I'm Going Home

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Behind Stacy is Tyler who is wearing a scowl on his face. He turns and storms off and Amanda noticing this turns back to me. "Such a fucking slut." She slaps me before storming off I'm left there feeling shocked as Stacy comes up to check on me with Bryce following right behind. "Oh My Gosh are you okay?" Stace asks and I nod. "yeah just confused. She's the one that dared me and Everyone knows the past I have with Bryce and Tyler so it's not like anything would have gone on...."

"Right nothing would have gone on" Stacey replies with a grin. "Nothing did!" I fight back and then I'm shocked when Bryce speaks up. "Yeah well um I may have left some hickeys on you" He chuckles as he points down to the few hickeys he left scattered on my neck and chest.

"Fuck, Zack is going to kill me. Let alone Max since he's there too" I pause looking at Stacy who frowns for a second but smirks realizing what I said. My brother won't actually kill me he'll just be dissapointed and no doubt that him and Max will bother and tease me about it. "And I'M going to kill you Bryce." I turn glaring at Bryce who smiles before I storm off.

I make my way up the stairs searching for Tyler to get some answers but I can't find him anywhere. I walk over to the drinks to see if he's there but he's not. Instead I run into Bella and Chris who both double take and immediately gaze down to my hickeys. They pull me away from my mission or finding Tyler and out back immediately asking questions. "who" Bella asks. Followed by Chris asking "when" I pause sighing placing my hand to my forehead not in the mood to handle this right now.

" I stupidly agreed to play truth or dare and Amanda thinking she was being sly dared me to basically play 7 minutes in heaven with whoever the bottle landed on, hense these. " I point to the hickeys hoping they'll leave it or not realize I left out who it was but clearly they catch on because they both stare at me waiting for me to go on. "Well it backfired when it landed on Bryce I was then reminded that she said No Exceptions and walked to the closet. Clearly things got a little hot. I should have stopped him I mean he's best friends with Tyler. But .. I blame the alcohol" I sigh.

"oh my gosh" Bella starts giggling. But stops when she realizes that I'm not laughing along with her. " I just can't believe that out of all people it was YOU AND BRYCE" She starts laughing again and leans on Chris for support who just mouths sorry to me. "no wonder he left you hickeys. It's about damn TIME" She laughs again and this time Chris speaks. " and No wonder why Amanda stormed upstairs looking Pissed off" I can't help but to smirk until he continues his sentence "and a very upset looking Tyler followed after her" I don't know why but I feel a pang in my heart. Of course he went after her what else was I expecting? I mean after all they're dating. Was I expecting Him to confess some undying love for me? Hell even I was convinced that everything I felt was just because I was drunk not actually real and Tyler had no right to be upset just because I was making out with his friend. Instead of asking any more questions I run back in and making myself another drink. I know I shouldn't use the alochol for my sadness right now but I can't help it. I decided to take a shot or two chugging from the bottle. I lost track of how many drinks I've had and what time it even is. I stumble into Chris and immediately he can tell I'm wasted. "give me your phone. Im gonna call zack" I pout but hand him my phone anyways. "Fine partyyy pooooper" Instead of sticking around after my very clearly mature response I hightale it to the bathroom feeling like I'm going to throw up.

      My instincts were right because within seconds I'm hunched over the toilet throwing up. Someone knocks on the door and I pause. "someone's in here!" I yell and I think they're going to go away until I hear the doorknob twisting. Strange I was sure I loccked that. I'm surprised when I turn around and see Tyler holding a glass of water. " I saw you chugging and taking shots then saw you run away while talking to Chris" He says his name in a tone that frustrates me." Figured you were probably about to chuck, so I brought you some water." He hands me the water and I immediately gulp some down. He chuckles and pulls the glass down "easy there. you'll throw up again if you chug it"

        His warning was a little too late as I feel the water start to come back up. Attractive Clara so fucking attractive. He turns around and Im expecting him to leave again even hoping he does so I don't have to deal with him. However, he simply closes the door and takes a towel out for me and then holds my hair back. I wipe my mouth (attractive I know) and turn around to thank him. "shouldn't you be with Amanda. or drinking with friends?" I swear I see him blush quickly but its gone as quickly as it came and he shrugs. " It wasn't long ago when someone did this for me during a party figured I should return the favor" He smiles but won't make eye contact with me Instead he fixes his gaze onto the floor. " I uh.... never thanked you for that so uh thanks by the way" This time its my turn to look away.

       He's right it feels like not so long ago that I followed him into the bathroom to help him because he was throwing up. Like it wasn't so long ago that we were friends. "And I'm uh... sorry about everything that happened then too" He sighed a deep sigh and I felt bad for him. It had been a pretty crappy night for everyone around. That was the night my relationship ended along with many of my friendships. Before I could even respond the door flew open. For once I was thankful for the distraction. There stood Chris with Max right behind him.

" MAXXXXXXX" I yelled sprinting around Chris almost knocking him over and jumping into Max's arm who caught me with ease.

  " C.J" He chuckled. I tightened my grip around his neck and he gave my cheek a slight kiss something he always did while greeting me. " You ready for me to bring you home? " I nodded tightening my grip around him and laughing as his fingertips tickled my side. I turned around to thank Tyler for his help but he was no where in sight. I shrugged it off dissapointed but thankful at the same time. Max put me down and led me outside by his hand to the car ignoring the few times I tripped. Zack had clearly gathered Chris Bella and Stacy into Max's car while Zack was already driving my car home. I jumped into the passenger seat. " You guys are the BESTTT" I sing out clealry drunk and Max chuckled a deep chuckle. One that forever ago would have melted me but now he was just Max my brothers best friend.

"Yeah and you're drunkkkkk" he fired back matching my tone and we burst out laughing. within no time we were back home and pulling into our driveway.

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