Party Planning

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       The rest of the week flew by with-out any more drama or rumors involving myself or any of the guys. Or at least that was the case until right now. I currently could practically HEAR the rumors flying out of peoples mouths as both Tyler AND Bryce sat across from me at my normal lunch able. My eyes kept flicking back and forth between the two of them as they both sat there arms crossed. Neither of them had spoken a single word yet infact I didn't even know why they had been sitting here, after I grabbed my lunch I had seen them both sitting at our normal table however I was too stubborn to move else where so that brought my current situation. Me sitting across from Tyler and Bryce. No words being spoken waiting for either my friends to join or them to leave. Tyler kicked his feet up onto the table ignoring the disgusted face I made and sent me a smirk.

"Um hey douchebag, could you maybe NOT" I shot shoving his feet off the table. "why are you guys even sitting here? Wanna get the WHOLE gang back together?" I shrugged ignored the looks from the neighboring tables. "should I call Amanda over too? maybe even Evan? It could be like the old days" I saw Tyler flinch at the mention of Evan's name but he quickly recovered and a smirk spread across his face.

"easy there Tiger." he adjusted how he was sitting. "as fun as it would be to be at that reunion" he joked "I'm pretty sure ill have to pass. Plus I couldn't imagine you and Evan even holding a civil conversation after breaking up especially given how it happened" This time it was my face that faltered into a frown for a second before I could fix myself and force a smile. Tyler never knew the reason why Evan and I broke up he had just known that it was a nasty scene with lots of yelling. Sure there had been many rumors about why but he never bothered to ask me and I'm sure Amanda never confessed it to him.  "well I can agree that I'd have to Pass on that little reunion. however you're wrong about the Evan and myself part. We had quite a civil conversation the other day."  His face faltered for a second before Bryce looked up from his phone interuptting us clearly unwilling to this go any further.

"alright LOVERS as FUN as this is to witness. we sorta came over here for a reason...." Bryce elbowed Tyler lightly signaling him to talk and he sighed and the two had a silent conversation with their eyes. "alright FINE... if you won't ask her I will. Jenks, are Zack and Max still in that band?" I nodded. Zack and Max had been in a band since they were in high school and they were actually pretty good they tended to play at events and parties. " Good! Any chance you can work your magic to get a favor from them." My stomach sank. no way this was a good sign. "Uh.. Maybe.... what's the favor." Bryce sat up a bit more with a small smile on his face. "Any chance you could convince them to play for the bonfire party tonight... This dumbass over here was supposed to ask you DAYS ago and chose today to admit he was too much of a WIMP to approach you. " Tyler stayed gazing at the ground in thought and then decided to punch Bryce lightly. "Just wait here a
and give me a second.." I reluctantly took my phone out and dialed Zacks number. To my surpise a different familar voice answered.

"Hey CJ, how can I help you babe?" I rolled my eyes at Max and his antics even though the only ones who could see it were Bryce and Tyler. Both who were now watching me intently.

"Well Max,  I was hoping to reach my brother since you answered the phone instead I need to ask a HUGE favorrrrrrrr. " I put on my sweet innocent voice hoping that MAYBE he'd be weak to it just like my brother always was. I could see Bryce trying not to laugh and Tyler making some face I couldn't figure out

"Oh No, FUCK NO. you are not using that voice on me C. That is UNFAIR" I paused giggling at his reaction and he sighed. "FINE. I hate you sometimes, I can practically picture that little pout face you're making.... What's the favor you need." I smirked knowing he was just as weak to me as  my brother was.

"Well.... you seeee. my friend Bryce..." I watched as both of their eyes widened at me calling Bryce my friend and then Bryce rudely  took my phone placing it on speaker like a jerk. "and his uh friend Ty. " I grimmaced at calling him TY hoping He wouldnt say anything about the night at the party.  "Sorta are hosting the bonfire party thing tonight. However the idiots may have forgotten to get a band or music figured out and I was wondering since you love me SOOOO much.... if maybe you and zack and the guys would be willing to play tonight for the bonfire? pleassseeeeeee" I rushed out the last part hoping he would cave. I could hear Max release a breath. And I knew he was in thought.

"Hold on Ty. as in the guy you were with in the bathroom that night?." I immediately felt my cheeks go red at Maxs very cryptic sentence as Bryce kept looking back between me and Tyler shocked. I said a quick mhm. "Fine. ONLY because I love you so much. I'll convince the guys. Text me the Deets babe. And if you're going you better be careful tonight. Zack and I will BOTH be there to hold whatever stupid thing you do over your head forever. "

"Yes you're the best. Thanks I'll text you the deets now! love you. Tell Zack when he's done hooking up with whatever girl hes with that I love him too and I owe him BIG." With that I hung up the call and looked up noticing that Tyler was now gone and Bryce was smiling back at me.

"Guess he didn't like hearing I love you from you to a guy that wasn't him the second you said those words he was gone." Bryce tease and he started to stand up. "But seriously Clara, You're the BEST I'll text you the deets for tonight so you can send it to them. And you better show up. I plan on getting you drunk enough to hear all about this secret Bathroom trip my best friend hasn't told me about."  With that Bryce also vanished as the bell signaling lunch was over rang. I made a mental note to ignore my best friends until they explained why they ditched me at lunch. The second half of the day flew by with nothing huge happening. I was about to walk into Math when I noticed that Bryce was sitting in the seat next to my normal one. My eyes scanned for other open seats but when they scanned over my normal spot Bryce smiled and patted. I internally groaned, sure I had missed the friendship with them at first. But when they all believed HER over me and gave me a hard time and became assholes it sorta got easier to not miss the friendship. I sighed sitting next to Bryce.

      "So... " He hesitated his eyes glancing up making sure the teacher wouldn't notice us talking. "I'm guessing things advanced with Max after that heated make out session freshman year?" My heart stopped and I froze. How the Hell did he know about that?

"Uh.... What..." I paused. This was NOT a conversation I wanted to have especially with an old best friend. 
"Shit..." he mumbled. "Tyler is gonna kill me..."  
"I'm sorry WHAT" I didn't care if the teacher heard or yelled at us for talking. Tyler knew about the interaction with Max before hearing about it last week. I scanned Bryce's face for any emotion but he tightened his lips beforing sighing. "Fine but you DIDN'T hear this from me got it? I'll deny anything." I nodded my head waiting for him to continue but he didn't .

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