Learning about everything

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They followed the creatures to the ceremony courtyard where the projectors were Daphne pulled out her phone. "I'm calling the coast guard." "Wait." Jake told her and tried to use his suits strength to open it but it didn't work. "Damn it" he muttered and got smacked in the back of the head by daphne for swearing. After daphne called the coast guard, they went on the beach with scooby laying near Jake as he was tinkering with his suit. "Maybe if I can upgrade the strength I can get through it but then Itll hurt the recoil and probably my arm." He muttered. Daphne and shaggy looked at him. "Like jake get some sleep everything is gonna be ok in the morning." Shaggy told him. Jake sighed and layed on the sand looking up at the stars and starts to hum himself to sleep. The next morning,
Shaggy woke up and saw the hotel was instantly fixed like nothing happened last night. "Guys wake up." Daphne and scooby woke up and saw the hotel and no coast guard. "Like what happened to the shattered windows and broken walls?" "Rake? Rake!" Jake was missing but there were foot prints that they followed to a archery range with Jake asleep next to a tree using his hoodie as a pillow. Daphne shook him awake. "Hm? Oh guys I did something amazing and-." he saw the beach the people laughing and joking and the hotel fixed. "What the? How?" "That's what we wanna find out." Daphne told him. They went around and daphne looked at them. "We need to split up, Jake go that way and be careful" she pointed down a walk way. "I will" He promised then went down it.

30 mins in, Jake had sword out in his left arm and cannon on his right and looked around. "Come out creatures I dare ya." He suddenly heard a motor and saw shaggy and scooby on 4 wheelers with a girl that hes never seen. "Jake? This is uh mary Jane, mary Jane-." "No time for introductions what's going on?" Jake interjected. "Reds a monster!" Jake saw Fred and a couple of other guys jumped down roaring like the monsters. Jake aimed his blaster at them and fired knocking them back on the ground. The 3 looked at him shocked. "It's on stun." He explained and got on the 4 wheeler with scooby. Soon the 2 watched mary Jane and as shaggy ducked mary Jane didnt and she had green eyes and stretched her face to fit again. As soon as they stopped at the same performance platform Jake aimed his blaster at mary Jane and scooby barked at her. "Like what's wrong guys?" Shaggy asked. "Raggy mary Jane's a ran in ra mask!" "Mary Jane's a man in a mask?" He questioned. "Guys." Mary jane wined and tried to get close to Jake. "STRETCH THAT FACE AGAIN GREEN EYES FREAK!" Jake aimed at her head and shaggy got in between them. "Like I dont know what's gotten into you Jake but you need to step off!" He yelled. Jake looked at shaggy "I'm trying to save you from becoming demon food HIPPIE!" He put away his cannon and sword then pushed shaggy hard and shaggy pushed back. "YOUR BEING WHIPPED LAZY COWARD!" He yelled. "Like I'm being whipped? How about I whip you!" Shaggy asked raising his fist. Jake and scooby saw mary Jane smirk at the 2 fighting. "IS THIS FUNNY TO YOU!?" Jake brought out his cannon again but shaggy knocked it away as Jake shot a tree near her. They saw sparks coming from the tree and shaggy looked at him. "What's with you man?" "Scooby doo did she not smirk?" Jake asked scooby. "Reah she did!" Scooby nodded. Shaggy had enough and pushed Jake and Jake fell into a hole. "SHAGGY!" He cried out. "JAKE!" "RAKE!" Shaggy looked at mary jane tears in his eyes. "Listen we'll be right back we gotta save him." Him and scooby went to jump in. "No shaggy." Mary jane said in a demonic voice. Shaggy and scooby looked at her scared alittle. "I mean it's too dangerous." She cried. "We gotta hes family." They jumped down and soon they saw him against the wall and hit him landing ontop of him. "JAKE!" Shaggy cried smiling. "RAKE!" Scooby hugged him smiling Jake smiled and hugged back. "Hey scooby." He looked at shaggy. "You came for me even though i.. I'm so sorry shaggy." He started to cry and they hugged him tight. "Your like family Jake we dont give up on family. I'm sorry too." Shaggy apologized. Jake smiled and hugged them. "Let's solve this mystery guys." As they were exploring the cave, Jake went the wrong way and found a way outside near where the haunted castle ride. Shaggy and scooby saw a giant room with a claw a table with straps on it and a vat of something. "Like man this reminds me of those shark men from shark island." Shaggy chattered his teeth walking slow. "Reah rark men." "Shaggy scooby?" A voice called out. "RIPE!" Scooby yelled as he jumped into shaggys arms. "L-L-L-LIKE THERES A GHOST IN HERE!" "Shaggy! Scooby!" The voice wailed out again. "Like it's not a ghost its velma." shaggy recognized the voice and the 2 went to the vat. "Like it's coming from in here-." Him and scooby saw velmas head in the vat with alot of others and grabbed her pulling her out. "Oh thanks you guys wheres Jake?" Shaggy and scooby looked around. "Like zoinks he must've went down a wrong way." Velma sighed. "Let