Back to school

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I took a deep breath as I readjusted my clothing in the mirror. This summer had been so peaceful traveling with my family and pretending high school problems didn't exist except today it was back to the shitty reality called life.  I sighed once again as I fixed my loose curls and applied my mascara and lip gloss in the mirror.
               I gave myself a once over almost not recognizing the girl starring back at me. Last year I had only really worn skinny jeans and sweatshirts. However over the summer my best friends Stacy and Bella decided it would be fun to give me a little makeover after I vocalized one too many times that I hated how I looked. While I pretended to hate the makeover I secretly loved the way it made me feel. I fixed my denim mini skirt one last time, slipped on my keds and threw my backpack over my shoulder and making my way downstairs.
         "Morning mom" I smiled as she finished pouring me a coffee and slid it my way. Her eyes scanned over me before she nodded in approval.  We came from a wealthier family and although my mom never really cared about what I wore or what others thought of me I could tell she was thankful that I was taking a little more focus on my appearance. After finishing my coffee I slipped my mug into the sink ignoring my mom's groan of objection behind me, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and slipped out the door to head to hell.
             I unlocked my white jeep and slid in giving Bella a call as I backed out of the driveway.
"Hey bells, heading to you now can you let stac know?" I heard her swear a few times quietly before she took a deep breath and responded to me.
"Shit sorry yes I can let her know" I chuckled a little at how un put together Bella seemed this morning or rather every morning compared to how put together she was at school.
"Lemme guess Andrew?" She sighed with a little mhm as she yelled at her brother Andrew to get his bag on because I'd be there soon. Stacy Bella  and I always switched off carpooling and ever since her Bella's mom accepted an over night position at the hospital we've helped out by dropping her little brother off at the middle school every morning too.
"Well tell that little twarp that as much as I adore him if he's not ready when I get there we're leaving him behind and he can wake your mother up which I'm sure she'll love. Be there in 5 love you"
"Love you too" Bella sung before hanging up the phone. I decided to blast some music and hit shuffle on my phone and of course the first song to come on was "give you hell" by American Rejects. I sighed but blasted it anyways. When I pulled up Stacy was already at Bella's since she lived only a few houses down. All three hopped in to the car when I pulled up and Bella turned the music all the way up.
"OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THIS SONG" she squealed as I tensed a bit. 
"NOW YOULL NEVER SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE TO ME YOU CAN TAKE BACK YOUR MEMORIES THEYRE NO GOOD FOR ME" all three of us started screaming along as Andrew just looked at us like we were crazy. Once we pulled up to the middle school he jumped out waving an embarrassing bye and sprinted to join his friends as we continued our way to the school.
"So are you guys ready for the school year?" Stacy questioned innocently looking at me patiently for an answer. Bella however squealed next to me
"Of course. Honestly I'm so freaking ready for senior year, it's absolutely going to be the best year yet.... Plus with Chris back who knows" she sighed and Stacy and I made quick eye contact. Chris was someone that Bella used to crush on. He was an okay guy but he was also a lot to handle. Too hot and cold and left Bella beyond confused and upset several times.
"Bella just be careful.." I warned trying not to sound like an unsupportive bitch. I was thankful we were pulling into the school and I would be able to avoid my answer because honestly I wasn't excited for this year at all I was just excited to be out of here and done. As I was about to pull into a spot a red Lamborghini cut me off speeding into the spot instead. I flipped them off even though there windows were tinted so I had no clue if they even saw me.  I pulled into a spot a few rows over. I grabbed my back pack slamming my car door and waited patiently for my friends to be ready to go into the school.
"Fucking prick" I swore quietly. Sadly that was typical behavior from a majority of our school, rich and selfish thinking they can do whatever simply because they have money. Sure, I came from money but I didn't flaunt it around or act like I owned the world because of it. Honestly it shouldn't be that surprising to me but it always is. We go to a prep school and most of the kids here are rich and unfortunately act like they own the world due to their parents money. Thankfully there are a few here like myself and my friends who realize money can only get us so far in life but it makes life hell when others are entitled because of it.
I told myself not to, that it didn't matter, but, I couldn't help but to glance over at the car that had cut me off to get into the parking spot to see what asshole had cut me off. Unfortunately I should have listened to my gut and not looked because I glanced over just in time to see Bryce getting out of the back seat and Amanda getting out of the passenger side. Which meant only one thing, it had to be HIM driving and my body froze. Of course I had expected to see him this year but I wasn't expecting to see him THIS early in the day and my fight, flight  or freeze was kicking in. Sadly enough my freeze (or in this case rather slow down enough to confirm my suspicions) kicked in and a few seconds later Tyler got out of the driver seat. I didn't need to look around to know that every girl near by immediately started drooling over him, they always did. I don't know how he managed it nor did I really care but it seemed like somehow over the summer Bad Boy Tyler McKee had only managed to get hotter. I watched as he flirted naturally with a few girls near by winking and smiling and then his blue eyes met mine and I gulped.
        Instead of a movie moment where the guy walks over or waves or anything that could be considered romantic, Tyler simply gave me a tight smile which didn't match the scowl on his face and then looked away.  Amanda came to his side and he wrapped his arms around her and she sent me a vicious smirk.
"So it is true huh..." Bella followed my gaze looking to where Tyler and Amanda now looked pretty cozy.
"I guess so" I whispered hoping it sounded as though I was uninterested. I hadn't been around a lot this summer but I knew enough of the drama to know that the new rumor was our used to be best friend Amanda was now dating  (or at least sleeping with) bad boy Tyler and by her reaction she didn't plan on letting me or anyone forget it. Great any hope I had that this school year was potentially okay was flying out the window with every passing second.
I watched as they walked away and then we slowly made our way into the school too. 

A/n hey guys! Thanks for checking out my story. Yes I know sorta cliche but honestly who doesn't love a good sob story bad boy good girl drama? Lemme know your thoughts in the comments.

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