Spy (Chapter 2)

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The school year had started a few months ago, and... Rowan was in quite a bit of trouble.
Nonie... wasn't sharing things with her anymore.
She kept her away from everything...
And that was bad.
R was sending many threatening letter, and... Rowan didn't know what to do.
She couldn't even give them any information, she didn't have any!
But when she tried to explain that, they had told her that that wasn't their problem.
She had to deliver information one way or another.
So... Rowan had to come up with other ways of accumulating information...
Like she had done today.

It was in the afternoon, that she suddenly found herself all alone in her dorm room.
That usually never happend...
With four roommates, there was someone there all the time.
But now...
Nonie was out doing vault stuff, without Rowan of course.
Penny was chasing after Bea, Chiara was in the hospital wing, helping Madam Pomfrey, and Tonks had gotten herself detention.
Rowan looked up from her book, noticing that Nonie had left her journal behind on her nightstand.
It was where she wrote everything down, ranging from short-stories to theories and information about the vaults...
Unsure, Rowan went and picked it up.
This felt so wrong... Invading her best friends private thoughts and feelings like this...
Her journal had always been taboo for anyone else, and all this time Rowan had abided by those rules...
But... she didn't really have a choice, did she now?
With unsteady hands, she opened the journal.
The first few pages were filled with doodles, and after that came the short-stories.
Without even really knowing why, Rowan sat down to read one of them.
Nonie had always wanted to be an author, and her stories were good... but these ones felt different.
They were all over the place, as if she couldn't focus on them...
It wasn't like something she would usually write.

It didn't take Rowan long to find the entries about the vaults.
All the information about the previous ones were neatly organised and dated.
"If only her schoolwork was this neat.." Rowan thought, shaking her head.
This wasn't the moment to make jokes...
She flipped a few pages ahead, to find out what Nonie was up to at the moment...
Slowly but surely, her hands steadied.
She had to do this. There was no way around it.
As she found the right page, she immediately began to copy the information she so desperately needed onto a piece of parchment.
Just as she was slipping it into her cloak pocket, she heard a: " What are you doing?"
Tonks had come back from detention.
Rowan tried to hide the journal behind her back, but it was too late.
"What are you doing with Nonies journal?" she asked.
It took all of Rowans might to not show how much she was internally freaking out.
"She.. left it here, and I know that it's important to her... so I wanted to go look for her, to give it to her." she said, only stuttering a little.
Over the years, she had gotten a little better at lying, even if she didn't like it.
Tonks raised an eyebrow. "Alright then, I won't stop you."
Rowan knew that she didn't believe her, but was also aware that sticking around an trying to come up with another explanation would make her even more suspicious, so she left as fast as possible.

She actually ended up looking for Nonie.
If she didn't, Nonie would wonder where her journal was, and Tonks would surely ask her about it.
Tonks was the nosiest out of all the Hufflepuff girls, meaning that she was Rowans biggest worry.
A few times now, she had noticed Rowan acting suspicious, but luckily had never thought much off it.
But if she would ever find out that Rowan was working for R...
It would not turn out well.
Tonks couldn't keep a secret, and even if she could... there was no way she would just let this go.
She was always wanting to keep everybody save.
Rowan didn't know this, but it was because of her family history.
Because her Aunts and grandparents liked to wreak havoc on on others, Tonks wanted to make up for that.
That's why she wanted to be an Auror, just like her Mum.
Her Mum, Andromeda, was the same way.
So if Tonks judged Rowan as a potential threat, she could not only expose her, but also have Aurors show up in mere minutes.
That thought always scared her.
She was living so close to someone that hated people like her, and there was nothing she could do about it.

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