If Essie was Kronos' host... 😔

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I'm sorry this isn't the chapter, but I'm busy making major edits to it rn, so I'm posting this for you guys to enjoy while waiting :)

* so you know how Ethan, Alabaster, and even Luke tried to save Essie from being Kronos' host? Well let's say they failed and Essie became the host anyways 😄

* Ethan's pissed af, Alabaster's miserable, Luke's guilt is eating him away, and CHB is in some serious mourning. And Nico? Kid's a mess

* They are not happy about this at all, esp. Ethan. He wants nothing more than to beat the shit out of Kronos, which is possible since he's in a weaker body rn but the problem is that HE IS IN ESSIE'S BODY. If anyone were to hurt Kronos, it would also hurt ESSIE

* that's where the conflict comes in

* None of them know wtf to do. They need to defeat Kronos, but they don't want to hurt Essie.....

* So Ethan, Alabaster and Luke stay with the Titan Army begrudgingly. Ethan becomes the most loyal and protective right hand man ever, but that's only because he's determined to keep Essie's body safe. Same with Luke and Alabaster.

* Back at the CHB side, some of the campers are a lot more hesitant about the upcoming fight too (Percy, Lou Ellen, Basil, the Stolls, and Nico to name a few)

* Everyone's just hoping they can find a way to get Kronos out of her body without it resulting in Essie needing to die...

* As for Kronos??? Oh, this bitch is HAPPY. Ecstatic. He's now finally got a host body and it's ESMERELDA at that. His plans for world domination is near it's completion!!!!

* but then the next morning, he wakes up and there's blood on him.....


* no, he just picked the worst time to posses Essie's body because now she's on her period :)

* Essie in the depths of Kronos' mind be like:

* one of the female demigods had to gently explain to him what a period was and why girls had to go through it

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* one of the female demigods had to gently explain to him what a period was and why girls had to go through it. It's like a slap to the face for him. Now he's not so happy to be in this host body........

* his previous triumph fades away pretty damn quick. His plans for world domination will have to be put on hold because of this... new development


* the cramps are killing him, he can't wear pants or shorts because of how uncomfy it feels with the pads, his boobs are sore, he feels so tired and even though chocolate helps, it doesn't last long cuz now he's gotta deal with this BLOATEDNESS

* ngl Kronos is seconds away from having a meltdown

* And the periods aren't the only thing that sucks

* You know how Luke kinda looks scary cuz of that scar, mean face, tall stature and how Kronos possessing him made him 10x scarier? Well Essie's not like that at all. There is absolutely nothing threatening about her and Kronos HATES IT

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