Warehouse phantom/break up

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(Warning, there are suicidal things in this chapter)
A few months later At a old warehouse, they was investigating a phantom haunting it. Jake being held by the phantom with glowing green yellow eyes and mouth laughing with a eerie fog around it. "FRED DAPHNE VELMA! HELP! THE PHANTOM HAS THE JEWELS AND ME! PLEASE!" Jake cried out hands tied. Velma on catwalk saw the phantom. "Jinkies" she used the walkie talkie to talk to fred and daphne. "Fred daphne Jake's got captured by the phantom and warned us that hes trying to make a escape with the jewels but dont worry hes ok." Daphne sighed relieved to hear that. "Remember my plan though?" Fred nodded. "Shaggy and scooby, in the barrel, grab the jewels and Jake from the phantom while you set off a convert belt that tips over a bucket of oil." Daphne continued. "Then me and fred activate the water and spray the phantom then we got the mystery wrapped up." The phantom floats closer to the barrel "Just remember my plan." Velma reminded them. The phantom saw a tail poking out of the barrel. "Like scooby doo stop shaking." "Re? that's you." "Oh yea that's me sorry." Shaggy chuckled. The phantom threw a fireball onto the tail hurting scoob. Scooby popped up from the barrel and rubs on his tail to see the phantom looking at him. It laughed evily staring at scoob. Scooby screamed as shaggy popped up. "Like what are you doing man?" Scooby was trying trying to tell him the phantom is behind him. "We're supposed to grab jake and the..." As he trailed off his eyes grow wide. "Please dont tell me that the phantoms right behind me." "Ruh huh." Shaggy turned and saw the phantom grinning evily and looks back at scoob. "LIKE I ASKED YOU NOT TO TELL ME THAT RUN!" They jumped out of the barrel screaming. "GUYS NOW!" Velma called to daphne and Fred. The converter belt moved and dropped a bucket of oil underneath shaggys and scoobys feet. They tried to run on it but wasnt getting traction. "Like faster scoob hes right behind us!" Scooby looked behind them and tried to run faster. Fred went around the corner and daphne turned on the water full blast "We got'em!" Fred told them, As soon as shaggy and scooby got traction they got sprayed with water and was hit into the phantom making it drop the jewels but jake was in between shaggy and the phantom as they fell on a spring and and they all fell into a huge wall of crates with syraphome in it, trapping the phantom. The others ran to them "Jake are you ok?" Daphne asked looking scared. Jake popped his head out. "Yea did you grab the jewels though?" Velma held out the box the phantom had. "Yep." "Uh wheres shaggy and scooby?" Fred asked. Shaggy popped his head up syraphome on his head. "Like right here man." Scooby popped up next to him. "Re too." "Like next time we use hoses remember to aim away from us." Suddenly the mystery machine broke in with alot of fans and cops flooding in. A girl with curly blonde hair white dress and blue Jean's walked out of the van and hugged fred. "Thank you for saving my jewels." Jake, shaggy, and scooby got out of the syraphome and Jake hugged daphne with her hugging him and whispering in his ear. "You need to stop running into danger, I keep getting worried." Jake whispered back. "I'm sorry." He felt hurt he was hurting daphne. A reporter asked fred what's his secret to success. Fred smirked. "I do alot of team work and my plan never fails." Velma sighed. "My plan." Jake looked at her and whispered. "I thought it was a great plan velma." She just smiled at him. Fred lifted the phantom on his feet. "I knew this wasnt a phantom it was really-." He unmasked the phantom to reveal a man with shaggy hair and a beard. "Rufus detats?" The gang said in unison. "The famous jewel thief." Fred added "He used the legend of a phantom to steal all the jewels and make millions." "How did he make the fire balls and the eerie fog?" Asked a reporter. Velma and Jake went up to rufus. "We can answer that." Velma told them.
They took off the phantoms costume revealing small fog machines, and small fireworks launcher on each arm. "He used the fog machines to make the eerie fog." Velma explained. "Then the small fireworks launchers was use to make the fireballs." Jake held up rufus arm showing off the fireworks launcher strapped to his arm. Rufus looked mad. "And I wouldve gotten away with it if it weren't you meddling kids!" He declared.

Outside, Daphne saw Jake drawing in his pad again. "What you drawing this time?" She asked. He looked flustered quickly puts it away and muttered. "It's nothing." Fred snickered. "He got caught again." Daphne looked at fred then at Jake who was visibly hurt by that alot and she hit fred on the chest. "He doesn't always get captured." Velma rolled her eyes. "Says the damsel in distress and her trusty sidekick." Jake looked away and started to wander off while they were fighting thinking it was his fault and hid in daphne's pink jeep silently crying. Shaggy spoke up. "Like knock it off! You hurt Jake's feelings." He got their attention. The gang looked at shaggy as they never seen him get mad at all not even scooby! "Like jake doesnt always gets captured hes trying his best to fit in with us. We have a system and hes trying to find out how and where he belongs in the group." Fred spoke up. "Hes been with us since he was 3 years old shag." Shaggy nodded. "Like I know that but he was abandoned in the woods and all this arguing is just making him think that it's his fault that he was abandoned."
Jake didnt hear till the end of the sentence and was hurting more now and didnt bother listening anymore. "Its my fault.. it's my fault..." He muttered and saw a pin. Shaggy continued. "Like were like a meal daphne is the grapes, freddy is the banana, velma is the sweet orange, me and scooby are the chocolate hot fudge sundae, and Jake is the cheese pizza with toasted pomashon crust, his favorite." "Mmmm relecious." Scooby licked his lips. "Like that sounds good doesnt it scoob?" "You know what shaggy I quit." Velma stormed off to her orange car. Daphne looked at her. "No fair I was gonna quit but now everyone will think I copied her." She went to her pink jeep where Jake was silently poking himself to blood. Fred looked at shaggy and scooby. "I cant guys." he left for his white pickup truck. A few hours later, Daphne was at a gas station and was filling up on gas and saw Jake holding a bloody sharp pin through the back window. "Jake no." She opened the door and threw it out of his hand and hugged him seeing his bloody arm with alot of scars on it. "Why jake?" Jake looked at her teary eyed. "Because it's my fault I was abandoned. It's my fault mystery incorporated is gone. It's my fault that I dont have a family." Jake said trying hard to keep the tears back but wasnt winning. Daphne put a bandage on his wound and hugged him tight. "No it's not its something personal between us." After she got done filling her tank and paying the cashier and came back and handed Jake a bag of cool ranch doritos and a bottle of pepsi. "Its gonna be a long drive home."
Jake slowly ate and thought what happened to the others while daphne drove to down the dark road.

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