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I'm almost done with the finishing touches for book five's foreword, but before I publish it there are some important things you all need to know.

The next books will be darker, and I will have to provide some trigger warnings for it. The trigger warnings include things like:

- Mature themes

- Trauma

- Emotional instability 

- Self-loathing

- Dark romance

- Sexual themes

That's what I have so far, but I know I'll have to add more later. I'm glad that you guys have been sticking with the series so long, but if any of these trigger warnings make you uncomfortable, then I'm perfectly fine if you choose to stop reading. I actually encourage it if any of the topics make you feel queasy because I don't want you guys to get hurt.

For those wondering about 'dark romance'... What is it? There's actually multiple definitions and they depend on the person you ask but I'll try to explain my definition of dark romance:

A dark romance basically features a romantic relationship that is extremely morally grey (they'll be labeled as problematic in real life too, btw). The characters (whether they are the main couple or characters outside of them) do twisted, immoral things, and they're either put in disturbing/distressing situations or are the cause them. The readers might feel scared, disgusted, anxious, when reading about them, so be careful!

I've mentioned it in the author's note of chapter 29 "Mighty Fall" but one of the reasons I didn't pick Jason x Essie was because their relationship would've been too happy, pure, and healthy. I enjoy writing more fucked up characters, so I picked Ethan x Essie because you all know how screwed up they are 😀 And because they're not exactly the most... sanest of people, and because of how intensely they love each other, the sort of romance they have already falls more under the 'dark' category'.

I haven't figured out how 'dark' the romance will be, but I still felt the need to put up the warning because Essan isn't really the most healthiest of pairings (remember guys, he kidnapped her and was the cause of, like... 60% of her problems). There isn't gonna be any abuse or anything too extreme like that, so don't worry. Essie and Ethan will love each other and all that cute stuff, they're just gonna be a lil more... well, you'll see 🙂 It won't be too obvious at the beginning, but if you're sharp readers, then you can pick up the signs. You can probably guess it correctly right now. Either way, good luck!

"Uh author, these trigger warnings are having me spooked, ARE THE NEXT BOOKS GONNA BE HAPPY AT ALL?????!!!!!"

That entirely depends on how you read it.

If you're analytical with a keen eye and the ability to read between the lines, then you'll be quick to realize that it's actually super fucking dark. Remember, most of the books are written in 3rd person Essie's POV and after everything's that happened to her, she can't really be considered a reliable narrator anymore. Her moral compass is completely shattered, she's a lil fucked up in the head, her mental health is in shambles, etc. She might see things in a happier light when they're actually fucking horrifying.

If you're the type of reader who just reads and doesn't really pay attention to the clues or bothers with analyses, then yes, you'll probably see the next coming books as decently happy (aside from the more obvious angst). You'll probably finish the series and be like "oh wow, what a happy ending!" just like how Essie believes it to be! But... is it really happy or is that just what Essie sees it as?

I'm going to mindfuck you guys just like how I'll be mindfucking my characters.


(Also, that's not a hint about the ending. I still have a tentative idea of how I want it to be, but it's not confirmed so don't go around thinking this series will end on a 'happy' note)

Now I'm pretty sure you all guessed it when you saw it, but the 'sexual theme' part is about Ethan and Essie and NO, I will NOT be showing you guys full-on smut. It'll get close to it, but I won't write that far. And yesssss I know it kinda seems too early for them to be doing that but they're teenagers. Plus, they've been friends since they were kids, in love with each other for, like, half of that time and truuuuuust me, had the war not got in the way, they would've dated WAY earlier. So yeah, I figured it would be okay. They just started dating recently, but they've been in love for a lot longer.

ALSO ETHAN GIVES ME FERAL REPRESSED HORNY VIBES!!! 😂 That boy's been stuck in an army for god knows how long, he's gonna s n a p, Essie's virginity ain't gonna last long I'm sorry 😔 She's a shy baby though, she's open when it comes to fluffy affection, but the dirtiest thing she can think of is h*lding Ethan's hand 🥺 Then there's Ethan who should be sent to horny jail 😂 😂 😂 I'm sorry everyone, but our favorite sweet babey isn't gonna stay innocent for very long and you can all blame Ethan for that  😔 😔 😔

AND ANOTHER THING! There will be a squished timeline in the next book. And by that, I mean certain events will happen sooner than in canon. This is only going to be for The Order of the Phoenix by the way, and it's necessary because I have a certain.... plan for the PJO events. Honestly, I don't think the squished timeline will be that big of a deal (you probably won't even notice the difference until it's too late tbh), but I feel like I should still tell you guys beforehand.

Thank you for reading this notice! Next chapter will be about the publishing of Book Five! Make sure you read the list of warnings on the Foreword!

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