Chapter 15 Lenora's Pet Peeve

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Chapter 15

Lenora’s Pet Peeve

“Draco, you do remember what I told you was on that third floor, right?” I demanded as we headed back to the common room.

“Of course,” Draco replied, proudly lifting his chin. “That’s why I made the challenge there.”

Just moments ago Draco had challenged Potter to a duel, making Crabbe his second, whatever that meant. His chosen location just happened to be the third-floor corridor.

“Alright then,” I gave in. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind another look at that dog, but you might be afraid.”

Draco snorted. “I most certainly would not. Besides, we’re not going. I just told Potter that so he would be in for a nasty surprise.”

I frowned. “That dog seemed pretty dangerous. He could get hurt.”

Draco gawked at me, lifting his brow. “You and Lenora got away, didn’t you? Besides, it’s Potter. If he can survive a curse from You Know Who, then a three-headed dog shouldn’t be a problem for him. Anyway, what do you care?”

I sighed. “I suppose I don’t.”

I kept thinking about what might happen to Potter and his friend, Weasley the rest of the day. I tried to put it to the back of my mind, but the thoughts kept flowing back to the surface. Draco’s probably right. Lenora and I got out okay. They should be fine.

“Hey, Melanie,” Lenora called as she walked up, sitting on the couch beside me in the common room. “Do you still want to check out the dark forest tonight?”

“Alright,” I replied, intrigued.

“Okay…” Lenora put her finger on the side of her head as she thought, “we’re just going to have to figure out a way to get outside without getting caught.”

It did not seem too hard to get out unnoticed that night. We just kept a low profile, staying close to the corners, ducking under portraits that were still awake. Once outside, we simply strolled down the hill. I spotted a small hut next to the forest.

“Isn’t that were that gamekeeper lives?” I asked, worried. “What if he sees us?”

“He won’t,” Lenora replied unconcerned. “Come on. We’re almost there.”

My heart began pounding more and more heavily as though it would punch a hole through my chest. I do not know what to expect, werewolves, monsters, giants, or maybe vampires. As nervous as I felt, the adrenaline that rushed through my body felt good. We got so close to the trees, almost to the point of stepping our feet in, until…

“Oiy! What’d ya two think yer doin?” a voice bellowed.

We turned to see the giant game keeper, rushing from his hut, heading towards us in fumes.

“We were just having a look,” Lenora protested. “We weren’t going in.”

“Yeh have no business hangin around the dark forest,” Hagrid raged on. “Now, get back to the castle!” Then muttered, “Ruddy Slytherins.”

We had no choice but to do what he ordered. The moment we reached the castle, we burst out into a fit of giggles.

“And what do you two think you are doing out of your common rooms after hours?” a stern voice demanded from behind.

We turned to Professor McGonagall, her arms crossed, and her chin pointed down at us.

“We were just, um…” I began weakly, as she raised her brow impatiently. “We were just heading back.”

“You should be well aware of the school’s rules by now,” she lectured. “For this, you will both receive detention.”

We both groaned and then trudged back to the Slytherin common room.


For the next few weeks, it seemed Lenora and I were always in trouble from wondering to places we should not be, whispering during lectures, or most recently, putting a charm on a small muffin so that goo would burst out of it whenever someone took a bite. That, I must say, was the best and even worth the detention and the points lost. The befuddled look on that poor little Hufflepuff boy’s face was priceless. Unfortunately, our house was starting fall behind the other houses in points and our classmates are blaming us. I had to do something.

Right now, we had a short break before we had to head to Potions. I spotted Draco sitting on the couch, with Pansy next to him, chatting up a storm. He didn’t really seem to be listening to her.

“Hey, Draco,” I greeted interrupting Pansy, as I sat down on the other side of him. “Remember that prank Lenora and I pulled with the muffin?”

“Um, Melanie, I was talking,” Pansy snottily stated.

Draco ignored her and laughed. “Yeah, that was pretty funny.”

“Too bad it cost our house ten points,” Pansy pointed out, shooting me a glare yet at the same time, a smirk.

“Yeah, I know,” I sighed, feigning guilt. “That’s why I was thinking since we have Potions today, that Draco can act extra impressive with our assignment, maybe even through Professor Snape a compliment to get on his good side so he’ll give our house points. He always rewards Slytherin, anyway so…”

“Yeah, I suppose I could do that.” Draco nodded boastfully, with a smug smile, as he rose to his feet. “This house is so fortunate to have me in it.”

As he walked off, Pansy added desperately, “Of course it is, Draco.” She then turned to glare at me. “What do think you are doing, using Draco to gain points for your mistakes?”

I shrugged. “Draco doesn’t seem to have a problem with it.”

“You and Lenora are the only this house looses points in the first place! I don’t see why you even hang around her, Melanie,” Pansy ranted on. “With your family name you can do so much better, and you probably wouldn’t spend the majority of your time in detention.”

“That’s not true! I’ve only had two detentions this week,” I retorted, hotheadedly. “Besides, what do you even mean I can do better based on family names? Lenora’s dad is pureblood, isn’t he?”

Pansy stood up and shouted down at me, “Maybe, but he’s really nothing but a bubbling drunk!”

“What did you call my dad?” a dangerous voice came from behind her.

I looked up and Pansy turned her head to see a bitter Lenora standing behind her.

“I um…” Pansy started taken by slight surprise of Lenora’s sudden appearance. “I just said what I heard from my parents.”

Lenora pulled out her wand from within her robes, pointing is directly at Pansy. “My dad is NOT a drunk. Take it back, Pansy or I swear I’ll…”

“You’ll do what?” Pansy challenged. “You don’t know any spells that could do any actual damage.”

“Want to bet?” Lenora snarled.

She then waved her wand shouting a spell I was unfamiliar with which caused the mantle above her to burst out right at Pansy, missing her by only inches. Pansy ducked with her hands over her head, screaming.

“Say anything about my father again, and next time that spell will be aimed at you,” Lenora threatened though more quietly before calmly walking off.

I rushed over to Pansy. “Are you okay?”

She ignored me. “You see now, right. She’s completely mad! You can see it, right?” Pansy looked around and lowered her voice. “They say her father is too, that’s why.”

As I helped her back up, I gazed off at the path in which Lenora had just stormed of. That was sure a side of my friend I had never seen, a dark violent side that is. I did think Pansy’s description of madness was a bit extreme, though not by much. One thing I learned from what I just observed, never take a shot at Lenora’s father.

Melanie Rosen Chamberson: Year 1 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now