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The mystery machine was driving down a old dirt road after solving another mystery. Shaggy and scooby was eating 2 giant sandwiches, daphne was laying her head on Fred's shoulder as he drove, and velma was typing on her blog about the newest case. "Like man that miner 49ner was creepy." Shaggy spoke up. "Reah really reepy." Scooby nodded. "Atleast it's over guys." daphne said and saw something on a branch. "hey fred pull over theres something on the branch." As the van pulled over the gang got out and heard a baby was crying and there was a baby cradle on the branch with a note. Fred grabbed the cradle and the letter. Inside was a small baby about 3 years old crying scared and hungry. Velma took the letter.

'To who this may concern, We are leaving our baby because we did not want it and we dont want our names to be run through the mud like the commoners and we are gonna let this disgusting thing here if you find it it's your problem now.'

"Like zoinks man that's heartless who would do that?" Shaggy asked looking upset. "Terrible people shaggy, really terrible people." Daphne said looking at the baby. "We cant just leave the poor thing here, I say we take him back to headquarters." Velma pitched in. Fred nodded. "Sounds like a plan but I think we should name him." Scooby looked at the baby and it grabbed scooby by his nose with its tiny hands while scooby just giggled. Shaggy took the note "like theres more writing on the back" 'Its name is jake middle name breaker.' Daphne just smiled at Jake. "Welcome to our family." Over the years as Jake grew he was taught under the gang he learned how to make traps, what to do if he was in a bad situation, how to spot a clue, how to hide or trick the monster, and when he got mad the gang helped him calm down by having him talk it out rather than fighting.

At age 11, He had joined the gang on alot of mysteries and was used to getting teased for being caught almost everytime by fred. "Hey jake." Fred called out driving as Jake, brown/blonde hair, diamond eyes, wearing a yellow hoodie and black sweat pants, was on a old gameboy playing pokemon red with shag and scoob in the back. "Yeah?" Jake replied not looking up comp focused on defeating sabrina. "We're fixin to get back to headquarters and when we get there stay out here for 5 mins ok?" Fred told him. Jake nodded as he finnaly beat the psychic type gym leader sabrina. "Finally I beat her and that stupid alakazam." He cheered. "Like I know right man." Shaggy smiled as the gameboy and game was originally his. "I spent days just on her." Jake looked at him. "Did you know that bug and ghost beats psychic right?" He chuckled as shaggys face drained of color knowing he had a beedrill but never used it against sabrina. Scooby giggled "Rhaggy didnt use his against raberna." Jake's jaw dropped. "No wonder you spent days on her, atleast I had butterfree." Jake and scooby laughed as the van pulled into the driveway of mystery incorporated. Fred unbuckled and started to get out. "Remember jake, stay out here for 5 mins." He reminded jake as he, shaggy, and scooby got out of the van and Jake sighed. "I bet they forgot it's my birthday..." He started to draw in a notebook he kept that had loads of pictures from their adventures. Jake went out and looked out to the woods and thought to himself I love the gang, were inseparable. 5 minutes later, daphne came out and saw jake sitting on the back of the van drawing. "Hey jake you can come in now." She called out to him and ran back in. Jake looked at her then around and started to walk to the doors. "Hey guys?" As he entered he saw it was pitch black. "Guys?" He called out as he felt the nerves on his back going crazy and looked behind him to see someone as the lights turned on the gang popped up behind the couch and counters.
"Happy birthday!" They exclaimed smiling. Infront of him was daphne holding a present smiling ear to ear. Jake had tears in his eyes and hugged her. "Like happy birthday man we all chipped in and got you something." Shaggy told him putting a giant cheese pizza on the counter. Jake opened it and there was a picture of all of them with the frame saying we are family and he started to cry. "I love it you guys." They all had a group hug and in the party they all played super smash bros ultimate. Fred Marth, Daphne wii fit trainer, Velma inking (orange one), Shaggy and scooby joker, Jake mii gunner with a sans costume. Later that night Jake had fallen asleep on the couch and fred put him in Jake's bedroom and daphne tucked him in. Shaggy and scooby was eating the last of the cheese pizza as daphne and fred sat on the couch with velma on her computer. "I think when jake came into our lives everything gotten better." Daphne said yawning. "Dont yall think so?" "Yea hes awesome at solving mysteries and helpful creating traps." Fred smiled. "Like yea remember when he came up with the idea of using jewels to catch the swamp monster." Shaggy said mouth full of pizza. "And we used a circle hole incase he came another way." Velma added. "Reah rakes really helpful." Scooby waged his tail. " And yet theres one mystery that we cant solve.." Daphne looked down. Fred looked at her. "That doesn't matter we're his family who ever abandoned him didnt care about him and now thanks to us hes safe." Daphne smiled at him. "Yea I guess your right fred."

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