legs shaking?"

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