me go so I can return to my body and get Jake out of here before they find you guys and steal your protoplasms too." Shaggy and scooby nodded letting her go and she flew like a comet. "Always knew you two were heros!" Jake saw velma without her glasses. "Velma?" He called out getting her attention. The 2 heard velma yelling jinkies and something knocked her down. He ran to her to see a creature that jumped out of her snarling at her. Jake aimed his left arm cannon at it and see bright spots appearing on its body. The creature screamed then exploded in a green cloud. "What in the?" Jake looked where the creature once stood. "Jake? Is that you?" Velma was standing up and put her glasses on to see him more clearly. "Yep I made this custom armor for 2 years." Jake shifted his left arm back to normal "What happened to you and fred last night?" Shaggy and scooby was using scoobys tail to fish for their friends. Scooby caught sight of fred, and he pulled him out holding fred up to shaggy. "Hey buddy." Shaggy was trying not to get scared. "Shaggy! Scooby! Listen someone must've spiked my root beer last night." Fred sounded distressed. "Talk me down guys! Talk me down!" "Fred your a freaking protoplasmic head!" Shaggy told him. Fred looked distress. "I know." He showed a small smile. "But I'm still the best protoplasmic head here, I mean." Shaggy got enough of his rambling and sent him flying out of the cavern. Scooby grabbed daphne out of the vat and held her. "Shaggy! Scooby! Thanks for getting me out of there. Do you know where Jake is?" "Like he was with us but he must've went down a wrong turn." Shaggy looked down. "Rut re ras a cannon!" Scooby smiled. "He has a what!" Daphne looked mad. "Sorry." Shaggy apologized as he shot her away like a sling shot. "Raggy raemon ritus!" Scooby pointed at the Daemon ritus. Jake was waiting on velmas signal to tackle daphne's body as a protoplasm was headed their way. "Yo yo. You, yo." Velma told the body. It turned to her and walked towards her. Jake tackled the body into a room while velma got the protoplasm in daphnes body. Jake slammed and locked the door and ran beside velma as a creature shot out of daphnes body. It snarled stalking closer and closer to the red head. "YO UGLY." Jake called out. The creature looked at him and velma. "You could use alittle sunlight." Velma called out as she opened the blinds. The same thing happened to the creature as the one before and it tried to put out the Mark's but to no avail, it exploded to pieces. "HAHAHA THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR HURTING MY FAMILY YOU UGLY FREAK!" Jake was cheered and helped daphne up and hugged her almost on the brink of tears. "That's one mystery solved." Velma putting the pieces together as Daphne looked at her body then at Jake, as if shes terrified. "The creatures need our bodies to survive in the sunlight. Like a human suit, SPF 1,000,000. But, what are they doing here in the first place?" Daphne slowly hugged Jake back. "I thought you was gone daphne..." Jake muttered. "I dont think anyone in the old gang would want me around especially fred." Daphne looked confused at him. "Daphne you ok?" Velma looked concern for her. "Yeah..." Daphne looked at them but it wasnt her voice. "But I'm not daphne!" "Fred!?" Velma and Jake said in unison looking bewildered and Jake backed up. "I couldnt get to my body I didnt know where else to go I panicked!" Fred told them. Velma just rolled her eyes and Jake glared at him. "Its not easy to steer when you're a pure spirit." Jake just took off his hoodie and put it on him. "To keep you from looking at anything private to her and if you touch her body anywhere inappropriate." Jake turns his right arm to a sword. "Your not gonna have anything between your bodies legs." Fred just nodded. Velma started to leave the room while fred was in the middle as Jake was behind him to making sure he didnt touch daphnes body. Daphne in Fred's body was walking through the jungle with her purse but no daemon ritus in it but she just worried about Jake. She saw velma and her body wearing Jake's hoodie. "I can see why you like the hoodie its soft and fluffy." She heard Fred's voice coming out of her body. "What do you think your doing with his hoodie?" "Daphne?" Velma asked. "He planned this didnt he? Where did he get Jake's hoodie?" Daphne asked them. "Jake wants to make sure I don't do anything inappropriate to your body and well..." Fred started. "He really cares about you and I wanna know how you did it" "Not teasing him for one," Daphne stated. "I see him as a equal but you kept teasing him and joking about how me and him would get captured but you see what he can do?" "Yea he made a armor with a cannon hand and a sword." Fred smiled. "He has a sword too?" Daphne started to freak out as shaggy and scooby appeared over the hill and they ran to the others. "Please tell us you guys are you." Shaggy pleaded.
"Unfortunately no." Daphne sighed. Shaggy and scooby looked confused that. "Listen we stole this back." Shaggy told them as scooby put the pyramid on a trunk in the middle of the circle. "The daemon ritus." Velma muttered.
