The welcome back party

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The rest of the day flew by despite being anxious about tonight and the second the bell rang I rushed to met Stacy, Bella and Chris by my car.
"Um clar...... Why do you look like you've seen a ghost" stace asked starring intently at me causing both Bella and Chris to turn their attention from their conversation to me.
"Uh I guess because in a way I sorta have?" I shrugged continuing  "what are you guys doing tonight? Any plans?" I questioned and they all shook their head no and I felt relief wash over me.
"Why" Chris asked but by his tone I was sure he already knew the answer. I shuffled my feet a bit on the ground kicking a small rock refusing to look at any of them.
"Well uh..... Tyler sorta invited me... well us to his back to school party tonight while implying that I didn't know how to have fun or a good time so I uh sorta said we'd be there and I know I know.... I shouldn't have let him get under my skin but I couldn't help it....."  I heard Bella breath out a relieved sigh and high five Stacy and Chris.
"Oh thank god we heard about the party and thought we'd have to beg you to go considering that it's Tyler and Bryce throwing it." I was relieved they were all so ready to go and it meant that I wouldn't face the party alone.
  " no, no need to force me. Tyler promised if I go tonight he'll leave me alone you can bet your ass I took that deal. Do we want to get ready at my place?" I questioned and stace and Bella both nodded which Chris groaned but reluctantly agreed.
When we arrived at my house and I parked taking out my house keys and unlocking the front door. I knew there was no one home. My mom and dad both bascially have to work non stop to make up for the time off they took for us to travel this summer. Even though they didn't actually take time off and worked the whole time we were away. Im pulled from my thoughts by some music playing upstairs and I sprint up the stairs to my brother Zacks room to find him standing in the hall awkwardly smiling at me.
"Hey Clara!" he pulls me in for a tight hug and rubs his first in my hair.
"stoppppp" I manage to say half annoyed and half laughing. "what are you even DOING here?" Zack was a junior when I was a freshmen meaning that now that I'm a senior he's long graduated and a sophomore in college about an hour away. He rubs the back of his neck a bit and sends me his signature don't tell mom smile. "Don't even Worry. mom and dad are at work til forever. Actually I'm pretty sure they probably wont even be home tonight. so whatever mischief you're causing or whatever reason you're home is safe with me" I can hear my friends finally making their way up the stairs after probably helping themselves to some snacks.
"Plus we won't even be here tonight either!" Stacy hollars from half way up. Zacks jaw drops a little and he opens his mouth to question before probably remembering I am a senior and remembers all of the parties that happen. Instead he waves hello to my friends with a smile and turns back to me. "okay just remember. Stay safe, don't take drinks from people you don't know, never leave your drink unattended, remember the defense moves I taught you, don't do anything I wouldn't do and use protection!" He dodges my hand as I attempt to slap him and I pretend to gag.
Throughout highschool and really ever since we were little despite the age difference Zack and I have always had each others backs. We love our parents but they always ended up so busy in life that we really only had each other. He smiles at me "oh and one last thing. If any of you are too drunk to drive tonight." he pauses looking at my friends "Which I KNOW you all will be, I'm around tonight heading back to school tomorrow or wednesday so don't hesitate to call for a ride."
"Thanks Zach!" I give him another hug before dissapearing into my room with my friends to get dressed. Its still fairly early but I have NEVER been one to get ready quickly for parties I always think about it too much. After trying on several outfits that they claim won't prove I've "let go of my ways" they put an outfit together for me thats a little revealing for my taste but I don't hate it.

After curling my hair lightly and letting the girls apply some light make- up we all look at ourselves in the mirror and love the way we look

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After curling my hair lightly and letting the girls apply some light make- up we all look at ourselves in the mirror and love the way we look.

"finally!" Chris yells from where he's been sitting on my bed watching TV. "let's go we still have to stop at my house so I can change" The three of us roll our eyes but agree its only fair. As were about to head out the door I yell out to Zack. "we're leaving I'll call for a ride later!" I open the door to walk out yelping when I open it and there's a person standing on the other side. After catching my breath I look up to a smile I've become used to.
  "Hey Little C." Max smiles down at me as his eyes roam my outfit a small smile taking over his face and I shuffle clearing my throat.

"oh uh Hey Maxibear!" I stutter feeling slightly awkward that I used his old nick name. I blush a little bit and he clears his throat. "Long time no see!" His eyes glance back behind me for a split second to my friends before landing back on me. 
"ah off to the big Welcome back seniors party I see." His eyes roam my body innocently once more as he leans in to give me a quick hug "well in that case, be safe, have fun, don't accept a drink from strangers.... Make smart choices..." I interrupt him with a laugh shaking my head and he sighs. "Im sure Zachary has already given his lecture. Fuck of course he has look what his sister is about to head off to a party with drunk guys wearing." He chuckles as he waves goodbye to my friends and heads up stairs to join Zack with whatever their plans are.

"Damn Girl can you say TENSION" Bella teases bumping my shoulder and I chuckle a little. I mean sure theres always been slight tension between us since that mini makeout back in freshman year but I have always chalked it up to the fact that my brother doesn't know. Plus Max and I could never be more, I mean hes my brother's best friend and a total player.
"Nah, He views me as a little sister. He just wanted to make sure I'm safe" I shrug trying to ignore the amused look on my friend's faces. Chris Cuts in "Yeah I would believe that if he hadn't just basically undressed you with his eyes.... Twice" he states and I feel myself blush.  I know they notice it too but they thankfully dont push it any further.
Twenty Minutes later we're sitting in Chris's room as he tries to decide what to wear. He finally lands on some button down shirt and jeans we head out to the party. It's been a while since I have been at a party with the people from our highschool and I can't deny that I'm nervous.
When we pull onto Tylers road we can hear the music before the house even comes into sight. There are cars lining the road and I feel a pit in my stomach. Something tells me I shouldn't have agreed to this.
And once we open the door and enter the room littered with students drinking and making out and the pungent smell of alcohol and sweat it confirms that maybe I was right and coming here for a peace of mind wasn't the best choice. Fighting the urge to turn and leave I scan the room to look for any familiar faces and then my eyes land on HIM and my heart sinks. His arms wrapped around Amanda as she leans in and kisses him. I know they're dating and this shouldn't affect me the way it is but I can't help it. Immediately I'm filled with regret and I head to the drink table and make myself a drink to help prepare myself for this long night.

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