Unwanted Memories

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I stared for a second my eyes taking him in forgetting that I should probably respond to him instead of just stare like a creep. "Oh. uh yeah. Hi Evan..." I paused awkwardly. Evan and I had dated back in 9th and 10th grade. Infact he was my first serious boyfriend and he was the love of my life. At least that's what I thought back then.

He smiled awkwardly for a second and then opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but closed it quickly clearly deciding against it. Of course already having an awkward day I couldn't stand the silence
       "How was your summer?" Great I groaned internally that was almost as bad as asking how the weather was. Thankfully he chuckled a bit.
         "Oh you know, the usual... had to watch Emily all day every day because mom and dad were constantly busy with work. How about yourself? any fun hangs with Zack and Max?" This time it was my turn to laugh. Honestly I was thankful this conversation wasn't completely awkward. Don't get me wrong Evan and I had been AMAZING while we dated. Infact I might even say we were considered the Golden couple/ power couple at school. But with the way things ended I was surprised he was even talking to me at all right now.

"Yeah I mean we hung out here and there but summer wasn't anything special" I decided maybe this wasn't the time to brag about how amazing my summer was. He nodded his dimples appearing while he smiled. I couldn't resist taking in how good he looked. His blonde hair was a little longer than it was and shaggy but it didn't look bad at all and his eyes still had the golden flakes in them that I had fallen for in freshman year. He was a little taller than me and his muscle looked as good as ever.

"Well good I'm glad your summer wasn't horrible." He nodded as his eyes caught on to someone behind me and he cleared his throat "well it was nice uh... catching up. see you around." He waved as he walked off awkwardly. I turned around trying to see if I could see who he had saw but sadly the only people behind me were a few girls. I shook off the odd feeling assuming that he probably just didn't want to be stuck talking to me and continued my way to the lunch room. Again it felt like all conversation stopped the second I walked through the door. I ignored it and grabbed school lunch heading to our normal table. I sat down and was quickly joined by stacy and Bella. Followed a few minutes later by a chuckling Chris.

"Hey C, are you aware how much GOSSIP is going around this school about you?" I paused mid bite raising and eyebrow at him. "um do I even WANT to know?" He slung his arm around me and laughed. "well I mean if you believe ALL the rumors then no? however according to the rumors you've been a busy gal lately." This caused Bella and Stacy to laugh this time.

"oh PLEASE share gossip king." Bella winked and he winked back "WELL according to locker room talk.." we all groaned together. Chris also played football and he managed to get a ton of gossip through the locker room and team chats some of which I doubted had any truth to them. "shush. according to the guys Clara here is dating tall older broody Max, but then cheated on Max to hook up with Tyler? who also cheated on Amanda to hook up with our Clara here. BUT now listen cuz this... this is where it gets good. Apparently Clara here while dating Max and hooking up with Tyler has also been texting Bryce and leading him on and hooked up him during 7 minutes in heaven. Plus I am pretty sure I just heard someone whispering that they saw you and Evan looking friendly in the hallway. Making the total number of guys our lovely friend clara here is with is 4 according to rumors. Or At least I am assuming theyre rumors...." All three of them paused and stared at me as if they suddenly believed the rumors and I could tell I was blushing. Finally Stace cleared her throat edging me in to answer.

"well um. Max, NOPE not dating him just my brothers friend, Bryce ALSO not dating him just planning fundraisers to get our new unis, Tyler, well we all know what happened there." I rolled my eyes thinking back to the party yesterday. "And as for Evan we were just chatting in the Hallway ya know catching up laughing. I bumped into him.... no biggie. " Bella let out and awkward sound "NO BIGGIE?!" she whisper yelled "C, you cheated on him at a party, he should be pissed at you and ignoring you. Talking and laughing with you is sorta the complete opposite of no Biggie." I frowned at her mention of that night.

"for the last time. although I KNOW weve been over this a million times. I did NOT cheat on Evan. Amanda just spread rumors because she was a jealous bitch." of course my friends hadn't been there that night so they didn't know what actually happened and it hurt that they thought I could ever cheat on Evan. I never mentioned that if Amanda hadn't bust into the closet when she had I may have actually cheated on Evan. I always felt guilty over that night but thankfully it wasn't a night that my friends or Amanda ever bring up nor is it a topic that has ever come up with Tyler. Sadly though that WAS the night that ended my relationship and a bunch of my friendships and that just made me never want to talk about that night ever. It was also the night where my whole life changed. Everything I thought I knew and wanted was different.
I looked over at all of my friends faces and couldn't help but frown. "Chris as much as I love locker room talk you always bring us wrong information" he shrugged his shoulders a meal smile coming over his face.
"We'll Bryce and Tyler certainly got snippy at each other over the rumors so... I figured there must have been some truth to them." Of course how he I not thought about that all of the guys were on the team...
"Well that would be because according to Bryce last night. "Tyler was going to kill him for being in the closet with me"" I quoted and rolled my eyes.
"Yeah I could see that" Stacey spoke and I scoffed.
"Oh please like he gave two shits." I challenge and I saw Bella flinch.
"Oh uh he might have cared..." Bella spoke and Chris gave her a look. "I mean all I'm saying is that before you came upstairs... Amanda was yelling at Tyler for storming off. Saying that it was just a few kisses and why was he so upset if you and Brooke were hooking up..."
"Well that explains the locker writing..." I sighed "I don't understand why he was so upset either....." I shrugged.
"Let's see.... All the history and past? And then his best friend hooks up in a closet with you after he was practically hanging over you earlier in the night.... Yeah no reason to be upset" Chris spoke and I shot daggers at him.
"It's not like he has any reason to be upset.... Besides...... the rumors are wrong.. so it doesn't matter" at least that's what I thought.....

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