Suddenly the 4 humans had their protoplasms sucked out of their bodies while scooby covered his eyes scared shaking. "Hey I'm me again." Daphne smiled and cuddled the hoodie she was in. "Yippee for you." Velma sighed as she was in Fred's body. "Like man, why am I wearing a dress?" Shaggy said as he was now in velmas body .
Fred now in shaggys body. "Everyone remain calm." He pointed at velmas body. "Velma what the heck going on?"
"If my calculations are correct due to the fragile nature of the protoplasm in close proximity to the daemon ritu.s" Fred looked at her and then back to her body where shaggy was petting scooby. "We are gonna continually randomly change bodies until-" Again the protoplasms leave the incorrect bodies and into the air and head back to the bodies. "-Until the protoplasms realigns with the appropriate body." Velma finished in shaggys body. "I'm fred again." Daphne groaned. "Like yea this hoodie is soft but daphne," Shaggy groaned rubbing his stomach. "What's wrong with you? Dont you ever eat?" Finally the protoplasms went to their original bodies."IM ME!" Fred smiled and handed daphne her purse back. "I'm back." daphne cheered and took it back. "Like, me too!" Shaggy added. "Told you so" Velma smiled at them. "Reres rake?" Scooby just asked. The gang was so busy with the protoplasms they didnt noticed Jake wasnt there and they looked around. "Jake?" Daphne called out. "Jake! Where are you?" Shaggy called out. "He was behind me when we was leaving." Fred said looking worried for their little buddy. Suddenly, an explosion echoed from the beach grabbing the gangs attention. Shaggy grabbed the daemon ritus and they ran to the explosion. Jake had been caught his suit still on knocked out. When he was waking up he saw someone standing infront of him "Hello kid." Soon the man walked jake to a office. "Something tells me that was the wrong ingredient." A man sighed. Daphne recognized him as the voodoo man. They talked to him about what happened. He said it was to protect himself from the creatures who he thinks is fixin to perform something called the darkolypse ritual. "Darkolypse ritual?" Velma asked as she took the daemon ritus from shaggy and making it open. "That's what the ancient text describes. They use protoplasms as a energy source, the leader must absorb a abandoned and suicidal past to complete the ritual." "Legend has it, they complete it, they'll rule the earth for 10,000 years! So that's why I wanna get my house blessed to protect myself." The voodoo man told then as he went back inside his hut. "The creatures are gonna take over the world? That's so mean." Daphne said in shock and disbelief. "They cant complete it without a soul with a abandoned and suicidal past, where they gonna get one of those?" Fred asked in confusion. "Rake!" Scooby said in shock. The gang looked in shock. "They must've grabbed him from behind." Daphne said in disbelief and on the verge of crying. "If like the person who needed Jake." Shaggy started to put the pieces together. "Then it must've been the one who brought him here!" Velma finished for shaggy and the gang knew it was...Emile mondoverious wearing black clothes was sitting at his desk writing something down as the man walked Jake in. "Jake!" Emile welcomed jake with a friendly smile. "How are you my friend? Please sit down." He motioned to a large back sofa. Jake just nodded and sat down as mondoverious was sitting across from him. "I saw the fight between you and fred." Mondoverious said in a calm voice. Jake nodded and looked down "He sent you down the depression way didnt he? He always teased you about being caught didnt he?" Mondoverious walked around Jake. Jake nodded and rubbed his left arm. "I'm so happy that you didnt take your life like fred planned though cause I have a great favor to ask you." Mondoverious went down to Jake's level looking him straight in the eyes "Jake I need you to be a sacrifice." Jake thought why? If I dont say yes he might knock me out if I do I'm a goner I need to get out of here fast. "No way." Jake said as he rose up and shot at the man at the door and mondoverious he tried to run but a man knocked him out from behind. "If mondoverious wanted Jake why bring us?" Fred asked. "WHO CARES WE GOTTA GO SAVE JAKE FAST!" Daphne exclaimed and started to storm down the beach. "Like we're with you daph!" Shaggy called out as him and scooby followed her. "You three," Fred got their attention. "Our area of expertise are nutjobs in Halloween costumes." "We're not gonna abandon jake again." Daphne told him. "And like me and scoob gonna do what we always do." Shaggy grabbed two scooby snacks for him and scooby. "We're gonna have a scooby snack and we're gonna save our little buddy." Daphne smiled at shag and scoob.
Fred sighed and looked at velma. "Velmster?" Giving her a nickname. "You think I'm gonna fall for that? Giving me my own nickname to feel." Velma asked realizing what he was doing. "Part of the gang...?" She looked at them. "We could make a plan, one he would think of." Shaggy put his hand out, fred placed his hand ontop of shaggys, daphne put her hand on Fred's, velma put her hand on daphnes, and scooby put his paw on top of velmas hand. "Let's get jinkie with it." Velma smiled. With that they threw hands in the air and got into action.

Scooby doo 1 (oc included)Where stories live. Discover now