2 years later..

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(There is mention of cutting self, if you are depressed or suicidal, please talk to someone)
2 years later
Jake is 14 now and had learned martial arts and could fight alot more better now he had grown taller and had grown some muscle with daphne was acting as his older sister/mom. He took daphnes last name to feel more like family to her and he didnt try to cut himself alot but when he did daphne would comfort him. He had also worked on a secret project to help him fight better. In the mansion daphne owned Jake was inside getting ready to help daphne clean the dishes when the door bell rung. "I'll get it daph." Jake smiled and went towards the door with daphne behind him as he opened it. A man with a Hawaii shirt and clipboard in hand was there. "I'm looking for jake and daphne Blake." "That's us what are you doing here?" Daphne questioned him. "I'm here on behalf of mr emile mondovarious he wants to invite you to his island called spooky island." the man explained. "What's the catch?" Jake said trying to sound tuff but was alittle scared. "He wants you both to solve a mystery." the man replied. "I'm sorry we don't solve mysteries anymore." Daphne told him. "He'll pay you 10,000 American dollars." the man added. "No thanks." Daphne was scooting Jake behind her. "He'll pay for the tickets and a free room." The man kept going. "Nah." Daphne said as she was about to close the door. "And free pedicures and Jake will be 100% be safe." the man added. Daphne looked at Jake and he nodded at her smiling. "Whens the next plane going out?" She asked.

At the airport, Daphne was in a pink jacket, sun glasses, and hat while Jake was in a new yellow hoodie and black sweatpants with a black beanie on. Jake was listening to some music looking down deep in thought and accidentally knocked into a man. "I'm sorry I'm-." He looked up to see a familiar face. "Fred?" Fred looked down he was in a blue leather jacket white shirt underneath. "Jake? Dang you've grown." Daphne looked at them. "Oh great." Fred looked at her. "Hey." Daphne glared at him. "Jake let's get on the plane ok?" Jake nodded and started to head towards daphne when Fred went up to her. "Wait you had Jake? How has he been?" Fred asked her. Daphne whispered. "Hes depressed because of what happened. I sometimes find him trying to cut himself because of what you did jones. I basically raised him like my own flesh and blood. Me and him have been training in martial arts." "Daph? Fred? Jake?" A voice came from behind them. Jakes martial arts kick in and grabbed someone by their arm and held it behind their back showing everyone velma. "Velma?" The 3 said in unison. Jake let go of her as she turned to him. "I'm sorry my martial arts kicked in." He apologized. Velma rubbed her arm. "When did you learn martial arts?" Jake started to scratch his arm revealing a mark. "When me and daphne was taking a class." Velma looked at his arm and saw the mark. She lifted up his sleeve revealing alot of cuts on it. "Jake what happened to your arm?" Jake covered it up again and looked away. "I did it to myself ok? Can we just.. ignore it? Please? Um what are you guys doing here?" Velma nodded "I got invited by Mr-." Daphne cut in. "Mondoverious?" Velma nodded. "Did he invite you both too?" Daphne looked mad at them. "No fair I was gonna solve the mystery with jake alone." Fred smirked. "How are you gonna get yourself out of a trap?" Daphne punched him in the chest hard. "Why do you think jake has those scars?" She muttered. Velma looked at her shocked. "Because of the night?" She muttered and Jake looked down. Daphne nodded. "I find him doing it still but not as bad." Fred looked at him. "All because of the teasing?" He muttered. Daphne nodded. "For years and like shaggy said he was trying to find his place in our group even though hes been with us for years." "Like did someone say my name?" A voice called out. Jake beamed with glee and saw shaggy in a brown coat. "Remember me shaggy?" Jake asked looking at him. Shaggy smiled back "Jake? Like man you've grown tall." "And you havent changed at bit." Jake joked and the 2 hugged. Daphne looked around. "Hey wheres scooby?" They aaa scooby dressed up as a old lady coming their way and jake tried not to laugh "Perfect disguise." He commented. "Like gang meet grandma." Shaggy motioned to scooby. "Hey 'grandma'." Jake smiled. Daphne smiled seeing Jake is happy again and looked at shaggy telling him what happened with jake. Shaggy looked shocked and looked at daphne and mouthed we owe you one for taking caring of him for 2 years. Daphne nodded and mouthed dang right. Jake smiled and showed scooby that hes been learning martial arts and shows some of his drawings of old villains that him and the gang caught with some creepypastas "this one" points at a scary clown "is a ghost clown called laughing Jack and this one" points at a man with black eyes black hair blue shirt with a red mouth with a white face "is the bloody painter" Scooby was nodding happy to see his old friends again.

On the plane
Jake was sitting with shaggy and scooby showing them more of his drawings and telling them about the stories of the monsters and creatures. Of course shaggy and scooby was scared but they was hanging onto each and every word he was saying still remembering the little boy that helped them solve mysteries. "I've been reading goosebumps alot and reading creepypastas. Though the ghost and monsters arent as scary as what we used to face." Jake joked. "Take the werewolf of fever swamp or plant monster, we faced so many werewolfs before and we can just use fire against a plant." "So like are they real?" Shaggy asked as scooby was shivering. "No but in the world of goosebumps, theres graveyard ghouls, living dummy's, ghost, demons, monsters, witches anything can happen. Like in shocker on shock street, you think its gonna be the pry mantis but its actually the kids, they're robots made to test for the park. My personal favorite is the scarecrows walk at midnight." Jake explained. "Like how do you read them? They sound terrifying." Shaggy asked. "Kinda reminds me of the old days you know? Ghost, monsters, the supernatural just trying to attack but we would get in the game and beat them." Jake explained sighing and took a sip of his pepsi can. "I saw you 2 was at your uncles fearless detective agency." "Like yeah, we got hired to go on this case, but we was surprised to see you guys." Shaggy smiled. "Um.. daphne told us that you heard the conversation on the night Jake." Jake looked at him then down. "I caught the end of it where you said it was my fault I got abandoned the next thing I know, I hear velma quiting then daphne and fred and I had a pin so i... poked it till I bled. Daphne found me in the back and-." Shaggy interjected. "Took you in and helped you." He hugged jake and jake hugged back, silently crying.

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