Chapter 19 The Dark Forest

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Chapter 19

The Dark Forest

“I can’t believe I have detention again,” I grumbled as Filch let us outside the castle. “I was just in detention an hour ago!”

“Where are we going?” Draco wondered aloud, ignoring my complaints.

Filch turned his head and grinned, slyly. “You five will be serving detention with Hagrid, and he’s got something special for you planned in the Dark Forest.”

“Did he just say the Dark Forest?” I whispered to Draco as my flesh shivered in excitement.

Draco rolled his eyes. “He’s just joking, Melanie. We’re probably just going to help Hagrid with his gardening.”

Well, that sounds pretty dull. I suppose I should at least be grateful not to be trapped in McGonagall’s classroom writing lines. As we walked down the hill, I turned my head gazing into the mysterious forest, longing to find the secrets hidden within.

Once, we reached the hut, we found Hagrid standing outside appearing rather impatient.

“Yer late,” Hagrid growled at Filch, but then his expression softened as he asked Potter and his friends how they were.

“You should not be to friendly with them,” Filch grumped. “They are in trouble, remember?”

As the two bickered, I looked over to the Dark Forest feeling the temptation to sneak off while the authority remained distracted. I would but I think I have put myself in enough trouble for one day.

“Alright ye lot,” Hagrid announced. “Follow me to da forest.”

I felt my heart begin to pound with both excitement and disbelief. Potter and Weasley and Granger exchanged nervous glances as they reluctantly trudged behind him. Draco, on the other hand, remained at a dead stop.

“The Dark Forest,” Draco protested, his face turning white. “I thought that was a joke. We can’t go in there. Students aren’t aloud, and there are um…” his voiced choked as he gave me a brief nervous glance, “werewolves.”

Werewolves, really? I wondered anxiously to myself. What other creatures are there? Will we get to hunt them down?

“Yeh should have thought of that before yeh got yerself in trouble,” Hagrid reminded him.

“I thought we would just write lines,” Draco complained. “This is just dangerous. Wait until my father hears about this!”

“Yer father is going to get a letter informing yeh of yer expulsion if yeh don’t do this,” Hagrid retorted, and then ordered, “Now, wands out.”

We followed him into the forest. Potter tried to appear brave but I could easily see he was nervous. Draco, on the other hand, looked white as a sheet of snow sprinkled along the ground. At this point, he did not even bother to hide his fear. I had to admit, this felt pretty scary, but a part of me remained excited as well.

Melanie Rosen Chamberson: Year 1 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now