Wrapping up/Epilogue

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Outside, The gang saw the coast guard with news reporters
"Fred how did you solve this mystery?" Asked a reporter. "Well.." Fred looked at velma. "I think velmster can answer that" He pointed to velma. Shaggy pushed her forward alittle. "Through the combined powers of mystery incorporated we found out the actual culprit of this mystery is scrappy Cornelius doo who was sadly corrupted by the power of the daemon ritus." Velma explained. As they were loading scrappy, who was in a dog carrier, in a helicopter he yelled "SO I GOT ALITTLE CRANKY!" "GEEZ SCRAP ITS NOT LIKE YOU TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD OR ANYTHING!" Shaggy called out being sarcastic. "And I wouldve gotten away with it if it weren't for you son of a-!" scrappy yelled as the door closed. "Someone put a muzzle on him..." Jake whispered to scooby who chuckled. "What do you think of the witch and zombie terrorizing Florida swamps." A reporter asked. "What ever the case," fred said and held out his hand "mystery inc will be there," "solving mysteries," velma added putting her hand on his. "Righting wrongs." Daphne put her hand on velmas. "Like kicking butt." Shaggy and scooby put their hand and paw in the group. "And doing it as a family." Jake put his in smiling at his family and the group threw their hands in the air. "WOO HOO" they all said in unison.

Jake shaggy and scooby was in the mystery machine while the others went to grab something from a store. Jake was showing the 2 his pokemon ultra sun and moon team on his 3ds. "This is robin hood my decidueye hes my first starter, this is mimi," He showed them a weird pikachu. "Hes like me... he wants friends and trying to fit in but had a sad past." Jake showed him the whole pokedex and went to the battle tree to see red and blue. "Holy! Its red and blue!" Jake smiled. "Like who?" Shaggy looked at him confused. "Red and blue are the originals from kanto you basically play as them in red blue and green." Jake explained as he was fighting red. "Red is the silent type and blue needs to turn down his ego. But other than that blues a good guy." Soon he beat red and saved his game and put his game up as he got his drawing pad and started to draw a amazing art of his pokemon and reds pokemon attacking in battle. "Like what's taking them they've been taking a long time." Shaggy wondered. "Should we go look for them?" Jake looked up at them worried about his family. Scooby looked out the door. "Ri think re should." "Like ok come on." As they got out and closed the door Jake was looking around as it was dark and cold. "Oh great... a dark cold night." Jake said as he put up his hood. "I know right." Shaggy said as he went towards a store. Jake and scooby followed him and all 3 kept looking over their shoulders. "Shaggy is this the store they went in?" Jake pointed it out that it was closed. "Like I thought but I guess not maybe we should like go back in the mystery machine." Shaggy said chattering his teeth from the cold. In the way back to the mystery machine, Jake looked around. "I hope they didnt get chased by a.." "Ronster?" Jake nodded worried that they would have to go in the darkened night to find them. As they got back in the mystery machine. Jake turned on a heater and the 3 sat up against the seats. "Like man that feels better." Jake nodded. Suddenly the 3 felt hands on their shoulders. "ZOINKS!" "YIPE!" "RIKES!" Jake jumped into shaggys arms and scooby into Jake's arms. The 3 saw fred daphne and velma laughing at them smiling. "Where were you guys?" Jake asked looking confused. "Well we went to the store and soon as it closed we went to grab some food. When we came back we didnt see you so we was gonna go out then we heard you coming in." Velma explained. Shaggy looked at them. "So like wheres the food?" Fred pulled out a pizza. "We thought you 3 was gonna be hungry." Jake smiled and scooby licked his lips as Jake took the pizza. Not even 5 minutes later,
Jake, shag and scoob had finished the pizza. Jake was looking through his photos on his phone of him and the gang smiling and saw a photo of him next to a bisexual flag and thought to himself what does this mean? He looked up what bisexual was and read stories about how alot of people came out and that their families either accepted or denied it and kicked them out with them having nowhere to go. Jake sighed and looked around the van seeing shaggy and scooby eating some weird sandwiches, velma on her laptop, daphne painting her nails, and fred driving the van. He grabbed a piece of paper and started to write a come out letter. Gang... I was looking up on something and I was reading about how either families accepted or kicked them out... I wanna say that for a long time... I felt feelings for girls and boys and I thought it was a phase but now its apart of me I've been trying to hide and I wanna say that I'm bisexual. I hope we can stay as a family and you'll accept me for who I am. -jake
Jake was gonna show them but decided not to till he thought the time was right.

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