And the night goes on

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I jumped up from Tylers lap cringing at how I'm sure this looked. I turned around hoping no one could see the red on my cheeks, embarrassed that we had just gotten caught in what appeared to be such an intimate moment. There stood Amanda  in a mini skirt that was way too short and a crop top that looked about 2 sizes too small, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at me. "So you aren't even going to deny that you were trying to steal him? I guess you really have become a whore then. Max, then Bryce then Evan and now trying to go after Tyler?" She smirked in satisfaction and I .

         "Mandy baby. Nothing was happening." Tyler cut in before I could even get a word out and I rolled my eyes at the nickname.  He made eye contact with me almost begging me not to say anything and I couldn't help feeling a bit hurt even if it what she saw really wasn't what it seemed. First who was he to think that this was the time or place to start that convo and where was he even going with it. Two  I couldn't help but be annoyed that somehow after admitting everything he just had he was taking Amanda's side AGAIN.
"Yes Amanda" my voice was bitter and I didn't care. "Nothing was happening nor would it. But enjoy your night with TYLER. You really are perfect for each other" She seemed to not recognize the sarcasm in my voice and smiled a huge smile. I  ignored Tyler's hurt look and wandered off.
Thankfully for me more people were beginning to show up so I was able to hang out with others including my best friends who had showed up about 30 minutes ago and decided not to find me because they assumed I was with max and my brother.
          "What... is it so hard to believe we truly believed you were just hanging out with max" Stacey questioned defending their choice and I rolled my eyes.
          "No..... BUT I wasn't. I was stuck in conversation with Tyler." I added leaving out what the conversation was about. "I'm just saying rescuing would have been nice" I muttered before being interrupted by a loud voice.
"Hey Jenks!" He yelled again as he wobbled through the sand approaching me. "You made it! I've been searching  for you! I need you as my teammate for pong!" Bryce starting  pulling me gently towards the direction of where the table was set up. 
"Uh Bryce...." I chuckled "You saw me when I arrived.. Ya know helping the band set up? You left with me Tyler to finish setting up." He paused squinting to think for a minute then winked at me. 
"Oh Shit you're right! You're welcome for that by the way." He looped his arm over my shoulder and I walked with him while I ignored my friends who were now shooting me questioning looks. Honestly I wish I had an answer for them but truthfully I didn't know why Bryce was suddenly taking an interest in me. 
"I'm not sure but I'm gonna go play then I'll be back." I yelled over my shoulder and continued to walk with Bryce to the table. The second we got their it took all my might not to walk away.  "you didn't tell me who we were playing!" I whispered into Bryces ear. He laughed and stepped behind me me placing his hand on my opposite hip as he went to whisper back.
              "well.... I knew if I told you that then you would not play. and I really wanted you on my team baby." I knew he spoke the last part loud enough for everyone to hear when a few went silent and Tyler glared at him across the table. I couldn't help the blush forming. I had never felt anything for Bryce but there was no doubt he was attractive and I figured maybe some attention from him wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. My eyes flittered over his face before smiling. 
         "Well then handsome what are we waiting for let's play." The guys ended up going eye for eye and Bryce won giving us first shots. He sunk his shot and turned waiting patiently for me to take mine. I lined up behind the line and sunk my shot easily getting our team balls back.   We kept going back and fourth between the teams either sinking or missing shots. Instead of drinking beer from the cups we were drinking our mixed drinks to avoid drinking sand so both Bryce and myself were feeling a buzz. By the time it was our shot again we had only one cup left.
Bryce stood directly behind me pulling my back flat against his chest with his hands on my hip. He kissed my cheek smirking and then turned his head. "I need my good luck kiss"  tapping his cheek. My eyes glanced to Tyler and I swear if looks could kill Bryce would be dead but that wasn't my problem. I turned to kiss his cheek just as I heard a camera click and turned to glare at my giggling best friends who were encouraging this behavior.
I rolled my eyes but knew I could deal with that after.  I leaned back so I could whisper in his ear "Hey hotstuff. you better make this damn shot because I have to go deal with those assholes." He chuckled  looking down at me and then sunk his shot. Handing the second ball to me
           "well then buttercup.  You better make this shot so you can go do that."  He whispered grinning as I did just that. I sent Bryce a wink and I started to walk away but I had only gotten a few steps when heard Amanda's bitchy remark

"Oh of course she was good with balls. most sluts are."  I took a deep breath getting ready to turn around and respond when I was pulled away as I heard commotion behind me.
"What the HELL" I yelled as I turned to face a sorry looking Max. Instead of responding he just pointed his finger his brow raised. I turned around to see Tyler kneeling over some guy punching him.
"For FUCKS sake." I yelled ignoring that max had litterally gotten here faster than possible as I began marching over to where a crowd had started to gather chanting for a fight. I stood next to my three best friends taking in the scene in front of me until I realized that the poor guy Tyler was beating up was his own best friend. I sighed preparing for the worst as I stepped forward towards the fight.

"Tyler..." I spoke up but realized he probably couldn't hear me over the sounds of the two of them throwing punches and grunting. Amanda stood off to the side pleading for him to stop.  "Tyler...." I tried again as he landed a punch on Bryce's stomach and I stepped even closer risking getting hit myself.

"TYLER JAMESON MCKEE" I screamed and he immediate froze and turned to me leaving Bryce on the ground. His cold expression vanishing when we made eye contact. I had to force myself to focus again despite my heart rapidly beating from the look he was giving me. "What the FUCK do you think you are doing. Incase you forgot. that right there.... that's your best friend."

Tyler's eyes hardened again before he scoffed. "Please some best friend. I tell him something that I trust him with and then he spends the WHOLE fucking night rubbing it in my face...." He spat on the ground quickly giving once last glance at Bryce before storming off leaving everyone who had witnessed the scene silent and stunned.

"What the hell was the about" Stacy questioned giving me a knowing look and I found myself shrugging.
              "I wish I knew I really do.."  I bent down to help Bryce up and used a towel that was near by to wipe the blood from his nose and his lip.
            "Jenks I'm good. Promise" he stood up with a little wobble in his step and smirked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Fucking Bryce. Only you could manage to piss off your best friend enough to have him beat you up and then laugh about it...."

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