The plan in action/ reveal

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"Because I, scrappy dappy doo, have absorbed enough energy to rule the world with my all powerful army!" He was 35 ft tall with large claws. "and I've brought you here, puny pathetic mystery inc, to witness my moment of triumph and have my revenge all I need to complete my transformation is.." He looked more terrifying than anything Jake had seen. "JAKE BLAKE!" Jake fred and velma ran but skeleton men blocked the way. Jake fired his blaster knocking them down and ran. His eyes started to turn red and started to mutter. "Help oh well, everyone going up but I'm going through hell. I don't even give a fuck what I'm doing who cares I be thinking that I'm nuts but who isnt? I stare, I stare screaming." Scrappy almost grabbed him but Jake shot him in the eye and ran faster. "HELP OH WELL EVERYONE GOING UP BUT IM GOING THROUGH HELL I DONT EVEN FUCK WHAT IM DOING WHO CARES!?" Jake yelled and saw skeleton man was about to grab shag and scooby but he grabbed him from behind and slammed him down. "MOVE IT!" He yelled. The 3 ran as more skeleton men got infront of them. "I be thinking that I'm nuts but who isnt? I stare I stare screaming it started on a sunday." He shot them down and threw on at scrappy then slid under him firing away. "I was just doing nothing but partying with some people I knew enough I'm just looking at things. The sweaty bodies go on scheming they be praising me, I'm dreaming. Cause I made it now I'm something atleast I think I am." He ran fast. Scrappy almost grabbed him but Jake shot him between the eyes. "ANGRY, MAD AT THE WORLD! IM FREAKING I KNOW ITS ABSURD BUT THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT KEEPING ME UP MY DEMONS IM PUSHING MOST PEOPLE AWAY DESPITING THE FACT THAT SOME ARE GREAT!" He remembered the good times of the gang and was silently crying but more mad than ever at scrappy trying to kill them. "IM MISSING WHEN THINGS WE'RE SIMPLE BUT HERE ME LISTEN I NEVER STOP PURSUING WHAT I FUCKING LOVE IM DOING EVERY I CAN IM MAKING SURE I RISE ABOVE!" Jake jumped on scrappy arm and shot him in the eye again then ran. Shaggy and scooby grabbed his legs then hid in a pillar structure and was backing up as scrappy was trying to grab them. Jake looked at them. They saw he was crying while his eyes was still red. "Like its gonna be ok little buddy." Shaggy told him. "Shaggy." A voice called and that saw Mary Jane. She pushed Shaggy and scooby then ripped off Jake's armor handing him to scrappy. "LETS FINISH THIS KID NOW" Scrappy yelled as the claw was headed towards Jake. He grabbed the claw holding it out trying to deny it but was loosing strength. "I'm not going fucking loose IM GONNA FUCKING BEAT YOU!" Jake cried out as he did the wrestler came crashing down and knocked over the vat and the creatures popping out of the bodies the crystal skull flashed light everyone and killing the creatures. "MYSTERY INC THIS AINT OVER" Scrappy jumped to fred and velma. "IM GONNA CRUSH YOU JUST LIKE-!" There was a tap on his shoulder and scrappy sees shaggy with scooby at the controls of the claw. "Like dude you know what?" "WHAT?" "Rou've been a bad," "PUPPY(RUPPY)!" Shaggy and scooby grabbed the daemon ritus and yanked it off scrappys chest. As scrappy returned to normal Jake looked down at him still red eyed. "COME ON YA STUPID KID I CAN TAKE YOU ON!" Scrappy raised up his fist. "HOW ABOUT THIS YOU LITTLE FUCK!? KICK THE BABY!" Jake kicked scrappy hard into a wall and was breathing heavy then went to see his suit in shambles and sighed. "Thank you for helping what you could." He looked and saw the gang hugging and smiling. Thinking they didnt need him, he started to leave the cave. Suddenly he got tackled down from behind and looked behind him and saw scooby doo "heh..hey scoob." He sat up and saw the others running to him and group hug him. "Like are you ok?" Shaggy asked "I was impressed by the suit." Velma praised jake. "The blasters and swords were amazing Jake." Fred ruffled his hair. Jake looked at them and started to cry. "Jake what's wrong?" Daphne asked. "I'm crying cause it's like we're a family again." Jake said as he hugged them all smiling like a idiot. "Jake we are a family again and we're never gonna leave you again." Fred told him.

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