The consequences of war (Chapter 22)

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Barnaby and Rowan didn't have very much time to enjoy married life.
Only a few months after their wedding, war broke out.
Dumbledore had been murdered by Professor Snape...
Rowan had never liked him that much, but she had still been quite shocked that her former Professor would do something like that.
And Barnaby... he had been devastated. Snape had been his former head of house, hearing of him doing something as horrible as that, it had made him feel incredibly sad.
It was not like he had particularly liked Snape- it was more so the contrary, since he was always quite mean to him. But it had been such a shock... growing up, he had always viewed Hogwarts as a safe place, but now knew that it wasn't.
And Dumbledore... Barnaby had always thought he was so great...
Rowan had sat beside him petting his back for a long time, consoling him after they found out. She had been quite upset as well... after all, she had been so grateful to him when he let her continue to attend Hogwarts, even after what she did...

Rakepick had also been spotted... she was working with quite a few death eaters it seemed... she wasn't aware that her old enemies were keeping tracks on her luckily...
Weirdly enough, Rowan started feeling a lot safer ever since she knew about that.
Maybe it was because they had eyes on her, knew where she was...
Rowan didn't have to fear her just coming out of nowhere anymore, now they could be prepared... If she was planning anything, the order would inform Rowan in the blink of an eye, and Barnaby and her could plan accordingly.
That made her feel relived. Still, the idea of having to leave their house because of this...
If things did happen, they had planned to spend some time in Germany, with Nonie's family.
They were quite fond of Rowan, so it wasn't an issue.
Their unicorn Buttercup would be taken care of by one of Barnaby's co-workers.
It wasn't ideal, but they were relatively safe there.
More safe than in England for sure.

Some more stuff had happened too.
Lupin had finally gotten it together, and had asked Tonks out.
They had gotten married soon after. (Rowan had been quite surprised how little time it took them to organize a wedding. It had taken Barnaby and her months to put theirs together. But to be fair, Lupin and Tonks had kept it rather simple)
Everyone had been so happy for them.
But soon after things had gone south for them again.
Tonks had gotten pregnant, and Lupin had ditched. He had come back after a while, but suddenly he was very unpopular with Tonks' friends.
Even Chiara was angry at her former mentor. She seemed even angrier than the others, and had pretty much been only giving Lupin the cold shoulder since he returned, even after the others treated him normally again, and she treated Tonks weird too.
Something was off about her anyway... she always seemed so sad, everyone was worried... but she refused to tell anybody what was wrong...
Tonks seemed happy now though and so did Lupin. They were excited to have a family together, even after their "setback" as Tonks called it. Lupin already seemed like a caring husband now... and an overprotective one. Tonks got slightly annoyed at his efforts to "make up for what he had done", meaning that he tried to keep everything that could be slightly stressful away from her.
" I love you, but please stop." she oftentimes told him.
And every time he apologized, which annoyed her even more.
Rowan still had yet to have the big "Do you want to have children" conversation with Barnaby.
With how much he loved kids, he probably would want to, right?
She wasn't sure she should have kids, to be honest. With Rakepick out there... she didn't want to make the same mistakes her parents had...
Well, she still had time. Maybe someday they'd be safe. Then she could still think about it...

" Mrs. Lee?" one of her small second grade students snapped her out of her thoughts. " I'm done!"
Rowan was sitting in front of her second grade class, and while they had been doing an assignment her thoughts had wandered...
She grabbed the sheet of paper the girl handed her, and began correcting it. She had asked her students to write down everything they liked about Christmas. It would be Christmas soon, so she wanted to spread some cheer and excitement in her class.
Picking English as one of her subjects had been a great decision. Rowan had done so because she needed another beside history, and teaching English had been something she had a little experience in- thanks to Nonie.
She used to help her friend with English when they were younger, as Nonie wasn't that versed in the language yet. Now she spoke English like a true Brit, except for her still rather heavy German accent of course.

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