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" I'm so excited!!!" Mabel Lee was bouncing up and down, unable to keep still. 
Rowan laughed, thinking how she acted so much like her father. 
Today, their daughter would be going to Hogwarts and she could barely contain her excitement. Barnaby was similarly excited. Rowan was too, but there was a slight damper on it for her. 
They hadn't heard anything from R in years, but of course, now that Mabel was going to Hogwarts... that she was the age Rowan had been when she had begun being blackmailed...
It was a little worrying. 

Suddenly, Rowan felt Barnaby's arms around her. "Mabel will be fine..." he whispered. " They won't come for her, I promise. And if they do, we'll protect her!" 
They watched their daughter excitedly drag her suitcase into the train, with a little help of Chiara and Jae's daughter, Evie. She was so grown up by now, and thanks to her parents efforts she had very little difficulty in the world, even as a werewolf. Everyone was incredibly proud of her. 

" I'll write to you everyday!!" Mabel promised her parents, giddy. She had been excited to go to Hogwarts since she had been a little girl. All her parents stories, all the adventures her aunts Nonie and Merula had told her about... 
She couldn't wait. 

" You better write to me too. To tell me about your awesome adventures." Nonie said, with a smile.
Mabel nodded. " Of course!!" 
Merula crossed her arms. " Don't spam us with letters. It's not like I care that you'll be gone now." 
Nonie was about to scold Merula for being so rude, but Mabel had already jumped into her arms. " I'll miss you too, Auntie Merula!" In the past eleven years she had learnt to speak Merula. 
And for reasons incomprehensible to anyone else, she loved her Auntie. 
Merula wrapped her arms around Mabel. " Fine, maybe I'll miss you just a little bit. Write as many letters as you want." 
Next she said goodbye to her aunt Hazel. " Maybe I can join the Quidditch team, like you!" 
Hazel smiled and ruffled through her hair. " Next year. I promise to give you training if you do." 

Eventually, it was time for the last goodbye's. 
Rowan hugged her daughter tightly. " Oh my little Cruppy, I'm going to miss you so much... please, don't forget about the letter I gave you for Myrtle. She might be grumpy, but she can actually be very kind. It's very important you give it to her." 
Mabel promised that she would.
Barnaby asked her to please say hello to Hagrid for him, which she also promised. 
" And I'll always be careful, I promise!!" Mabel said. 
She didn' know exactly what happened, but she knew that some bad people used to be after her Mum, and that it made them very nervous, now that she was leaving. 
So with a bright smile, she tried to reassure them. 

Nervously,  Rowan and Barnaby watched their daughter wave goodbye from the train as it drove off. 
" Don't worry..." Nonie tried to assure her friends. " Your little girl will be fine. She's very smart and strong, she will be fine." 

It was only the next day that a letter from Mabel arrived. She proudly announced that she had gotten into Slytherin, like her Dad. 
Barnaby was a little worried. " What if they're mean to her, because she is so kind..?" he asked. 
Rowan smiled. " She will be fine. She is tough, just like you. And you were fine too, weren't you? Being kind isn't a bad thing, not for Slytherins or anyone else." 
He also had to smile, and nodded. " You're right. She will be fine, because she is tough like me, and smart like you!" 

Smiling, they looked at their daughters letter again, wondering what the future would hold for her...

Thank you so much for reading my story! I'm sorry I took so long publishing the last chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! ☆

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