When you think it's over... (Chapter 19)

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Rowan had almost dropped her newspaper as she read the news.
Barnaby looked up from his breakfast, asking what was wrong.
A couple of years had passed since they had just finished Hogwarts, and things had been alright.
After Rowan finished University and had gotten a job at a nearby elementary school for young witches and wizards, Barnaby and her had saved up to get a place of their own.
They were lucky enough to get an amazing deal on a house outside of the city. It was a small house but it had a very large garden, which both of them particularly enjoyed.
It was nothing compared to the Khanna's tree farm of course, but they loved it. There was a large Apple tree that Rowan had proceeded to climb into a couple of times, just to test out if it matched up to her favourite tree back home. It did- almost. It was a lot smaller. She still loved it though.

With a shocked expression on her face Rowan handed Barnaby the newspaper. And there it was, right on the front page.
There had been an escape in Azkaban. Ten dangerous witches and wizards had escaped out into the world, and... Rakepick had been among them. She had escaped, she was back...
Barnaby immediately dropped the newspaper and went to hug her. He knew how terrified his girlfriend must be. Rakepick had caused her so much hurt, had put her through something so traumatic... and now that she thought it was all in the past, she was back.
But Rowan pulled away from him. " I- I need some air..." she said, and walked outside into the garden. She sat down on the bench under the apple tree.
Barnaby didn't know what to do. Did she want to be alone, or should he go after her?
But as he noticed that she seemed to have trouble breathing as she always did when she was really anxious, he went outside to sit next to her.
" It's going to be okay..." he said and grabbed her hand. " I'll protect you!"
She lent her head against his shoulder. She wasn't sure he could... after all, it was Rakepick they were talking about...
Barnaby was a sweetheart, but his words did little to calm her... She still appreciated it though, and him holding her was making her feel a little better.
" It's not going to happen again..." Barnaby said. " She isn't gonna take you again, I promise! I'll make sure of it!"
With a little sigh Rowan gave him a kiss. He was trying...

Rowan persistently knocked on the door of Merula and Nonie's home.
She needed to talk to her best friend.
It took quite a while, but eventually Nonie opened the door. She was still in her pyjamas and looked really sleepy. " What??" She asked rather unnerved, before realising it was Rowan.
She held her head. " I'm sorry, I had night shift... come in."
Rowan followed her yawning friend into the kitchen, where she sat down at the table.
" What's the matter Row? You look very pale..." she asked, concerned.
Rowan shrugged, asking if maybe she could have some hot chocolate first, before she started explaining. Nonie made the world-best hot chocolate, in her opinion.
With another yawn, Nonie obliged and grabbed a pot out of the cupboard to heat up the milk.
While they were waiting for it warm, Rowan started talking. About Rakepick's escape (that Nonie had yet to hear of, as she had been in deep slumber all morning), how scared she was, that even Barnaby seemed helpless....
When she had finished talking, Nonie looked at her even more concerned.
" If you need a place to hide, if anything happens- come here immediately. You can always stay here for a while, you and Barnaby both. You know that right?"
Rowan nodded. She knew. But in the end she wouldn't take her best friend up on it.
For one because she didn't want to put her and Merula in unnecessary danger, (even if there was a good chance Rakepick would come after them too, they had... history after all) but also because they weren't the only ones to worry about. They also had an assortment of magical creatures living in their home.

The "misfits of the creature sanctuary" were a few magical creatures that had not fit in in the sanctuary Barnaby worked at.
Their Bowtruckle Skipper had an injured leg when they had first gotten him, so he couldn't be released with the others. Rowan and Barnaby had originally just wanted to keep him until he was healed, but afterwards he had taken too much of a liking to them to be released back into the sanctuary.
Their Crup Newt had been the runt of the litter one of the Crup's in the sanctuary had. He had been born with an eye missing and had trouble adjusting. His mother abandoned him, so Barnaby brought him home.
The last misfit was a small baby unicorn that had been found in the wild, it's mother nowhere to be found. Rowan had been both amused and also a little concerned when Barnaby had brought the little one home. She hadn't been sure if they could care for such a special creature, but in the end it had worked out well. They had bottle-fed the unicorn they had named Buttercup, and again, the creature had gotten too attached to them to be released.
So now they had a baby unicorn living in their backyard.
They still had Barnaby Jr, but had also been gifted a second Puffskein by Liz after they moved in together. Barnaby had wanted to name it Rowan Jr. but she had refused, naming it snowflake instead.
And to top it all off, Snowflake and Barnaby Jr. had babies last week, so now they had a litter of small Puffskeins roaming the house. So there was no way they could just up and leave...

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