Chapter 5 The Chamberson Manor

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Chapter 5

The Chamberson Manor

“So, are we going to fly to your home?” I asked eagerly as we walked down the city streets.

“I afraid I did not bring any blooms,” answered Aunt Becky. “Besides, you have not had any lessons yet.”

“I meant by airplane.” I paused, suddenly growing more excited. “Wait a second. Will I actually learn how to fly on a broomstick?”

She smiled. “That among many other extraordinary things.”

We continued to walk until we arrived at an empty building that appeared to have not been entered in years. I could see the dust on the doorknob from five feet away. It was located at the end of a busy city road. I wondered why this building was so deserted.

“Are we going inside?” I asked in wonder.

“Actually, I think I left it behind this building,” she replied walking around the side.

I followed and inquired, “Left what?”

“Our way home,” she answered vaguely, still looking around.

As we walked behind this strange building, Aunt Becky pointed at a red high heel shoe and said, “Oh, here it is.”

I gazed down at the shoe, befuddled. “How is this going to get us to your place?”

“This, Melanie, is a porkey. It’s one way for people like us to travel from place to place. I’ll explain the other methods in due time.”

“A porkey?” I reached my hand to it before Aunt Becky grabbed that hand suddenly.

“It’s best we take hold of it at the same time.”

I nodded not quite sure what to expect. At her signal, we both grabbed hold of the red shoe. Instantly, I was thrust upward with great force, spinning, shortly after landing hard on my back on the grass. Aunt Becky landed a bit more gracefully.

“Sorry, Melanie,” She said holding her hand out to me. “I should have warned you about that. Don’t worry, you’ll get use it after a few more goes.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that,” I gasped grabbing on to her hand as she raised me up.

“Well, here we are,” Aunt Becky spoke brightly. “Home sweet home!”

“Wow!” I starred in awe. This place appeared more like a mansion. The color was dark, but still elegant. The garden in the front yard was well kept and contained gorgeous flowers of various colors. The house, itself, had to be a least three stories.

“Do you like it?” Aunt Becky asked me with concern. “I hope one day you will think of this as your home, too.”

“I could get use to that,” I mumbled still gazing at the house.

“Well, lets go inside so you can meet your Uncle Richard and Tinker,” Aunt Becky said as we began to walk to the manor.

She went on to explain how she got this house. “This was a family inheritance from my parents who as you can tell were very wealthy. It use to be known as the Riddle Manor, but since I married your uncle we now call it the Chamberson Manor.”

I recalled my mother mentioning that my grandparents passed away before I was born, but she didn’t say exactly how they both died. I decided best not to bring it up now.

As we entered Aunt Becky called out, “Richard, darling, we’re back!”

“Master is busy, Madame,” answered a squeaky voice. “Master tells me he will be out soon.”

I looked over to see this small strange looking creature with pointy ears each with golden hoop earrings, dressed in this shimmering silky pillowcase speaking.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Aunt Becky sounded exasperated. “That man is always working. Tell him he needs to come out and meet his niece.”

“Yes Madame, right away.” The creature began to turn.

“Oh, wait, Tinker,” Aunt Becky stopped her. “First you should introduce yourself to Melanie. As I explained before, she is part of this family and you are to treat her as one of us.”

It then turned to me and bowed. “Hello, Miss Melanie. I am Tinker the house elf. Tinker will do anything you wish.”

“Within reason that is,” Aunt Becky added with a grin. “Now if she wants you to help her cheat on her homework or sneak out, that won’t be tolerated.”

Not concerned about sneaking out at the moment, I answered, “Nice to meet you, Tinker.”

The elf rose from her bow and asked, “Should Tinker go retrieve Master Richard, now?”

“Yeah, please, Tinker,” Aunt Becky, replied. “Thank you.”

Once Tinker left the room I asked, “So does she work for us or something?”

“Tinker is the family’ house elf so yes, in a way, but I try not to give her an overwhelming amount of housework. I merely ask that she assist me. This is something my mother and I disagreed greatly on. She always believed a house elf is nothing more than a servant. I like to think of Tinker as part of the family. I guess that’s party because I grew up with her.” She sighed and added, “It’s too bad I can’t dress her up in anything besides that pillowcase.”

I looked at her, curiously. “Why not?”

Aunt Becky sighed. “Because once you present your house elf with clothes that means they’re free from the family forever.”

“You don’t want her to be free?” I asked, thinking forcing Tinker to stay sounded a bit cruel.

Aunt Becky smiled thinking back. “Actually, I did offer Tinker clothes one time when I first married your uncle. I told her she could still live at the manor and be a part of this family if she wanted. The poor thing broke out in tears. It took hours to calm her down.”

I could not imagine thinking like that. “Doesn’t she want freedom?”

“Well, you see, Melanie. House elves think differently than people,” Aunt Becky explained. “They see freedom as a curse rather than a blessing. I understand that better, now. House elves believe that their sole purpose is to serve their wizard family. Without that, I suppose they would feel lost.”

As I absorbed all this new information, Tinker returned with my uncle behind her. He stood at the entrance to the family room to see that we were sitting on the couch. He appeared to be about six feet tall. He had short dark brown hair and cleanly shaven. He wore black robes, which contrasted with my aunt’s pure white attire.

I smiled at him as I brushed my fingers through my dark brunette curly hair. It was nice to see another family member with dark hair even though we weren’t related by blood. Before, I was beginning to think I was the only person in this family who did not have blonde hair.

He returned my smile as he walked over to me and held out his hand. “Hello, Melanie. I’m your Uncle Richard. Its nice to finally meet you.”

“Nice to meet your, too,” I said shaking his hand.

I couldn’t help but notice that my aunt and uncle seemed to balance each other out. Aunt Becky seemed more expressive and flamboyant while Uncle Richard appeared to be more down to earth and calm. I wondered how they ended up married.They do seem really happy together. I suppose this is one of those cases where opposites attract.

“Tinker,” Aunt Becky turned to the elf. “Why don’t you show Melanie her bedroom, and then, we off to Diagon Alley.”

“What’s Diagon Alley?” I asked curiously.

“Oh you’ll see, dear.” Aunt Becky smiled excitedly. “You will see.”

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