A safe haven amidst chaos (Chapter 20)

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" Is it alright like that?" Barnaby asked.
He had tied a small ribbon around one of the baby Puffskein.
Well, it wasn't a baby anymore, it was almost all grown.
A few months had passed, it was almost Christmas.
Nobody had heard from Rakepick... there were no news of R...
Slowly Rowan wondered if Nonie had been right, if Rakepick was really going to leave them alone... but she remained wary for the time being. After all, coming out of nowhere was Rakepick's speciality...

Rowan nodded. " It's perfect... oh, I'm sure Hazel will be happy. She wanted a Puffskein for... I don't even remember how long she has been asking for one."
The little ones were old enough to give away now, but Barnaby was keen on only giving them to people they knew. He wanted to be sure the little ones were safe.
Luckily their friend group was rather large, so there were some people that wanted them.
Nonie for example had adopted one. A yellow one specifically. She had named it Bert, to go along with her orange one called Ernie.
Neither Rowan nor Barnaby got the joke, and Merula had also needed Nonie to explain.
" Oh right, you guys haven't watched Sesame street..." she had said.
With a smile Rowan picked up the Puffskein. " I should go see Hazel now... I'll see you in the evening." Barnaby nodded, and told her to tell Hazel that he was sorry he couldn't come, but he was too busy.
" She'll understand, don't worry. You can visit her some other time. She will probably be in hospital for quite a while..." Rowan said.
Yes, Hazel had landed herself in St. Mungo once more. She had been getting worse and worse, but it being Hazel, had tried to hide it. She had done a good job of t too, her parents had only realised after they had found her passed out on the kitchen floor.
Now she was in hospital to have the doctors run some tests.
Barnaby gave Rowan a hug. " Don't worry so much, she'll be fine! She's strong, just like her big sister."
She laughed. " You are right..." then she kissed him. " I'll see you later. Love you."
He smiled at her, giving her another hug. " I love you too!"

When Rowan entered Hazels hospital room, she was laying on her bed, playing with a game boy that she had probably gotten from a friend.
" Hey Haze, how are you?" Rowan asked, sitting down at her bedside.
Hazel shrugged. " Fine. Tired. Bored."
Rowan looked around. " Where are Mum and Dad? I expected them not to leave your side, like they usually do."
Hazel explained that their Dad had gone to eat lunch, and their Mum had went home to find a stuffed animal she had asked for. " To be honest, I just wanted some alone time. They are watching me like hawks."
Rowan laughed. She could imagine. Her parents always did when Hazel was in hospital. When she was younger it had helped Hazel stay calm, but by now she was just annoyed.
" Why didn't you say anything Haze?" she then asked. " This could have been prevented. You know that your chest pains don't just go away- you know that it's dangerous. You passed out!"
Hazel sighed. " I just... it started at Hogwarts, and I was scared that I wouldn't be allowed to play Quidditch anymore if someone knew. Then I got home, and I just... I didn't know how to tell Mum and Dad. They still seem so stressed about the fact that R might come back for them... Us... I didn't know how to tell them that there is something wrong with me again..."
Rowan gave her sister a hug. " There is nothing wrong with you Haze... but Mum and Dad need to know these things. I know how you feel, back when I was involved with R, I kept many things from them too when I shouldn't have..."
Hazel nodded. " I-I remember... and I know... Can you... not tell them that I did it because I didn't want to worry them? I'd like it better if they thought I was irresponsible and reckless, than them feeling bad..."
Rowan looked at her, and promised her to do so, if she in turn promised that she wouldn't do it again. Hazel promised.

" Rowie... Is your purse squeaking..?" Hazel then asked.
Rowan smiled. " Right, right. I have something for you."
She handed her the Puffskein that she had previously hidden in her purse. She had left the zipper open so it would have enough air.
Hazels eyes lit up, just like they always had when she was a child and excited about something.
" Is it for me???" she asked.
With a laugh, Rowan said that yes, it was all hers. Then she asked what she would name it.
Hazel looked at the small Puffskein in her hand, and gave it a cuddle. " Harpie."
" After the Holyhead Harpies?" Rowan asked.
Her sister nodded, absolutely smitten with her new pet.

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