Chapter 20 The Everlasting Burdon

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Chapter 20

The Everlasting Burdon

We had to stop by the hospital wing so Madame Pomfrey could mend my ankle. She wrapped it up in a charmed bandage and gave me a potion before Draco and I were sent back. She said it would feel better by the morning. I could already walk much better with only a slight limp.

On our way back to the Slytherin common rooms that night Draco’s fear seemed to have transformed into utter fury.

“I still cannot believe we had to do that!” Draco stammered on, his cheeks glowing red. “We almost got killed over a stupid punishment, and we didn’t even do anything wrong!”

“Draco, its over now. Let it go,” I stated calmly as we arrived to our stone, the entrance to our common room.

He gritted the password through his teeth and we walked in. I really did not want to think about this night anymore.

“And you,” he continued on, “What were you thinking going off by yourself like that? You nearly got us both killed!”

“I said you didn’t have to follow me, remember?” I pointed out, annoyed. “I just wanted to see what the creature looked like.”

“Oh yeah, lets go see something that twisted enough to kill a unicorn,” Draco went on sarcastically. “That’s a great idea. Oh, and while we’re at it lets throw rocks at it!”

“I was just trying to scare it away!” I retorted back, my voice rising. “It was coming after both Potter and me. What was I suppose to do?”

Draco stopped to look at me directly. “You should have run while it attacked Potter!”

“Like you did,” I muttered.

This was clearly the wrong this to say. Just when I thought Draco face could not possibly turn any redder, his skin tone found a way to disprove me. He opened his mouth, ready to shout, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. I looked up to see Lenora coming from the girls’ dormitory.

“There you are,” she said rubbing her eyes, groggily. “Where have you two been?”

Ignoring her, Draco stormed off and muttering, “I’m going to bed.”

“What’s his problem,” Lenora asked letting out a soft giggle.

I sighed. “Our detention seemed to put him in a bad mood.”

Lenora gaped at me. “Is that where you were this whole time? Jeeze, what did they make you do?”

I let out a deep breath before answering, “We went into the Dark Forest.”

She let out a gasp. “No way! Really, you served detention in the Dark Forest?”

I nodded not really sharing her excitement.

“Well?” She pressed on as we both sat on the couch. “What was it like? What did they have you do?”

I paused unsure whether or not to tell her about Voldemort. I did not mention it to Draco though he did not really give me the chance.

“We had to look for a unicorn that had been attacked,” I finally explained. “It had been attacked by someone desiring its blood to live longer.”

“What kind of creature was it?” Lenora demanded eagerly, on the edge of the couch.

I ran my fingers through my dark curly hair, unsure how to respond. “Well, it was, um…”

Lenora stood up impatiently. “Never mind. I’d rather see for myself. Come on, let’s go.”

I stood up too but did not follow. “Wait, you want to go right now?”

Melanie Rosen Chamberson: Year 1 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now