Hotels attack

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(More suicidal references, if it makes you uncomfortable, basically skip this part)

Jake looked at scooby. "Wanna gonna go sit by the window? I need to just go recharge my batteries." Scooby nodded and sat next to the window and put in a ear bud and the other for scoob so he can listen too and puts on Help Oh well (By somethingelseYT). After the song was over Jake and scoob started to hear a tapping on the window. The 2 looked outside to see the demon smirk at them and breath on the glass and slowly moved away causing them to scream. Scoob jumped into Jake's arms and he ran hidding under a table causing the table to shake. Fred went to them mad. "Scooby this is the worst thing you've done since don knotts Christmas party and you presented your man hood." He looked at Jake. "And jake I know the break up was hard but your venting it wrong." Jake looked at him mad got out and pushed him eyes going blood red. "Listen up jones me and scoob saw the demon again and he was by the window scoob back me up." Scoob popped his head out and nodded "REAH!" He started to act like the demon and sat next to Jake. "And if you dont believe me how about I show you where else I cut myself!" Jake lifts up his neck and there was a small cut not deep but close to blood "I ALMOST WAS DRIVEN TO SUICIDE BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS TEASED ME FOR BEING THE ONE WHO ALWAYS GOT CAUGHT BY THE MONSTER! I WAS TRYING HARD TO HELP BUT YOU COULDNT LET ME TRY SO YOU PUT ME DOWN SO MANY TIMES TILL IM ON THE BRINK OF SUICIDE!" Jake was crying but still kept going "ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR EGO NEEDED TO BE FED BUT DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHY YOUR PLAN DIDNT WORK ITS BECAUSE DAPHNE CARED FOR ME AND SHE WOULD HELP ME THOUGH THE HARD TIMES! I CANT THANK HER ENOUGH FOR THAT! SHE ALWAYS MADE ME WANNA LIVE ANOTHER DAY BUT WHEN I SEE YOU TRYING TO GET YOUR EGO BUILT AGAIN IM NOT GONNA LET IT ILL TEAR YOU DOWN TO WHERE I WAS 2 YEARS AGO!" Fred spoke softly as the yelling got everyones attention. "Jake your causing a scene I'm sorry for what i did to you. " "OH YOUR SORRY? SORRY FOR THESE!?" Jake took off his hoodie and it showed his arms, neck, and some on the back of his neck was covered with scars he did himself. "Each one jones each and every one is from you hurting me and I'm done with it." He threw his hoodie at Fred's head and walked past daphne feeling everyone staring at him as he went down the hall and curled up. He hugged his knees and crying his eyes out and feels someone put their hand on his head. "If your here to either kill me make it fast please." he begged and looked up to see shaggy scooby velma and daphne sitting infront of him and he looked back down. "You guys should've left me for dead when I was a baby..." "That's not true Jake." Velma put her hand on his shoulder as daphne wrapped his hoodie on him. "You did amazing things when you were with us, remember the phantom rock concert? What about the ghost of mr hyde?" Suddenly a crash was heard and they heard fred scream "MONSTER!" They ran and saw 3 demonic creatures in the hotel lobby. One had fred in its hand. "JAKE SCOOBY SAVE-!" the creature blew green gas in Fred's face "daphne..." Jake looked at the others "THATS THE DEMON!" he grabbed daphnes hand and ran one way while shaggy and scooby ran the other. Shaggy and scooby went into a suitcase and started to crawl away when a creature lifted it up. "We're a suitcase we're a suitcase we're-." They said in unison and saw a creature and ran screaming. Jake ran and saw a creature behind them. He grabbed a fire extinguisher and shoved the hose in its mouth and used it on the creature then hit it on the head and ran with daphne down a hall. "Wheres shaggy and scooby?" Jake looked around. "I dont know I hope they're safe." Daphne replied as they were swept up by a baggage mover and saw shaggy and scooby. "We're right here man." Shaggy laughed getting on the baggage mover with them as scooby taunted the creatures down the hall. Jake daphne and shaggy saw they was headed toward window. "SCOOBY!" They yelled in unison and all 4 crashed through the window and landed on a banister and launched into a tree as the creatures tried to follow but fell right though the banister.
The creatures were dragging the bodies of fred velma and other college students to somewhere unknown. "Like I dont think they're brainwashed guys." Shaggy popped his head up from a trashcan with scooby, Jake was hiding under a truck, and daphne in a barrel. "Then what are they and what do they want with the students we need to follow them." Daphne said with confidence. "Say what?!" Shaggy and scooby asked in unison. "So we can beat the creatures and save fred and velma." "That's kinda my plan I say we get Jake off the island and we go with him so they can eat fred and velma." Shaggy explained Daphne got out of the barrel. "I wanna get Jake off the island too before this gets out of hand." Jake got up and looked at them. "No I dont wanna leave knowing those things are running around." Then he muttered. "Plus I wanna get a project off the ground." Daphne looked at him. "What project?" Jake sighed. "A secret one I dont want anyone to know till I got it off the ground and well.." He grabbed his bag and pulled out a mechanical suit. "It's almost done just needs a test drive." He put it on and saw them looking at him. "What?" "When did you have time to do all this?" Daphne asked. "2 years." He replied.

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